
My Personal

Here are 21 pages for your first affirmation. Choose one change you would like to make in your life and begin now!

Remember, they must be:


2. Said and felt with PASSION and POWER

3. Be in the PRESENT moment



Please don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day. If you find that you have skipped a day, just start over again with day one.

Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, your affirmations are working for you.

As you write your affirmations, know
that you are in the process of becoming the
author of your own life script!

Day One

I have all the energy and willingness to write my affirmation ten times today.











Thank you!

Day Two

All the energies of the universe are working for my affirmation today.











Thank you!

Day Three

Everything is flowing easily and effortlessly in my life today.











Thank You!

Day Four

I can feeel positive changes happening in my life today.











Thank you!

Day Five

Positive energy flows through me as I grow on my spiritual path toward love and peace.











Thank You!

Day Six

My Higher Power is working in my life today.











Thank you!

Day Seven

I have new strength and purpose as I continue to write my affirmations.











Thank you!

Day Eight

Positive changes are already happening as I write my affirmations today.











Thank you!

Day Nine

It is powerful to know that I do not make my changes alone.











Thank you!

Day Ten

I am grateful that affirmations work in my life.











Thank you!

Day Eleven

I feeel my affirmation happening with every part of my body and my mind and my spirit.











Thank you!

Day Twelve

As I go through this day, I know that my Higher Power is guiding me.











Thank you!

Day Thirteen

It is exciting to know that my life is moving in a positive and healing direction.











Thank you!

Day Fourteen

I am in the process of releasing all my resistance and doubts and fears so that my affirmation can work in my life today.











Thank you!

Day Fifteen

Everything is happening for goodness and love.











Thank you!

Day Sixteen

I am doing the footwork today.











Thank you!

Day Seventeen

My Higher Power is guiding me on my path and my pace today.











Thank you!

Day Eighteen

My purpose for this day is to become more and more clear as I write my affirmations.











Thank you!

Day Nineteen

I have all the energy that I need to do that which is good and right in my life.











Thank you!

Day Twenty

I am the author of my own life script today.











Thank you!

Day Twenty-One

I am writing my affirmation ten times a day for 21 days.











Thank you!
