
A small group of tired, discouraged-looking people gathered together, waiting to be told where to go. They had just arrived and were confused and disoriented. Suddenly they saw a bright light and heard a gentle voice.


Everyone looked up.

“You have come a long way,” the voice continued. “And you have had many exhausting, painful experiences. Easy does it. Know that you are safe. You have nothing to fear. You are beautiful human beings and I love you.”

The crowd stirred and looked around, trying to find the source of the beautiful voice.

“This is the time to search deeply into your hearts and find your regrets,” the voice went on.

“Some are easy to see. Others are buried deep inside, hidden from your consciousness. Find them all. Be honest with yourselves. Don’t be afraid. Now is your chance to clear out all those blocks that stood in the way of pure joy and love. Regrets serve no other purpose than to keep you stuck in the past.

“What are your regrets? There’s nothing to fear.”

A brave soul said, “It’s so painful to think of regrets. Do I really have to?”

“If you want to be free to move on,” the voice answered gently. “You are ready to move on or you wouldn’t be here listening to me. As the saying goes, ‘Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.’ I think you’re ready to give up your suffering.”

At that, each person looked up, surprised. Some of the tiredness left their faces. They were standing a bit straighter. They listened, waiting for more.

There was silence.

“I wish I had a better sex life,” a graying sixty-or-so man said sheepishly.

“Good,” responded the voice.

“I wish I had taken better care of myself,” whispered a heavy, middle-aged woman with a beautiful face.


“I wish I had more money.”

“I wish I had gone to college.”

“I wish I had been less fearful.”

“I wish I had been a better person.”

“I wish I hadn’t drank so much alcohol.”

Once they began, regrets poured out until there was finally silence.

“Look a bit deeper,” said the voice.

Silence … and then,

“I wish I had been more compassionate.”

“I wish I had been a better parent.”

“I wish I hadn’t taken drugs.”


One man stood alone, not participating. The crowd slowly turned to him. The faces in the crowd were soft and looked younger, and they were all smiling.

“Come on.”


“It feels good just to say it.”


“You can do this,” they encouraged.

“I … I never took a chance. I took a job out of high school, never went to college, never changed my job and never grew. I was always afraid to try something new, and now it’s too late.” He burst into tears and the crowd gathered around him and held him.

“It’s never too late,” said the gentle voice.

“There is always time. I have given you all the ability to change and the gift of free will. You can go back and make different changes if you wish. You have all been born with a very special gift that you haven’t fully used. When you wake up, you will find simple instructions on how to turn around your regrets. Go now. Go with my love. And above all, love yourselves and each other.”