These are going to be short & sweet, like these episodes have been! First of all, I wanted to thank you, my awesome reader, for taking a chance on something new and fun. It was fun, wasn’t it?! LOL. It was for me! :) I had a blast writing these characters in this way (serial form), and I hope that translated while you read their story. Your support in me means the world. The fact that you read the stories I write is a dream come true. I can never thank you enough.

I also wanted to say thank you to Jillian Dodd and Michelle Warren—two ladies who read all my stuff before anyone else and threaten my life if I don’t fix certain things or make it better or tell them WHAT HAPPENS WITH DANIEL AND ELIZABETH RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!!! You ladies are true gems. Thank you for caring.

Last but not least, thanks to my All-Stars. You ladies are the craziest Sterling readers around, and I freaking love you for it! Thank you for loving me. :)