There’s this boy Rufus
in your class and he is so cool,
everyone wants to play with him.
But half the time,
he is writing poetry,
not just on scraps of paper
but in handmade books
all bound together
with bits of leather
and ribbon. Ribbon!
Everyone wants to play with him,
but he is writing poetry.
And the poems are so bad,
a new entrant could do better.
But he is never happy,
unless he is writing poetry.
And you should see him then,
the sun shines on him,
his eyes go all cloudy,
his ears are all deaf,
he chews pencils into shreds,
stares through walls,
through the teacher,
and when he writes,
his hand whirls across the page
like a swarm of locusts,
he breathes in great gusts
of air, his hair
flops over the page,
he’s like some sort of god!
Who cares about the poetry,
you all want to be poets.