All the information you need on electric fencing, whether you need to keep livestock in or predators out.
96 pages. Available in Paperback and ebook.
The essential guide to making it happen, from where to look for good farmland to financing the purchase and every step in between.
128 pages. Available in Paperback and ebook.
How to maintain a small acreage for long-term health, biodiversity, and high-quality timber production.
304 pages. Available in Paperback and ebook.
A Storey BASICS® guide to the essentials of how to put your fields to work. This compact guide covers tool use, judging growing conditions, choosing species, and much more
96 pages. Available in Paperback and ebook.
A comprehensive guide to starting and running, or transitioning to, a certified organic farm.
448 pages. Available in Paperback and ebook.
An indispensable guide, full of advice on planning, marketing, and farming, to make your small farm equal big pay.
228 pages. Available in Paperback and ebook.
An inspiring handbook to introduce the small-farm owner to the real potential and difficult realities of living off the land.
144 pages. Available in Paperback and ebook.