Much love and appreciation to my husband—you’ve always encouraged me to chase my dreams. Love you!
Sincere gratitude to my critique partner, author Kathleen Bittner Roth. I value your insights, your honesty, and your friendship.
Many thanks to Erin Molta, my terrific editor. I truly appreciate your feedback and suggestions, your professionalism, and your kind encouragement. Thank you to my copy editor, Julia Knapman, for your keen eye and skill.
Thank you to my readers. Please stay in touch on Facebook, Twitter, or through my website at
To Liz Pelletier, the Entangled staff, and fellow Entangled authors—thank you so much for your enthusiastic dedication to the romance genre and the sense of community at Entangled.
Last but not least, thanks and hugs to authors Barbara Bettis, Tracey Devlyn, Eliza Knight, Lane McFarland, Renee Ann Miller, Averil Reisman, and Tess St. John. I truly appreciate your friendship and encouragement.