The editors and publishers would like to thank the following copyright holders for permission to reproduce the following material:
M.C. Escher’s “Rippled Surface” © 2014 The M.C. Escher Company – The Netherlands. All rights reserved.; accessed 15 April 2014.
Flege, James (1999). Flege’s perceptual results for the English spoken by 240 Italians who had immigrated to Canada at different ages from ‘Age of learning and second language speech’ in David Birdsong (ed.) Second language acquisition and the critical period hypothesis. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 101–132. Reprinted with permission from Taylor and Francis.
Hazen, Kirk (2011). Percentage of quotative by birth year of West Virginia speakers. A rapidly re-configured variable: Quotatives in Appalachia. Paper presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation-40, Georgetown University. Available from:; accessed 14 September 2013. Reprinted with kind permission from Kirk Hazen.
Labov, William (2010). Transmission and diffusion in Labov (2010: 306) from Principles of linguistic change. Volume 3: Cognitive and cultural factors. Reprinted with kind permission from Wiley-Blackwell.
——(2010). The Northern Cities Shift and the ‘St. Louis Corridor’, where speakers have some features of the NCS, but not complete acquisition of the systematic shift from Principles of linguistic change. Volume 3: Cognitive and cultural factors. Reprinted, with kind permission, from Wiley-Blackwell.
Zeshan, Ulrike (ed.) (2006). Interrogative and negative constructions in sign languages. Nijmegen: Ishara Press. Reprinted with permission from the author.
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