Chapter Thirty-Four
Saturday! The day of the party! The day that I would put on my new clothes, find a new attitude and be aspired to move into a new life. Tonight I was not smoking anything with anybody no matter what the offer was. Tonight, I was going out with my best friend Reds. Tonight we both were gonna look hot and sexy. Tonight would be a night that I would never forget.
The minute Reds’ mother left for work, I dipped straight to Reds house. I pressed and curled my hair. I was still old fashioned that way. I took a long hot bath and pampered myself with scented lotion and the perfume to match that I found in Reds’ mother’s room.
"Come on, the cab will be here soon! Neesh, you been puttin’ on makeup for almost a hour. Let me see what you look like already! Come the hell on!" Reds hollered through the bathroom door.
I slowly opened the door and stepped out. Reds’ mouth dropped open as she put her hand over it and whispered something I couldn't make out.
"Well, stop gawkin’ at me like I'm fuckin’ retarded. How do I look?" I asked her as I twirled around.
"Kaneesha, girl, you’re hot! You’re so pretty when you are all dressed up!" She said.
"You don't do to bad yourself." I said running my hand over Reds’ pretty long hair.
"Look at us. We too hot mamma jammas!" I said and gave my girl a high five.
“Reds, that outfit is slammin’ on you and that color is crazy!” I said admiring her.
Reds had on a metallic blue denim pantsuit. It shimmered when she moved. Reds accessorized with some dainty silver heels and silver jewelry. I had on white, one of my favorite colors. I chose baggie pants, a simple V-neck top with a gold belt, gold accessories and gold and white shoes. I even bought the matching clutch purse. This would ensure that I didn't bring my purple bag tonight. I reached out and took Reds’ hand.
"Reds, listen, I need to talk to you right quick." I said.
"What's wrong?” She asked with concern.
"Nothin's wrong, Reds. But tonight, I don't wanna get high. I don't care who comes at me—I'm not gettin’ high. Now, I'm not sayin’ that you can't—that's your choice. But me, Reds, I wanna stop smokin’ this shit. So tonight I'm startin’ a new story."
Reds looked at me for a moment.
"Ahhh, Neesha. I'm proud of you. Okay, if you don't wanna smoke, that's cool wit’ me. You know I ain't got no problem wit’ it. Just don't rain on my parade.” she said laughing.
"Girl, you know I ain't never gonna do that.”
Reds’ telephone rang. The cab was outside waiting for us. We both squealed like little girls and grabbed our coats and headed out. We were on our way to the club and then to the after party.
The club was packed as usual. It felt good to be out among the partygoers. Reds and I got mad looks as we walked through the club. Reds still filled out her jeans nicely because she was retaining baby fat. I had lost a lot of weight, so I wasn't filling out anything but my face was still pretty and I felt glamorous. I didn't care about any man up in here anyway. I was there to get a couple of drinks and a couple of dances if nothing else. Right now, my focus was on how I was going to get clean and stay the fuck off of crack.
We found a table in the corner and sat down. Reds stated she would go get the drinks. I knew that she was trying to catch attention from any drug dealer that might be in the club tonight. She sauntered up to the bar to order our drinks. I took the opportunity to scan the room. Yeah, there were some major ballers in the joint tonight. Several men made eye contact but I was not interested. All I wanted was Reds to bring me that drink. She came back with the drinks in hand and a wide smile across her face.
“Girl, there some fine ass men up in here!” She said looking around.
“Shit, that one guy over there at the bar said he would take care of our drinks for the rest of the night.”
“Tell me you didn’t.” I whined.
“Didn’t what?” Reds laughed.
“You know what the hell I’m talkin’ ‘bout Reds. Just don’t be makin’ no plans for me. We had that conversation before we left remember?” I reminded her.
“Yeah, Neesh, chill—I ain’t hookin’ you up with nobody. Shit. You turnin’ into a miss goodie two shoes all ready.” Reds joked.
“Reds, I’m not turnin’ into a miss goodie two shoes nothin’. I just need to get my life straight. And my…” I stopped talking and looked behind Reds’ shoulder.
She looked at me and then snapped her head around. There stood the two bag boys from last night. They had come up to our table. The one Reds was with spoke to her. The one that I kicked the fuck out looked like he was still pissed about me not doing him. Reds’ friend was whispering in her ear. The other one continued to mean-mug me. I picked up my drink and held it in my hand. If a nigga wanted to get stupid, I was going to slap him in the face with my glass. Reds looked over at me.
“Neesha, this is Kelly.” She pointed to him and then pointed at the mean muggin’ dude.
“That’s Mumps.” She said.
I nodded my head at Kelly and rolled my eyes at Mumps. Kelly went to pull out a chair and I stopped him.
“I ain’t tryin’ to be mean or nothin’ like that, but me and my girl came to enjoy ourselves by ourselves.” I said looking him straight in the eye.
“What? A nigga can’t chill with y’all?” Kelley asked.
“You can chill with Reds but not at this table.”
“It’s cool. I feel you, Ma, you don’t want me cock blockin’—I got you.” He said standing up straight, grinning.
“Yeah, somethin’ like that. Whatever.” I said rolling my eyes at him.
Kelly leaned down in Reds’ ear and said something else to her. She had that stupid smile on her face like the fucking Joker from Batman. When he finished whispering he stood up and tapped Mumps on the arm. They left the table and walked into the crowd.
“Reds, don’t say shit! I already done told you that I wasn’t feelin’ them two mutherfuckas. Especially that fuckin’ Mumps. He looked like one big-ass mump. That nigga ugly as shit. I’m glad I didn’t suck that dick. And how they think they was just gonna park their black asses at our table without bein’ invited? I don’t want no one thinkin’ I was wit’ either one of them mutherfuckas! And further more, you just pinky swore that you wasn’t breakin’ the code no more.”
“Neesha, chill the fuck out! What the hell’s wrong wit’ your ass? I ain’t breakin’ no code. Okay? Now come on, let’s toast.”
We held up our glasses, made a toast and took a long hearty swing of our drinks.
“Oh shit, that’s our song girl.” Reds cackled with laughter. I fell out laughing too.
“Yeah that’s our song ‘aight.” I said.
The DJ was spinning the old school classic by Rob Base called, “It Takes Two.” Our favorite verse was the first one—“I wanna rock right now!”
We danced and drank and had more fun than we had in such a long time. Reds was making rounds and getting numbers. I resigned to laying low and enjoying the moment. I was looking in my clutch for my lipstick when I heard a voice in my ear.
“You look beautiful.” I didn’t even have to turn around.
“Thank you.” I replied back.
Manny came from behind me and sat down at the table. He gazed at me long and hard. I actually enjoyed him looking.
“I knew the old Kaneesha was still in there. I’m glad to see her back. Now, if you put back on about twenty pounds, you would be the old Kaneesha for real. But you still look very good. I like your hair. Shit, I didn’t know you had that much hair.” He said with a warm smile.
“Yeah, I got hair.” I smiled back at him.
“Well I’m glad you came. I saw Reds prancin’ around. Shit, before she got on the pipe, Reds ran these men in circles around here. I see she’s tryin’ to see if she still got it.” Manny said shaking his head and laughing. “She’ll never change. Anyway, here’s the address to the after party.” He handed me a small piece of paper.
“I wanna see you and Reds there. Look, I ain’t tryin’ to get in your business, but you both need to stay the fuck away from Kelly and Mumps. I seen them two niggas over here. Kaneesha, they bad news. You hear me? They bad news. Ya’ll don’t need to be wit’ the likes of them. Y’all ain’t that desperate are you?” Manny asked.
“No, as a matter of fact, I told Reds tonight that I wanted to quit this shit and get myself together. I ain’t even smokin’. I’m just havin’ a couple of drinks and callin’ it a night.”
“Well, ‘aight, Kaneesha. I’m glad to hear that. And I meant what I said, you get clean, and I’ll do my best to help you out.” Manny reminded me.
“Okay. I’m givin’ it my best.”
“That’s all that anyone can do.” Manny said rising up from the chair.
“Listen, tell Reds don’t do nothin with them boys!” Manny stated again.
“I will. And Manny?” I stopped him.
“Thanks for the shopping spree.” I said blushing. “It made me feel special.”
“You cool peoples, Neesha. I ain’t have no problem hookin’ you up.” He winked at me and walked over to another table.
I saw Benny sitting there. Benny looked up and tried to make eye contact but I quickly adverted my eyes to the bar where Reds was talking and hanging all over Kelly like he was the last man standing. She came back to the table with him. He pulled out the chair and sat down. I didn’t stop him this time. It was almost time to go anyway and I didn’t see his ugly side kick anywhere. Maybe his ass went home.
About fifteen minutes later, the lights came on indicating the party was over. I need to go the restroom and I need to talk to Reds about the after party. She was so busy grinning in Kelly’s face that I didn’t want to say anything about Manny in front of him.
“Reds, lets go to the bathroom before we leave.” I said motioning her to follow me.
“Right behind you.”
She turned to Kelly and told him not to go anywhere.
Hell no, Reds ain’t going nowhere with him. We’re going to the after party where Manny will be and that’s that. I thought.
In the bathroom, I confronted her as she stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself.
“Reds, Manny gave me the address to the after party. All we need to do is catch a hack outside. But listen, he also said to stay the hell away from Kelly and Mumps. He said they bad news.”
“Girl, ain’t nothin’ wrong wit’ Kelly. And Manny need to mind his business. He just mad cause Kelly and Mumps be in his territory sometime. Kelly already told me that Manny don’t like him or Mumps or they crew for that matter.”
“I don’t know, Reds. Manny was serious about what he said ‘bout them two. Personally, I’ma adhere to his warnin’. You should do the same, Reds.” I pleaded to her. She seemed zoned out. “Reds, you hear me talkin’ to you?”
“Yeah, Kaneesha, I hear that shit you talkin’. Look, Kelly and I are goin’ to take a detour before we go to the after party. I needs me a hit and Kelly said he needs a little somethin’ too.” She giggled.
The drinks she had been consuming all night must have caught up with her because her speech sounded slurred.
“No, Reds. We goin’ to get a hack (a person giving rides in his own car for cash), or a cab, and go to the after party. Manny said he’ll be waitin’ on us.” I let her know.
“I heard you the first fifty times, Neesh. But I’m goin’ to get me a package to take home for later tonight. It ain’t gonna take me no more than twenty minutes to do Kelly and then we out. Shit, Kelly gotta car. He can take us to the after party. That way we can keep our money.” She said holding onto the sink for support.
“Reds, why you gotta be so crazy for this dude? What is it about him?”
“I don’t know, Neesh. Maybe it’s nice to have somebody who likes me for me…like you have Manny.” She said falling over a little.
I laughed at Reds. Very seldom was she drunk.
“What’s so funny, Neesh?” Reds slurred.
“Your drunk ass. I don’t get a chance to see you like this too much so I’m takin’ full advantage of it now.”
“What the fuck ever!” She giggled again. “Are you with me? I don’t want to do this alone.”
I stared at her in silence, still wanting to go with my gut.
“Neesh, you know I don’t go no where without you,” she persisted, “so do you got my back on this or not? We just gonna go to the motel real quick. You can even stay in the car. It won’t take long, you know that. Come on, Neesh. Please!” Reds pouted her lips and batted her eyes.
I knew that my ass should not have given in but I did for my girl. She hugged me and we walked out the bathroom and across the empty dance floor to the front of the door. I caught Manny watching us even though he was engaged in another conversation. I read his eyes. Silently, he was telling me, “Do like I told you to do and leave them two alone.” I pushed Reds in her back.
“Why you pushing me?” She said.
“Cause Manny is straight up watchin’ every move we make. So if you want me to sneak off with you and Kelly, I suggest you get your ass in motion now.”
“Damn you act like Manny your man or somethin’. Is there some shit goin’ on that you ain’t tellin’ a bitch?”
“No. Keep walkin’.” I said pushing her some more.
We got out to the parking lot and Kelly pulled up in a beat up Blazer. Just from the looks of the truck, I knew that Reds didn’t have no business bringing them bag boys to her house to begin with. They weren’t rockin’ nothing like Manny, Benny, or even Dubbs for that matter. We got in the truck and headed to a motel. Reds and Kelly were talking nonstop. I sat in the back seat, wondering what my move would be to get myself clean. I sat up and tapped Kelly on the shoulder.
“Where your boy?” I asked.
“Why you tryin’ to put him on?” he asked grinning.
“Hell no! I just wondered where he was that’s all.”
Kelly looked at me in the rearview mirror and sucked his teeth. “He’s out.”
I stared back at him. I didn’t wanna ask him what that meant because I didn’t care, just as long as Mumps wasn’t anywhere near me. Kelly looked back to the road and he and Reds continued their chatter from the front seat. I sat back in my seat.
We pulled up at a motel. It damn sure wasn’t like the ones that our regular ballers would take us to occasionally. This was a dump. I should have told Reds right then and there to fuck this shit and let’s go, but she wouldn’t have listened anyway. We were somewhere way out cause it took us almost forty-five minutes to get there. I looked around for any landmark and to see if anything looked familiar but that was wasted energy.
Kelly got out the truck and Reds followed and she told me wait. She and Kelly were talking outside the truck. A few minutes later I saw him go into the motel. Reds got back in the truck with me.
“This the deal. You can stay out here for a minute. I’ma go in there and handle my business and we’ll be done and be gone. He’s goin’ to take us to the after party. Okay?”
“Reds, are you sure ‘bout this shit? I really don’t want you to do this. Why don’t you just let it go tonight? Shit, we got some money. I’ll give you mine and you can buy a package or get one from Manny.” I pleaded.
“Girl, we here now. I ain’t ‘bout to tell that nigga that he brought me all the way out here and that I ain’t gonna suck his dick. Girl, that shit right there could set a nigga off. No, Kaneesha. I already gave him my word so let me go handle my shit. Lock the door and chill for minute. I promise I’ll be back in under a half.”
With that, she opened the door and ran into the motel. I let out a long sigh and sat back in the seat. Shit, did the nigga at least leave the keys? Shit it’s cold in this raggedy fucka. I sat back up and looked at the ignition. Hell no, that mutherfucka took the damn keys. Now my ass is probably gonna freeze to death out here waiting for Reds . I pulled my coat tighter around me and snuggled up in the corner of the truck. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.
I was thinking about my son and Jarvis. If I see that nigga right now, I’ll cut his wrists open. Sorry son-of-a-bitch. That nigga just don’t… An uneasy feeling came over me and suddenly I opened my eyes and screamed. Standing outside the truck was Mumps. I reached up and immediately hit the lock on the door. It didn’t budge. What the fuck? Don’t tell me this fucka is broke. I tried the lock it again only to have the same results. The lock didn’t budge. Mumps put his hand on the handle and I scooted to the opposite side of the truck. He opened the door and got in. I tried to get out the left side but the back door was dented in on that side and wouldn’t open. My ass was stuck. Mumps closed the door behind him.
“What do you want, Mumps?” I said. I was shaking in my mutherfucking shoes.
“I want what you said was so special for everyone else ‘cept me. I want you to suck my dick, bitch, like I know your crack-ass can.”
“Just leave me the hell alone, Mumps. I ain’t botherin’ you. I don’t do crack no more. So ain’t no reason for me to be suckin’ your dick.”
Mumps burst out into a sinister laugh.
“What you mean you ain’t doin’ crack no mo’? It don’t matter anyway, you owe me from last night. You made a deal with me and Kelly and I’m here to collect on my shit!”
“I said I ain’t…” Smack. Smack.
Mumps had slapped me in the face twice. I tried to run up between the seats to the front of the truck but he grabbed me and pulled me back.
“Bitch, get out! We goin’ in the motel so you can show me how good you suck dick.”
Mumps grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me out as he and I both slid out the backseat of the truck. I tried to kick him but he yanked my hair so hard I thought he snapped my neck. My eyes had begun to water from his pulling my hair. Was I about to be raped again? Was I that bad of a person to warrant this happening to me twice?
I kept trying to pry his hands out of my hair but it wasn’t working. I screamed for him to stop when he punched me in the mouth and told me to shut the fuck up. I started to scream again until he brought out the amo...a nine millimeter with a silencer attached. I didn’t part my fucking lips after I saw that. We walked up to the door that Reds went into. Mumps knocked three times and then knocked twice. The door flew open and Kelly was standing inside smiling.
“So I see you found the bitch, Mumps. I bet she’ll give you some head now.” He laughed.
I looked around for Reds but I didn’t see her. I didn’t hear her. I called out her name.
“Reds. Reds!” I shouted.
“Bitch, you better shut the fuck up and stop all that noise before I blast your ass!” Mumps said.
I looked back at him with terror in my eyes and in my heart but I found my voice.
“Where’s Reds? Is she okay?” I asked, fearful of his answer. “I just wanna know she’s okay.”
Mumps was waving his gun as he talked. “That bitch’s fine. She back there suckin’ dick like a good little crack hoe, but your stank ass think you all that. What was that shit you told me last night? Oh yeah, my dick don’t fit into the special category. Well, my dick is special tonight. So you need to suck it bitch.” He yanked me down onto the floor still gripping my hair.
My body shivered but I wouldn’t do it. I just couldn’t.
“What the fuck you waitin’ on? Get my dick out and start suckin’. And you better do me right. Cause if you don’t, I’ma beat that ass!” he yelled.
Mumps released my hair. He had the gun in his right hand, cocked up on his shoulder while his left hand was on his hip. With shaking hands, I undid his belt buckle and unzipped his pants. They fell to the floor.
“Open your bloody mouth bitch.” I didn’t open it.
He tried forcing his dick between my clenched teeth. When he couldn’t get it in he struck me again in the head and I screamed out in pain, and fell over.
“Come on, girl. Make my dick stand to attention. I know you got it in you.” He laughed.
I picked up his limp dick and put it in my mouth. I wanted to bite that motherfucker but he had that gun.
He must have read my mind and he said, “Bitch, don’t bite my shit. If you do, I’ll take your skull off. You hear me?”
I looked up at him and nodded my head.
“Good, now show me what the fuck them other mutherfuckas be talkin’ ‘bout when they refer to you and your girl in there.” Mumps said.
I began to give Mumps a blowjob and he started to get hard. He started pushing his dick into my mouth with a force that was making me gag. The more I tried to pull away, the stronger he forced his dick in my mouth and down my throat. I was gagging beyond control and I couldn’t breath. I hit Mumps on his thigh trying to get away and he got mad and hit me with the butt of the gun. The force of him striking me caused me to clamp down on his dick.
“Ahhhh!!! What the fuck you doin’ bitch?! I just told you not to bite me!” Mumps began to beat me in the face with the gun and his hand.
I began to scream when he kicked me in the stomach. I doubled over in pain on the floor and I pleaded with him to stop. Mumps stood over me for a moment.
“Bitch, get up! Get up!” He commanded and pulled me by my hair again. The closet door opened and I was terrified as a figure came out and walked towards me. He walked over to where I was laying on the floor.
“So you still playin’ that hard to get game? Huh? Now you don’t wanna suck Mumps dick?! You must fuckin’ really think your skank ass is special then, huh?” Dubbs said.
“Yeah, that’s what the bitch told me last night. That she only sucks special dick Dubbs.” Mumps said kicking me in the back.
“Is that so?” Dubbs laughed. “’Cause I heard you suck Stone and Baggs’ dicks all the time.”
I couldn’t believe Dubbs was standing over top of me again. Where was Reds? Dubbs knelt down beside me.
“This is how it’s gonna go, Reds is first and then I’ma come back and me and my boy here want a performance of a lifetime. Watch her.” He told Mumps. “I got unfinished business waitin’ for me in the other room.”
Dubbs got up and headed to the bedroom. I heard Reds scream and then I heard silence. My heart quickened as the thought of Reds being dead crossed my mind. I wanted to run to the bedroom to get her but Mumps had his nine pointed directly at my head.
“Move and I will blast you!” He warned.
I laid on the floor whimpering softly. Not too long after, Dubbs returned with Reds. They threw her down on the floor beside me. Her face was bruised and swollen.
“Damn, this is sweet. I got both bitches where I want ‘em. Kelly, I thank y’all for roundin’ these two up for me. I told you them bitches couldn’t resist crack. That’s all you had to do was wave that shit in front of they stupid asses and boom,” he paused clapping his hands, “you got ‘em! Look at ‘em. I bet you wish your dumb asses didn’t smoke that shit now? Don’t you?” Dubbs asked.
“Kelly said you give good dick service, Reds.” Dubbs continued running the entire show. “Is that right? He said he had you on your knees slurpin’ his shit like a softy ice cream cone. Damn! Just thinkin’ ‘bout that makes my dick hard. I wanna see if Kelly was tellin’ the truth.”
“Snatch the bitch up, Kelly and plant her ass right here so she can suck me off.” Dubbs commanded.
Kelly pulled Reds up and stood her in front of Dubbs. He poked her in the back with his gun. Reds dropped to her knees in front of Dubbs. He had his dick out ready for her. He grabbed Reds’ head and forcefully brought it to his crotch.
“Open your mouth and suck!” He demanded.
Reds put Dubb’s dick in her mouth and began to suck him. She sobbed during the entire ordeal and so did I.
“Please leave her alone,” I begged seeing her body weaken. “Please.”
“Ah, that’s it…That’s it…Yeah, that’s good.” Dubbs said ignoring me.
Mumps and Kelly looked at each other. I guess they were surprised at how much he was enjoying it in front of everybody. Kelly was standing over top of Reds with his gun pointed to her head.
Kelly downed the rest of his beer and said, “Shit I want some of that too!” He pulled out his dick. He moved around to the front of Reds, posted the gun to her skull. “Suck me too, bitch.” Reds was now giving Dubbs and Kelly head at the same time.
I saw Kelly look over at Dubbs dick and knew another man was turning him on. I also could see the tears falling from Reds’ face. Mumps watched Reds but kept his glock aimed at me.
“Kelly, help Reds come up out them clothes.” Dubbs said.
“No, Dubbs! Please I’m suckin’ your dick like you asked me do! Please don’t do this to me!” Reds begged.
Dubbs reached around and snatched a handful of Reds’ hair and pulled her head back.
“Shut the fuck up! Kelly get them clothes!”
Kelly put his dick back in his pants and snatched Reds’ top from the bottom and tried to get it over her head. Reds fought with Kelly to retain her clothing but when Dubbs reached in and punched Reds in the mouth, she didn’t resist anymore. Kelly removed her top and then snatched her bra off. Reds was on her knees topless.
“Take off them jeans bitch. You know what the fuck to do!” Dubbs continued.
Reds removed her jeans. All that was left was her thong. Kelly reached around and tore it from her waist. Dubbs pushed her down on the floor and Kelly stood over her with his gun while Dubbs positioned himself between Reds’ legs. She immediately began bucking her legs in an attempt to get him away. But Dubbs slapped her across the face. And when Reds fought back, Dubbs slapped her again. Kelly kneeled down and put his gun to her head.
“If you put them hands up again, I’ma pistol whip your ass! Now let Dubbs get what the fuck he came to get.” Kelly said.
He seemed to be getting off on what Dubbs was doing. And I could tell by the look in his eyes, he wanted his approval.
“Dubbs, stop it!” I yelled. “Stop it! Why are you doin’ this?!” I screamed.
“Shut that bitch down!” Dubbs said.
Mumps sat on my back and pushed his gun harder into the base of my skull.
“Don’t say shit else or they’ll be pickin’ up your brains off this carpet.” Mumps threatened.
I put my head down to the side and cried. God, how could this be happening? Kelly had grabbed Reds arms and pinned them down. Dubbs was still in between Reds’ legs and took the barrel of his gun and ran it up and down her clitoris. I saw the scratches on it and knew it was my gun, my Defender.
“Yeah, you like this don’t you?” He mused.
Dubbs took the barrel of his gun and mercilessly shoved it up into Reds vagina. She let out a wail and Kelly slapped her again telling her to shut the fuck up. Dubbs moved his gun in and out of Reds like a dildo.
“Yeah, fuck this gun, baby!” Dubbs panted.
Then he forcefully pushed it further into Reds making her cry out again. When he was done, he snatched it out and forced himself into Reds. As he raped her, he slapped her in the face several times while calling her names and telling her she was a worthless crack whore. When he was done, Kelly, who Reds had caught feelings for, raped her next.
All the while Mumps was sitting on my back waiting for his chance at Reds. When Kelly was done, it was Mumps’ turn. I could hear my best friend whimpering as she was being assaulted gang style. When Mumps got up to rape Reds, Kelly sat on my back to hold me down. Reds was bleeding from her nose and mouth and she had bruises in between her legs and around her neck. She also had bite marks on her breasts from their attacks.
Reds was slapped around so much she lingered in and out of consciousness. When they had their fill of Reds, they focused on me. They left her laying there beaten and bruised and she appeared to be out cold.
“I want that bitch so bad my dick won’t go down until I get that pretty little thing. I got a special dick for her.” Mumps said.
“Yeah, I had that shit myself. She wouldn’t give it to me so I had to take it! Go on.
“Ummm, that’s finger lickin’ good.” Mumps said.
Mumps mounted me and pushed his dick in me with a brut force. I don’t know how Reds got up unnoticed but she ran and jumped on Mumps’ back screaming at the top of her lungs. She was digging her fingernails into his face as hard as she could. Mumps was spinning around with her on his back but couldn’t shake her. Kelly ran over and snatched Reds off of Mumps.
When Mumps turned, he raised his gun and let off two shots. Reds went limp in Kelly’s arms. I saw blood begin to seep from Reds’ chest and I ran toward her.
“Reds…don’t die! Please.”
“I…I…I’m sorry.” Blood spilled out of her body.
“This isn’t your fault.”
“I w…was…pregnant by Jarvis. I…I’m sorry. But…I always lo…loved you.”
With that she fought for her last breath, and died.
I was hurt by Reds’ death and her admission of being pregnant by Jarvis. To be honest a part of me felt it all along when she got pregnant the second time. I didn’t blame her or maybe I didn’t care. All that mattered is that I had lost my best friend.
Right then, I made it my business to fight. I turned around preparing to go out battling for my life. But the moment I was about to lunge at them, the door to the motel room burst open. Red dots were everywhere.
Sounds of guns firing with silencers attached, filled the room. I managed to crawl in a corner while the shooting continued. After less than a minute, the shooting stopped. But I was too scared to lift my head. I looked around the bullet-riddled room. I couldn’t take it anymore so I just screamed.
I figured we had been rescued and that maybe there was still time to save my best friend.
“Reds, wake up! Please don’t leave me, Reds! I love you, Reds. Come on, Reds!” I continued to cry.
Her body didn’t move. Her head lay to the side and her eyes were wide open. I picked up one of her arms and put it around my shoulder. I needed to get my best friend up and out the door. She needed to go to the hospital. She needed immediate attention. Yeah, the hospital would know what to do. They can fix her up. Reds will be just fine. I just need to get my baby up.
I began to pull at Reds’ body. She was dead weight. I laid my head on her chest and cried hysterically. I lifted my face and body up off of Reds’ chest and my white shirt and cheek were now stained with Reds’ deep red blood. Then I heard his voice and felt myself being lifted to my feet.
“Get up baby! Come on!” Jarvis said.
“Jarvis?!” I cried
He looked good and I could tell he was clean. I wanted to be clean too. I wanted a normal life. And for some reason, I wasn’t angry with him for getting Reds pregnant. It didn’t matter, after tonight, I was moving on with my life and he was no longer apart of it.
“Here put your pants back on.” Jarvis said handing them to me.
“Put his ass right here!” Jarvis demanded pointing to the chair.
Tok snatched Dubbs up and threw him in the chair. Dubbs mouth was duct taped as well as his hands and his feet to the chair. I was so into Reds, that I hadn’t realized what was happening behind me. Mumps and Kelly lay dead while Dubbs had been capture.
Tok waved his hand and he and two of the Replacement Killa’s left out the room. Stone walked in carrying a bag. Dubb’s eyes almost popped out of his head. He was so scared that he pissed on himself. Stone surveyed the room. When he saw Reds lying on the floor dead, he put his hand to his face and shook his head.
“Get someting to cover her up wit!” He turned to Jarvis and said.
Jarvis went to the back of the motel room and returned with the bedspread. He covered Reds up and I fell down on my knees and cried some more. Jarvis and Stone watched me in agony. Stone walked over to Dubbs taped to the chair.
“You took five tings of mine. My product, Reds, Kaneesha’s virtue, my partnership with Jarvis and my gun.” He picked up the gun. “Thanks, now I can dispose of this properly. It has Luchi’s body on it, compliments of me”
My mouth dropped. That’s why he wanted the gun back. He killed Luchi with it!
So now dem will take from you!” Stone continued. He then looked at me and pointed to Dubbs.
“Kaneesha, I promised you, Dubbs!” Stone handed me a machete that he withdrew from the bag he was carrying. Then he took out an ice pick.
“Jarvis, remember the story I told you once about the ironing board?” Stone asked.
Jarvis nodded his head and went into the closet and snatched down the ironing board. He put it on the bed. Stone nodded his head to Jarvis and Jarvis cut the tape from around Dubb’s feet. He then snatched Dubbs up out the chair and pushed him over to the ironing board.
Dubbs tried to resist but Jarvis rabbit punched Dubbs in the kidney causing his knees to buckle. Stone assisted Jarvis. They taped Dubbs up to the ironing board in a spread eagle fashion. The board was then titled on the bed for leverage. Dubbs tried to rock the board and was met with a blow to the head from the blackjack baton that Stone had at his side. Dubbs head rolled to the side.
“Put dees on.” Stone said handing Jarvis and me gloves and plastic ponchos.
He put on gloves as well. He then reached back in his bag and took out a whole clove of garlic, stuck the ice pick through it and rubbed it up and down on the ice pick. Dubbs was sweating profusely and tears were running down his face. Muffled sounds could be heard coming from behind the duct tape. His eyes were the only thing that could communicate his fear.
“You are one sicko. You know that, Dubbs? You know what we do to bloodclots like you back home? We punish dem. I shoulda had you killed a long time ago! You are only alive this long because Kaneesha and poor Reds wanted me to save your pussyclot ass for ‘dem. Now my Reds is dead! You made me beat Jarvis within an inch of his life because you stole my package and set him up. And then you raped Kaneesha!” Dubbs was frantically shaking his head no.
“Are you tellin’ me that you didn’t do those tings?” Stone asked.
Dubbs nodded his head yes and Jarvis punched Dubbs in the face.
“We don’t have time to play wit’ dis pussyclot!” Stone said.
He stepped in and in rapid succession, stabbed Dubbs all over with the ice pick covered in the juice from the garlic clove. When Stones was done, he stepped back.
“You didn’t even feel that did you? The garlic numbs the wound upon entry. Internal bleeding will happen slowly. Your insides will fill with blood and then you will feel the pain. Your own blood will kill you!” Stone laughed.
“Kaneesha, take that machete and take from him what he used to hurt you wit!” Stone ordered.
I walked up to Dubbs and looked at the pathetic piece of shit crying in front of me. His eyes were pleading for mercy. I looked down on the floor and saw Kelly and Mumps and remembered what they had done to Reds. I looked over at my best friend lying under the cover dead. I reached down and and grabbed Dubbs’ dick that remained out since before the shoot out. I brought the machete up into the air and in one swift motion like a slave cutting sugar cane; I brought it down onto him. I held Dubbs’ dick in my hands and brought it up to his face for him to see it then I dropped it on the floor in front of him. Muffled screaming could be heard from behind the duct tape. I looked to Jarvis.
“Jarvis, come get you some!” Jarvis took the machete and cut off both of Dubb’s hands.
“You won’t touch no body else motherfucker!” Jarvis spat in Dubbs face.
Stone picked up the hands and put them on the floor in front of him with his severed dick.
“Let this serve as a reminder of what the fuck you did, for the minutes you have left! Come!” Stone said to us.
Jarvis and I walked out with Stone. The Replacement Killa’s were sent back in to clean up the room. Tok was on a special detail. He wanted to see Dubbs die his slow death. He would stay in room and wait for death to come and take Dubbs. Then he would dispose of the body himself.