Tiny Little Bonsai That Fit on a Fingertip
Super-mini bonsai are only about an inch or so (3cm) tall but have huge appeal. Even though they’re tiny, they put out roots and grow just as a regular plant does.
Dragon’s blood cactus (succulent family)
Experience the Real Pleasure that a Genuine Bonsai Brings
One of the enjoyable things about bonsai is being able to shape it to your tastes while you care for the branches and foliage. Super-mini bonsai allow you to fully experience the pleasures associated with bonsai.
Sprout an Acorn and Enjoy Watching it Grow
When making super-mini bonsai, use shoots grown from acorns and other seeds or cuttings with root growth as nursery stock. Seeing the daily changes such as the growth of buds or roots is sure to become a daily source of pleasure.
A silk tree (Albizia julibrissin) and acorn planted together.
Chinese cork oak (Quercus variabilis) at one year (left) and at three years (right).
Enjoy the Four Seasons, Super-mini Style
Buds forming, flowers blooming, leaves changing color and then falling… the seasons change like this even in the world inside a little plant pot. Super-mini bonsai are nature in miniature, letting you experience the four seasons at close range.
Flowering crab apple (Malus halliana)
Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia)
Have Fun Decorating Your Home with Supermini Bonsai
Place them on little plates or coasters, line them up next to miniature figures—there are no rules when it comes to super-mini bonsai. They lend themselves to whatever decorating ideas come to mind. Thinking of ways to display them is part of the fun.
Chinese fringe tree (Chionanthus retusus)
Flowering crab apple (Malus halliana)
Designing Super-mini Bonsai to Your Own Taste
Once you get the hang of things, you’ll be able to shape super-mini bonsai or display them however you like. Super-mini bonsai are little works of art, so enjoy choosing the materials to use and the pleasure of creating expression through form.
Japanese white pine (Pinus parviflora)