Chapter Thirteen

Thirst for Adventure

The lodge’s reception loomed ahead of Lily and Ethan. It wasn’t until they’d stepped into the building that her heart flipped like a fish on dry land. She hadn’t expected this time to feel different, but it did.

But just how different was it? Same-room different? Surely not, she thought. It’s definitely too soon … Right?

At their approach, the perky young woman behind the desk brightened. “Hello. Oh, what a sweet dog. We’re a very pet-friendly place here, so you’re in excellent hands.” She reached into a jar and pulled out a little bone-shaped treat. “Can she have one?”

At a nod from Ethan, she rounded the counter and bent to give the treat to Molly with a pat on the head.

The dachshund took it gingerly, like she was in awe. I give this place five tail wags. Would stay here again.

The desk clerk scooted back behind the computer. “Do you have a reservation?”

Ethan leaned on the counter. It seemed casual, but he looked tired enough that it was probably to prop him up. “No. This wasn’t exactly a planned stop.”

“That’s okay. We’ve got a few rooms available. And you’re in luck.” She leaned in conspiratorially. “It’s marionberry pie night at Peggy’s Pub.”

Lily shared a look with Ethan. “Is that so?”

“And you don’t want to miss Lovers’ Lookout while you’re here.” The woman gave them a wink. “It’s only a short hike, and it’s awfully romantic.”

Ooh, that sounds nice, Lily thought. Her body couldn’t handle anything strenuous, but a short hike after a good night’s rest couldn’t hurt. She tried to catch Ethan’s eye again, but this time, he averted his gaze.

He drew away from the counter. “We’re only here because we had some car trouble. We’ll be heading out as soon as it’s fixed up.”

The woman’s penciled eyebrows rose. “Oh, then I’d best book you two nights, which is even luckier.”

He straightened. “What? Why is that?”

The expression she made bordered on sexual. “Tomorrow’s cherry cheesecake night. Plus, they’re holding their monthly karaoke competition.”

“No. I mean why do we have to stay two nights?”

“Sam’s is the only repair shop around, and he’s closed on Sundays, so he won’t work on your car until Monday,” she said cheerily, typing far too many things into her computer for a room reservation.

Ethan huffed through his nose. “Huh. The tow truck driver didn’t mention that.”

Lily started browsing through the tourism pamphlets next to the counter. “We’ll find something to do. What’s the hurry? We could check out that romantic lookout. And who doesn’t love cheesecake? By the time we leave, we’ll need to plan something strenuous for our next adventure to work off my food baby.” She patted her belly.

His head jerked back. “Baby?”

She pouted. “Don’t food-shame me. I’m on holiday.”

“So,” the clerk interrupted. “A room for two? We have our honeymoon suite available.”

Ethan’s head snapped to her. “Honeymoon?”

“It’s a king bed,” she sang. “Plus, it has a view of the sunset, a Jacuzzi for two, and it’s at the far end of the hall, so it’s very private.”

“What?” His voice rose an octave. “Oh, no. We’re not a couple. I mean, it might look that way because we’re together, but we’re not together together. You know?” He waved his hand, accidentally knocking Lily on the shoulder. He laughed uncomfortably. “Can you imagine?”

Lily rubbed her shoulder, glaring at him. “Okay, I think she gets it. Two rooms, please.”

What just happened? She couldn’t explain why, but he’d suddenly pulled a Jekyll/Hyde act. She practically had whiplash from the change. It was fine if he didn’t care to share a room, but it was like he suddenly wanted to run in the other direction.

The desk clerk hesitated before she silently returned to her computer. Her fingers picked up the pace, and they raced over the keys.

Lily shifted from foot to foot. What the heck is she typing, anyway? It’s not like we’re taking out a mortgage on the place. Suddenly, she was impatient to get to her room. Her very single, for-one room. Not that she minded, but did Ethan have to be so emphatic about it?

He tapped his fingers on the counter. “Actually, about tomorrow. There’s some work I have to catch up on. I’m pretty swamped. And I can’t get in contact with my friend.”

It took a moment for Lily to realize he was speaking to her. He certainly wasn’t looking at her. “You mean Skylar?”

“Yeah, that’s the one,” he said. “Besides, I know you kind of came here to find yourself, and I’ve been hogging all of your time. I wouldn’t want to smother you,” he said like he was doing her a favor.

He turned away and studied the abstract painting on the wall. Clearly, it was far more interesting.

She tucked her hair behind an ear. “No worries. I’m sure I’ll find something to keep me busy,” she mumbled.

Lily frowned at his back. What had happened to “I’m at your disposal?” Part of her wondered if this was what Piper had warned her about. His precious job always comes before everything else. But he hadn’t mentioned needing to work before now. It seemed like more than that, like he was clearly pushing her away after being asked if they were sharing a room. Or it could have been Foot-in-Mouth Lily working her magic again.

Can you imagine?

Feeling the weight of the day settle onto her shoulders, she wheeled her suitcase over to the lounge chairs by the window and flopped into one. She’d only just closed her eyes when someone walked up and tapped her shoulder.

She flinched, and her eyes popped open. Expecting to see Ethan, she was surprised to see another familiar face. One she hadn’t expected to see or, rather, one she’d kind of hoped she’d never see again. Seat 23C: hot plane guy.

She remembered the last time they’d parted ways. Her: hiding behind her hair. Him: covered in toilet cleaner stains and bits of airplane food. But for some reason, he was actually smiling at her, and that felt better than “Can you imagine?”

She jumped to her feet. “Joshua, hi. It was Joshua, right?” she added, remembering that he hadn’t told her his name.

“Josh. Good memory, um…” He squinted like he was forcing the name out of his brain.


“Right.” He perched on the arm of the chair she’d been sitting in like they were old friends with lots to catch up on. “Strange meeting you here. I thought you were staying in San Francisco.”

She shook off her amazement at their chance encounter. “Change of plans. I’m on a road trip to Seattle, while also doing a favor for someone.”

The look he gave her sent a tingle to her toes—or else that was her frozen nerves coming back to life. “I’m glad we ran into each other. It must be fate.”

Fate? He couldn’t possibly be flirting. She’d accosted him with food, toilet water, soap, and—now that she was reliving that flight from hell—her breasts.

As she marveled at his words, Ethan strolled over from the reception desk, eyeing him. Molly sniffed at the hem of the newcomer’s jeans before snorting. I don’t like him.

Ethan handed Lily a card. “Here’s your key. I can take your suitcase for you.”

“That would be nice. Cheers,” she said, not moving an inch.

He picked up Molly and rolled the luggage a few steps before looking back over his shoulder. “Aren’t you coming?”

“No. I can get it from your room later.” She waved him on, but he continued to hover.

Josh gestured to him. “Is this the favor?”

“This is Ethan. An acquaintance of my aunt’s.”

Ethan’s eyes flicked between them. “But we’re together. We’re more like travel buddies.”

“But not like together together.” She repeated his words. “We only just met. I mean, can you imagine?”

Ethan’s face fell. He looked as surprised as she felt. She pressed her lips together. Where did that come from?

Josh leaned forward and stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Molly licked it before Ethan shook it a few seconds too long, as though trying to suss Josh out.

Josh finally pulled his hand away from the grip and turned his attention back to Lily. “So, are you checking in or out?”

“In. We had car troubles, so we’re stuck here for a couple of days.”

“That’s a shame about the ride, but it’s all part of traveling, am I right? I’m checking in as well. The rock climbing around here is supposed to be top-notch.”

“It’s okay,” Ethan mumbled. “Nothing to get that excited about.”

She ignored him. “You rock climb?”

“Not too many outdoor places in London, but I’ve spent some time climbing in South America. I get out whenever I have the chance. I was hoping to get a few runs in tomorrow.” He rocked onto the balls of his feet. “This might sound out of the blue, but you wouldn’t fancy joining me, would you?”

“Actually,” Ethan interrupted, “there was this hike we were going to check out—”

Oh, so now that there’s another man talking to me, he’s suddenly keen?

“I’d love to.” She beamed at Josh. “Totally free. No plans at all. Ethan will be tied up with work, so you’d be doing me a huge favor.”

Part of her felt a tad gratified at putting Ethan in his place after he’d done a one-eighty on her, but her Live Boldly book did have a whole step about making new friends. And even though she was knackered after the rafting fiasco, she didn’t want to waste a moment of her trip lying around in a motel room.

“Well, about that…” Ethan began. “I just got a text from Skylar. He says he’ll get back to me tomorrow night. And the work is nothing I can’t do over a few emails tonight …”

Lily crossed her arms. “I thought you were swamped?”

He lifted a shoulder. “I can shift a few things.”

“Brilliant,” Josh said. “I guess you can tag along.” But by the tone in his voice, it didn’t sound like he thought it was very “brilliant.” “Have you ever climbed before?”

Ethan’s chest sort of puffed up until he looked a bit like Molly with her barrel chest. “You could say that. I’ve never been to South America, but—”

“So, then you know how to boulder, right?”

“Only a rookie doesn’t know how to do that.”

Lily rolled her eyes. Was this a competition? The man was clearly acting possessive only minutes after he’d brushed her off.

“Brilliant.” And Josh seemed to mean it this time. “Then you’ll be okay climbing on your own while I work with Lily. Being a ‘rookie,’ she’ll need a little extra attention.” He turned back to her. “If that’s okay with you.”

She bit back a smile. “I certainly wouldn’t feel smothered.”

He clapped his hands. “Perfect. It’s settled, then. There’s a shuttle that leaves right from the equipment rental shop a few blocks from here. I’ll knock on your door at half past nine, shall I?”

“I’m in room twenty-three.”

Josh’s eyes lit up. “Just like our seat numbers on the plane. It’s fate, I tell you.”

She backed away. “See you then. Oh, Ethan. Thanks for offering to bring my suitcase to my room.”

She saw his mouth pop open before she spun and walked away. After a moment, she heard him call to her back.

“I thought we were going to get some dinner and marionberry pie.”

She waved over her shoulder. “No, thanks. I’m beat. I’ll order delivery.” She wondered if she could charge it to the room. Ethan did say he would pay for everything. And after how he’d acted at the check-in desk, she had a feeling she’d make him pay even more the next day while rock climbing with her airplane hottie.

Go, Lil, she thought as she headed to her room. Maybe that book was really helping her become bolder, after all.