Jesse put hir hair back and knelt on the macadam in the weird light, fiddling with the camera to catch the vacant browns and grays. Bolts of sun shot out of clouds, then cut off. Wind. Mind. Sky. Dust.

Ze pushed a button, texted Jane.



for the law only.


THis is For THE cops or LAW-

mEN who FiNES us. Caril

aND i arE wRiTing This so

That you and EVER body wiLL

Know what has happEM.

On tue. day 7 days befor

you have seen the bodys

of my mom, dad and baby

sister, these dead because

of me and chuck, chuck

came down that tue. day

happy and full of joke’s but

when he came in mom

said for him to get out and

never come back, chuck

look at her, “and said why.”

at that my dad got mad

and begin to hit him and

was pushing him all over


the room, then chuck got

mad and there was no

stoping him, he had his

gun whit him cause him

and my dad was going

hunting, well chuck pull

it and the came out

and my dad drop to the

foor, at this my mom was


so mad the she had a

and was going to cut him

she knot the gun from

chucks hand, chuck just

stood there saying he was

sorry he didn’t want to

do it. i got chucks gun




Jean was yelling so loud

i hit her with the gun about

10 times she would not

stop chuck had the


so he was about 10 steps from

her, he let it go it stop

some where by her head.

me and chuck just look

at then for about 4 HRS.

then we wrapped them and

pull them out in the house

in back.