You lie, changin’ shape, makin’ promises. Get a new skin. Be a man. Be a woman. Start over. Yeah, start over. Wipe the slate clean and sing, sing in my ear like nothin’ matters, walkin’ down a dirt road and the night’s as long as you are, one step after another leavin’ someone I love and you won’t shut up, dust god like memory, wind son rain, once upon a time I mighta got loose a you but now it’s late and every night I lay down to hear you brushin’ on the screen whisperin’ swerve dappled monochrome down in the trees afeared or was it hopin’ in the sudden plunge, your curves in my crotch, your hum in my jaw, like somehow if we’d just go on forever we’d never die.

So there’s this guy and gal drivin’ down the highway and maybe one picked t’other up or maybe they been lovers for years and now, only now, succumbin’ to their feral dreams, can they see who at last they truly are. His name’s Jack and her name’s Jane and maybe they’re alone or maybe they got someone else along, some witness to make it real, some audience, some third sex name Jesse, and they’re cruisin’ Nebraska and Oklahoma and Illinois and Texas and maybe they had good reasons for leavin’, maybe they dropped a string of bodies behind ’em and robbed banks or maybe a dream died or a kid or maybe it’s no more’n the fact that their lives failed to cohere wherever they was livin’, or maybe they think it’s passin’ time, a holiday, maybe they think someday they’ll pull up the exit ramp and come off the road back to the suburbs and their endless hours of windshield starin’, gas-station midnight snacks, state park bathroom grottoes and back-seat sex, trash bag hangin’ off the cigarette lighter, slow spin through the tuner at 2:00 a.m. catchin’ voices like bugs writhin’ in the mind a god, hot air blowin’ through the window, Gideon Bibles, soft shoulders, mergin’ and lanes endin’ right, detours, orange caution loose gravel slow children yielding and no thru trucks, snowcapped mountains, cataract canyons, Ozarks and Ohios and Mississippis and Missouris will all come to a point on the horizon where it’s the end of the line but no, no, you’ll never stop they just think so, but still I pray maybe if I nail you bleedin’ to the page you’ll let me go