About the Author
© Marshall P. Reyher
Deborah Lipp was initiated into a traditional Gardnerian coven of Witches in 1981, became a High Priestess in 1986, and has been teaching Wicca and running Pagan circles ever since. She has appeared in various media discussing Wicca, including the A&E documentary Ancient Mysteries: Witchcraft in America, on MSNBC, in The New York Times, and in many smaller TV and print sources.
Deborah has been published in many Pagan publications, including Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac, Pangaia, Green Egg, The Druid’s Progress, Converging Paths, and The Hidden Path, as well as Mothering Magazine. She has lectured at numerous Pagan festivals on a variety of topics.
Deborah lives just outside New York City with her spouse, Melissa, and an assortment of cats. She is the proud mother of Arthur Lipp-Bonewits. Deborah is obsessed with logic puzzles, James Bond, and old musicals.