
I wish to acknowledge and thank the readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz and Cilka’s Journey who reached out to me, by email, through my publishers, by attending a talk I was giving and speaking to me in person. It is because of you I have written this book. You shared with me your stories of hope, relating them to Lale, Gita, and Cilka. You brought me tears, you made me cheer for you as you bravely told me something deeply personal, trusted me to listen, and I did.

There are two people at my publishers who are responsible for this book. Kate Parkin and Margaret Stead, I owe you a debt of gratitude for your encouragement, your passion, your expertise, your love in guiding this book to the printers. It was as much your dream to write these words as it was mine.

I have mentioned them in my dedication but want to acknowledge further the staff, the patients, and their families and friends who passed through my life at Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne. In particular, Glenda Bawden. A woman of immeasurable compassion and generosity who I was proud to call “Boss” for over twenty years. Your actions and deeds taught me how to care.

My daughter and son-in-law for allowing me to write something deeply personal and stressful about a time in their lives. I hope by sharing this, you will help others.

Livia, Pam and Oded Ravek, Dorit Philosoph, the families of Magda and Cibi for reaching out to me, opening up to me and giving me a reason to listen.

The wonderful people at my publishers Bonnier Books UK for taking a chance with this fiction author writing a nonfiction book. Perminder Mann, Ruth Logan, Claire Johnson-Creek, Clare Kelly, Francesca Russell, Stephen Dumughn, Blake Brooks, Felice McKeown, Vincent Kelleher, Elise Burns, Stuart Finglass, Mark Williams, Carrie-Ann Pitt, Laura Makela, Nick Stearn, Alex May, all the gang.

My friend, manager, traveling companion, she who makes me laugh, Benny Agius. We have had, and will continue to have, some wonderful adventures together. Thank you so much for everything you do for me.

I find my hope and inspiration in my family. They will always be acknowledged as the most important people in my life inspiring and contributing to my continued writing, my reason for living. My children, Ahren, Jared, and Azure-Dea. Their partners, Bronwyn, Rebecca, and Evan. My growing family of grandchildren, Henry, Nathan, Jack, Rachel, and Ashton. And Steve. I love you all so much. Thank you.