
What a long strange trip it’s been. I’ve been extremely fortunate to investigate active locations worldwide. Though I’ve been a believer, researcher, and experiencer of the reality of an extraordinary afterlife for many years, I was not by any means someone who (initially, at least) thought Frank Sumption’s creation was anything more than a broken radio. That disbelief lasted for an entire year after being given one of Frank’s original Ghost Box devices to test in the field.

It was only after I actually tested the Ghost Box, first in my office and then at the Sallie House, that I realized it truly worked—and that the possibilities for using the Ghost Box were endless: connect with loved ones in spirit, communicate with historical figures from any era, and even pick up messages from diverse astral beings, from angels to ETs. Another possibility is helping the police solve crimes with the Ghost Box. My team and I are still in the process of working on a double homicide case that happened in 1970. Rumor has it the information we’ve provided to local law enforcement was the reason the case was reopened several years ago as an active cold case file. (My mom and I plan to write a full account of this tragic crime and what we found out using the Ghost Box in a future book.)

Frank Sumption and I worked together for many years attempting to improve the Ghost Box technology. We didn’t always get along and we butted heads on more than one occasion, but in the end we remained colleagues and friends. We experienced the sudden popularity of the Ghost Box and also dealt with those who attempted to destroy the research and messages it provided.

It is only recently the paranormal and psychic communities have recognized what a great and talented man Frank Sumption was and appreciate the work Frank and I have done using the Ghost Box.

Frank passed away in 2014. Today I carry the torch for both of us in hopes of providing ultimate proof of true two-way spirit communication.


My mother and I want to thank everyone for reading our first book. We look forward to sharing many more exciting stories with you in future books! In the meantime, please visit us online:





https://www.facebook.com/Psychic-Moon-Family- 424448794389691

https://twitter.com/maninthemoon, >https://twitter.com/PsychicMoonFam
