In this version several minor inaccuracies, most of them noted by readers (without whom, we acknowledge that books could not happen), have been corrected. For example, the text on pages 38 and 39 now corresponds exactly with the runes on the map in the front of this book that were written in a font that was supposed to be impossible to read. Thank you, trollhunter44 of lotr.wikia.com, for pointing this out. More important is the matter of chapter five, which was originally lifted directly from my dream journal and was not intended to be the foundation of 1,200 more pages of literature. There the true story of the Riddle Game is given, as it was eventually revealed (under pressure, which is now retroactively relevant) by Billy to Dumbledalf, according to the Purple Book, an entire book I had to write to correct this problem. This is in place of the version Billy first gave to his friends and actually set down in his diary (which, even though I never mentioned it, I can assure you exists, trollhunter44). This departure from truth on the part of a most honest wobbit was a portent of great significance. That’s right, trollhunter44, your tireless work has resulted in a portent of great significance. I’m sure that makes it all worthwhile. It does not, however, concern the present story, and those who in this edition make their first acquaintance with wobbit-lore need not trouble about it. Please, save the troubling for trollhunter44, who will save us all. An explanation of this apparent inconsistency lies in the history of the anklet, as it was set out in the chronicles of the Purple Book or The Similarillian, or wherever the hell I put it, and is now told in Bored of the Rings. Thank you, trollhunter44, for your loyal patronage, and I hope the Moblin whose dialogue you made me alter on page 51 kills you in your sleep.