£10.66 And All That

A Dorset wood which was valued at £9 in the Domesday Book is now on the market at £120,000.

Daily Telegraph

Gloomily, the Shaftesbury branch-manager of William & Bastards rubbed a clear patch in the little mullioned window with his smocked elbow, and stared out.

‘Cats and dogs,’ he muttered.

‘What?’ said his assistant.

‘The rain is coming down,’ replied the manager, ‘cats and dogs.’

‘Bloody portent, that is,’ said the assistant. ‘There’ll be bishops dead all over by tea-time.’

‘Not real cats and dogs,’ said the manager, irritably. ‘It is just an expression.’

‘It doesn’t mean anything,’ said his assistant.

The manager rolled his eyes, rooted in his hirsute ear, cracked a hidden nit.

‘You cannot expect to know what everything means, these days,’ he said. ‘The language is in a state of flux. Cats and dogs is probably from the Norman.’

‘Why not?’ grumbled the assistant. ‘Everything else bloody is. I never eat out any more. Time was, you found a maggot on your plate, you stuck an axe in the cook. These days it’s 305 more than likely simmered in a cream sauce with a bloody peppercorn on its head.’

The manager sighed.

‘Nevertheless,’ he said, ‘estate agency is nothing if not adaptable to change. We are at the forefront, Egwyne. We have got to be perceived to be red-hot. Hence smart fashionable expressions, e.g. cats and dogs.’

‘What is e.g. when it’s at home?’ enquired the assistant.

‘It’s another one,’ replied the manager. ‘You hear it everywhere.’ He peered out again. ‘Funny thing about this glass stuff,’ he said, ‘it makes people’s legs go little. That woman from Number Four just went past, her feet were coming out of her knees. Her dog looked more like a bloody lizard.’

‘If she finds out it’s the glass what’s doing it,’ said the assistant, ‘she could very likely sue us. I reckon we ought to have it took out again. God knows what it’s doing to our eyes, they could start going little any minute, why did we have it put in in the first place?’

‘It is what is called chic,’ said the manager.

His assistant stared at him.

‘Do not blame me, Egwyne,’ said the manager, looking away, ‘this stuff is coming straight down from head office. I am getting memos headed From the Stool Of The Senior Bastard informing me they are determined to drag estate agency into the eleventh century. You do not know the half of it, Egwyne. It is a whole new, er, ball game. It is where it’s at.’

His assistant sniffed.

‘I wouldn’t care,’ he said, ‘we’ve hardly shifted nothing since we were set up. It may well be estate agency is not a British thing.’



‘Never mind. Since you raise the point, Egwyne, the plain fact is it is all a matter of marketing.’

‘What is marketing?’

‘It is the name of the game. The old days of if you want somewhere to live you go round to the bloke with three chickens and if he doesn’t reckon it’s a fair price you knock him about a bit are over, Egwyne.’

The shop-bell tinkled. A young couple, entering, shrieked and ran out again. The manager hurried to the open doorway.

‘What is it?’ cried the young man, backing off. ‘Leprosy? Boils? Ague?’

‘Do not be alarmed!’ replied the manager. ‘It is only a concept. It rings when you open the door.’

His assistant appeared at his shoulder.

‘Yes,’ he said reassuringly, ‘it is a ball game where it’s at. Come on in out of the cats and dogs, it’s bloody chic in here, e.g.’

Hesitantly, the young couple re-entered.

‘We’re after a hut,’ said the man.

The manager beamed, drew up a pair of stools, flicked an unidentified dropping from one, and motioned his clients seated.

‘And what sort of price range are we talking about?’ he said.

‘About eight bob,’ said the husband, ‘tops.’

The manager sucked his teeth.

‘What have we got in the way of eight-bob huts, Egwyne?’ he said.

‘There’s that rat-riddled old drum we’ve been trying to shift down by Aelfthryth’s Swamp,’ said his assistant, ‘or possibly in it, by now; you know what it’s like with bogs.’

‘Rats?’ enquired the young woman.

‘Not large ones,’ said the manager. ‘Some of ’em are virtually mice. It’s got a lot of roof.’

‘It would have to have,’ said the young man, ‘for eight bob.’

‘I’m not saying eight bob,’ said the manager, quickly. ‘We could certainly knock one-and-threepence off for cash. It’s got a door up one end with a brand new string on it,’ he added, ‘it’s got a ladder for climbing up to repair some of the roof it hasn’t got, and a nice window without any of that glass what makes your legs shrink.’

‘Has it got a floor?’ enquired the young man.

‘All right, six bob,’ said the manager.

‘Any land?’ said the young man.

‘Ah,’ said the manager. ‘It has got land, hasn’t it, Egwyne?’

‘No point denying it,’ said his assistant. ‘They’d notice it straight away, anyhow. You cannot miss it, bloody great forest out back, could be anything in there, goblins, bogeys, trolls, you name it, well, it wouldn’t be five bob otherwise, would it?’

‘Four and sevenpence,’ said the manager. ‘It’s got a relatively scum-free well, mind.’

‘I don’t know,’ said the young woman, ‘we were rather set on . . .’

‘Tell you what,’ said the manager quickly, ‘you could chop the trees down, anything nasty’d soon run out, call it four bob and I’ll chuck in Egwyne to come round with his axe, he’ll have that lot down in next to no—’

But the shop bell had tinkled again. Egwyne watched them go, from the window.

‘She’ll never fancy him now his legs have gone little,’ he said. He grinned. ‘Serve ’em right, it was a steal at four bob, some people don’t know when they’re lucky.’

The manager might well have responded, had not the door opened again.

It was a slim young man in a neatly tailored smock, flared, patch pockets, and polychrome embroidery at the scalloped neck. He was clean-shaven, save for a thread of ginger moustache, astonishingly symmetrical for the period, and his hair glinted with polished lard. He had at least four teeth.

‘Good morning,’ he said. ‘Edward the Smart, from head office.’

The manager and his assistant cringed expertly backwards.

‘Sir,’ they murmured, ‘sir.’

Edward the Smart waved the deference away with one heavily ringed hand, while the other raised a large leather-bound book it had been holding and laid it on their table.

‘We have noticed up head office,’ he said, ‘that Shaftesbury is into a disappointing situation tradewise. In short, as of this moment in time, you have shifted sod-all.’

‘It is always a bit quiet after a war, Edward the Smart, sir,’ mumbled the manager. ‘People want to be dead sure the pillaging etcetera has finished before rushing into property.’

‘E.g.,’ added his assistant, keenly.

‘Yes, well, be that as it may,’ said the man from head office, ‘we have something we wish for you to run up the flagpole.’

The manager narrowed his imperceptible brows.

‘Is it a concept?’ he asked. ‘Is it red-hot and chic?’

Edward the Smart looked at him, and knuckled his moustache smooth.

‘It is called advertising,’ he said. ‘We have just invented it.’

‘Is it like cream sauce?’ enquired the assistant, eager to commend himself. ‘Is it like snails’ legs? Is it e.g.?’

Edward the Smart opened the big book. The page was blank.

‘This is what we call the Domesday Book. It is a property guide. It goes free to everybody earning more than two pounds per annum.’

‘The rich get everything,’ muttered Egwyne.

‘On each page,’ continued the man from head office, ‘William & Bastards will advertise a desirable property to the discerning buyer. Now, what can we put in from the Shaftesbury branch?’

‘We got a four-bob rat-infested drum in the middle of a haunted wood,’ said the manager. ‘That’s about it.’

‘Better write down three-and-six,’ said his assistant. ‘No point misleading anybody.’

Edward the Smart looked at him for a very long time. Finally he said:

‘Do you have a written specification of this item?’

The manager produced a crumpled note, licked a cheese-crumb off it, and handed it across. Edward the Smart considered it for a while, hummed a snatch or two of galliard, finally began to write.

‘Just in the market,’ he said aloud, quill darting, ‘a bijou cottage-style residence in the midst of a fine wooded country estate, magnificently located beside a lush water-meadow supporting a truly rich profusion of wild life. The house itself is wholly original and constructed from local materials to blend perfectly with its environment, and requires only a touch of sympathetic decoration to create a magnificent rural retreat that is, nevertheless, being secluded but not isolated, within easy reach of all amenities. The superb woods which go with the property are rich in local legend, and offer a mature aspect from all windows. Due to bereavement, the present titled owners wish to dispose of the property quickly, a factor reflected by the realistic price of only nine pounds. An early inspection is advised.’

Edward the Smart put down his quill.

The manager was whimpering quietly in the corner.

The assistant licked dry lips.

‘Nine pounds?’ he croaked, finally, ‘nine pounds?’

Edward the Smart snapped shut his book.

‘Yes, I know what you’re going to say,’ he said, ‘but if it does turn out to be underpriced and we get a few nibbles, we can always withdraw it, bung it in at auction, and crank it up a bit on the day, could go as high as a tenner. I take it you have a false beard and something to wave?’

And with that, he was gone.

Slowly, the manager pulled himself together and hobbled to the window.

‘Tell you a funny thing,’ he said, ‘his legs haven’t gone little. What do you suppose that means?’

The assistant thought for a while.

‘That he’s Old Nick?’ he said.

‘E.g.,’ replied the manager.