Emergence is dedicated to my eldest daughter, Suzanne. Years ago, she asked me a critical question: “What do we know about the developmental path of the Universal Human?” We began to search together to discover the pattern of our own Emergence. How did it happen that each of us had evolved so far beyond the worldview and state of being in which we were born? We probed our own life paths, sharing our earliest memories, our unitive experiences, our woundings, choices, awakenings, and passionate desire to more fully express our unique creativity through joining with each other. Suzanne, a weaver, mother, and gardener, is discovering and recording a “Blueprint,” a new lens that serves as a portal for us to discover the actual process of our own personal Emergence through “whole-oriented consciousness.” We are deep partners in the Emergence Process.

I also dedicate Emergence to my beloved sister Patricia Ellsberg, who is a remarkable social-change activist, strategist and evolutionary coach. We have been best friends our entire lives. As the wife and partner of Daniel Ellsberg, she helped him release the Pentagon Papers to the press, which contributed to the ending of the Vietnam War and the downfall of a US president. She inspired me to realize the full value and significance of Emergence, and I am delighted she is joining me in teaching the Emergence Process widely throughout the world.

Emergence is dedicated with everlasting gratitude to Patricia Gaul, known as the “mother” of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, who has done the major work to serve the foundation's purpose to “Communicate, Educate, and Activate Humanity's Potential for Conscious Evolution.” With her husband, Norman Kremer, she has directed and produced the Humanity Ascending documentary series, including Our Story and Visions of a Universal Humanity.

I also dedicate Emergence to my friend Stephen Dinan, CEO of the Shift Network, a global multimedia company that is producing my seminal work, including teleseminars of Emergence and Agents of Conscious Evolution. Stephen is producing “Birth 2012: Co-creating a Planetary Shift,” he is a visionary architect of the emerging world. I also thank Devaa Haley Mitchell and the whole Shift Network team for their gracious assistance.

Emergence is also dedicated to Sidney Lanier, founder of American Place Theatre in New York City and author of The Sovereign Person: A Soul's Call to Conscious Evolution, whose love of me and faith in the emergence of the “sovereign person” in each of us has drawn me forth and supported me for so many years.

Very special and ongoing thanks to Neale Donald Walsch, who urged me to write this book, who was its first editor and publisher, who has supported me in all my work and countless others through his inspiration. As a popular author and teacher, he is helping millions to change their image of God, humanity, and our cultural story, empowering us to become the greatest version of ourselves that we can be. He has also written The Mother of Invention: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of YOU, recounting my life journey, starting in the future.

Special thanks to Sister Judy Cauley of the Sisters of St. Joseph, who has undertaken to systematize and bring into teachable form the whole field of conscious evolution, to offer it to people seeking to form communities and hubs to understand, embody and act as agents of conscious evolution.

Special thanks to Holly Norman, who with my sister Patricia greatly helped me edit this new version of Emergence. Holly has been an embodied practitioner of Evolutionary Consciousness, both through her work in corporate America and in her daily life, and has made a significant contribution to the teachings in Emergence.

Special thanks also to Ron and Victoria Friedman of the Vistar Method of circle formation, who are offering us guidance in forming a global network of evolutionary circles to encourage our conscious evolution.

Also deep gratitude to the “Seed Group” of the Santa Barbara Conscious Evolution community, who invited me into the resonant field that launched the repatterning of my life and with whom the first edition of Emergence was written. The whole community tested the Emergence Process for the first time, forming resonant core groups to practice the shift from ego to Essence. Special thanks to Bonnie Kelley, Lucky Sweeney, and Jeanie Derousseau, who were leaders in this effort.

I add my special thanks to Teresa Collins and Marshall Lefferts, who as executive directors of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution brought forth the first major teaching through Gateway to Conscious Evolution and trained guides throughout the world.

Also to Carolyn Anderson, who was my campaign manager during my successful political campaign to have my name placed in nomination for the vice presidency on the Democratic ticket in 1984 and who with John Zwerver co-founded Global Family, pioneering with me the core group process. She, John, and Katharine Roske coproduced The Co-creator's Handbook: An Experiential Guide for Discovering Your Life's Purpose and Building a Co-creative Society and recently served as editors for 52 Codes for Conscious Evolution: A Process of Metamorphosis to Realize Our Full Potential Self (a vital next step after Emergence).

Also, while becoming a second “mother,” birthing myself and others as young Universal Humans, and partnering with my eldest daughter, Suzanne, I am so inspired by all my beloved children, Woodleigh Marx Hubbard, Alexandra Morton, Lloyd Frost Hubbard, the late Wade Hubbard, and all my grandchildren: Danielle Hubbard, Peter Hubbard, Jarrett Morton, Renee Brown, Savannah Rose Hubbard, Clio Nelson, and Liam and Teagan Hubbard. I want to thank my late husband, Earl Hubbard, for his magnificent art and inspiration in our codiscovery of the new story of our birth as a Universal Humanity.

There are countless colleagues and evolutionary leaders who have deeply inspired me, including Jonas Salk; Abraham H. Maslow; Buckminster Fuller; Dr. Thomas Paine, deputy administrator of NASA; Gene Roddenberry, originator of Star Trek, and Jean Houston and Hazel Henderson, the first co-creative women I had ever met who influenced my life forever. A recording of my conversations with Houston and Henderson was published in the book The Power of Yin: Celebrating Female Consciousness. We are all members of a worldwide community of evolutionary and transformational leaders.

Finally to my first benefactor, the late Laurance S. Rockefeller, who supported this work for ten years, bringing it to a point of fulfillment.