The Repatterning of Life

At this final step in our Childhood, we ripen and come to a new level of maturity in our development as Universal Humans. Just as a child attending school for the first time is awkward and then gradually gains confidence, so are we, as young Universal Humans, gradually coming into a greater Essential Self confidence, a deeper trust of our inner knowing, a new way of relating to one another. We are at home in the kindergarten of the godlings.

At this step, the more we let go of egoic fears, the more we find that our external life reflects the deeper guidance and motivation of the Essential Self. There is a coincidental relationship between inner integration and outer manifestation. We see clear demonstration that the inner creates the outer, that intention manifests, that our consciousness is causal in the events, relationships, projects, and visions of our lives.

The Story…

As the Emergence Process accelerated within me, I found myself trying to hold on to my old pattern out of fear that I would be left bereft. I clung to my familiar life pattern, knowing that it was not working as it was, especially in my work and my relationship. But I was afraid to let go.

Despite my fearful efforts to maintain it, the old pattern disintegrated and fell away. This is natural. The old social structures that sustained us are breaking down, while new consciousness and social systems are barely breaking through. Few of us have yet found where we fit best in the emerging world. The structures in our personal life often can no longer support us as they did. We may have new vocations, callings, yet there are few experts, no labels, and no pay! We are pioneers. Feelings of fear, chaos, and panic, both in our inner world as well as the outer world, are natural and real. Yet, when we see our problems from an evolutionary perspective, we recognize that our crisis is potentially the birth of a new culture and a new human. From the vantage point of our Essential Self, we realize that such problems and concerns are evolutionary drivers. They are stimulating our own Emergence.

Nonetheless, during this period I went through a period of panic. Chaos seemed to be everywhere. It felt like “failure,” but in retrospect I see that, as is so often the case, the breakdown was absolutely essential to allow the breakthrough to occur.

When I have shared this story with other evolutionary leaders, I find that they are experiencing the same phenomenon. Yet most of us find that when we persevere in our inner growth and in our vocational callings, in humility, faith, and good cheer, the process itself will often jump our life and work ahead into a new domain that fulfills our deepest heart's desire.

It is vital in the early days of our Emergence to follow that “compass of joy” through the darkness of our confusion. It will lead to fulfillment if we will only stay the course. This inner compass guides us when we discover and say yes to our deeper life purpose, to what attracts us to give. This yes is a sign that the impulse of evolution is guiding us. It resides in and as our Essential Selves.

The more chaotic it gets in your personal as well as social life, the more important it is to deepen your practice in the Inner Sanctuary and the Sunlit Garden of Co-creation. You will be able to stay connected on the inner plane as you move out into your daily life and work in the world. The more often you can share this process with others who are going through the same, the more you will stabilize.

I have found that my heart's deepest desire for a more full life, for higher consciousness and greater freedom, has never guided me falsely. I realize that this yearning is the direction of evolution itself, not just my own personal need. At every choice point, I followed the evolutionary signals from within toward more consciousness, greater freedom of expression, and more cooperative and co-creative relationships. This is the trajectory of billions of years of evolution encoded in each of us. When the Essential Self takes authority, this sense of direction is enhanced.

Through this developmental process we gain an “evolutionary faith” that our struggles are not just a personal whim or a sign of failure of ourselves or of society. They are in the great tradition of evolution itself. Crises precede transformation. Problems are evolutionary drivers. Nature takes jumps through greater synergy, separate people coming together to form new wholes greater than the sum of our parts. We are this story come alive. We are the universe in person!

This faith is alive in the Essential Self. It gives meaning to our crises and guidance to our new powers.

The daily journal writing intensified as “I,” the Beloved, consciously wrote as the “I am” to my local selves:

I am calling you to the complete family reunion within Me. Bring the separated mind home to the God within. Through this fusion of selves within, we will come through the fire of alchemical transformation from our creature to our co-creative phase. Our will joins the universal design of creation—wholes within wholes within wholes.

It is our teaching of this that will bring in everything we need as we need it.

You, local selves, release your anxiety, and allow Me, who is one with the Great Creating Process, to lift you up unto the radiant, self-transcending process of creation out of which we are continuously being created.

Local selves, in all your diversity and individuality, now release your burdens completely and enter the Holy of Holies, the Rose Chamber of Union of the Human and the Divine. Here you must dwell in blissful union every day during this vital period of repatterning. Otherwise, the alchemical process is aborted, the old anxieties flood your system, and you are set back further than if you never began. This is a dangerous period. This is the birth process of a new identity. And we don't have full models of what we are becoming.

The Guidance…

This external repatterning of our lives can be difficult, not what we may have expected. Dysfunctionalities, situations that have not worked for years, aspects of our lives that are out of alignment with our Essential Self, begin to show up. They become intolerable in contrast with the new inner harmony.

The dissonance at this more advanced stage can actually abort the alchemical process and be more destructive than dissonance was when we were more fully egoic. The contrast is sharper and thus more painful, making it seem as though everything is breaking down. But it is vital to the process that this breakdown be allowed to proceed without fear.

If we can stay centered, relax, and “let go, let God,” as the popular saying goes, we will find that dysfunctionalities begin to drop away, while on the other hand, new “functionalities” appear. Things that seemed impossible to manifest before now begin to happen effortlessly. “Miracles” happen, but they are only miracles from the perspective of the separated mind. From the point of view of the Beloved, they are natural. At this stage, the willingness to tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty is a prized quality for our continued Emergence.

When new order starts forming out of chaos in our own lives, we realize we too are part of the self-organizing universe that brought us from subatomic particles to this very instant of time. It is no more miraculous that we should evolve into a higher order than the fact that subatomic particles made atoms and that molecules made cells.

Everything is miraculous and mysterious beyond the understanding of the rational mind.

As we release our bondage to the separated self, we enter more deeply the organic unfolding of nature. We are in alignment with the deeper patterns that are creating all existence including us. After all, nature arose and is continuously arising out of an invisible, nonphysical field able to self-organize from nothing at all to everything that is, following a deep tendency toward higher consciousness and greater freedom through more complex order. We are expressions of that transcendent, awesome, magnificent, universal organizing intelligence.

When our separated minds quiet down, our deeper self, which is one with that intelligence, comes forth. We learn to sustain the internal resonance of our inner state as we work in the world. We learn to maintain resonance with others, doing the work together. In fact, being and doing blend together seamlessly.

We see this in nature. We do not look at a leaf and ask, “Is it being or doing?” It is simply being itself—leafing. When we are at one with the Essence of our being, we lose “self” consciousness. We are in the flow; we are the very Essence expressing itself.

If subatomic particles could make atoms, and atoms could make molecules, and molecules cells, and so on up the great spiral of evolution, then surely we can Self-organize to fulfill our own creative potential in cooperation with others doing the same. It is natural. What is unnatural is the illusion that we are separate from that cosmic intelligence that is creating everything that is.

Ken Wilber writes in One Taste (1999) how our Essence expresses in the process of creation:

Once you find your formless identity as Buddha-mind, as Atman, as pure Spirit or Godhead, you will take that constant, non-dual, ever-present consciousness and reenter the lesser states…reanimate them with radiance…. You will pour yourself out into the mind and world, and create them in the process, and enter them all equally, but especially and particularly that specific mind and body that is called you…. You will then awaken as radical freedom, and sing those songs of radiant release, beam an infinity too obvious to see, and drink an ocean of delight….

As we are shifting our attention and identity to the Essential Self and experience the world outside from this inner vantage point, the outer action seems miraculously to repattern itself to a higher order, one that is more resonant with our inner values. The steps we are to take in accomplishing our work are revealed spontaneously.

Ease of effort replaces overwhelm. Peace dissolves anxiety, panic, and nervousness. The external process flows from within and reflects the power and authority of the Essential Self. “As above, so below.”

To stabilize yourself in day-to-day life as a young Universal Human requires deep perseverance, radical evolutionary faith, and the profoundly loving devotion of a parent for a child who wakes crying in the middle of the night. We are reparenting ourselves. We need to nurture our own Emergence Process, because as the Beloved, we are mothering and fathering, training the still-vulnerable and wayward local selves.

The following are some practices to support this process and some attitudes to adopt and cultivate as you mature in this phase of Childhood, beginning the transition into the Youth of the Universal Human.

Allow Your Life to Repattern

Shift from controlling your daily life through planning and organizing to include elements of discovery, appreciation, and resonance in all your activities. By letting go of control, you allow a new pattern to unfold. Be receptive to synergies, synchronicities, and attractions as they appear in your projects and relationships. Allow space for the visionary aspect of the Beloved to infuse you with inspiration. Cultivate the feeling of joy.


The best practice at this stage is to center yourself in the Beloved and remain calm at the core of the chaos, placing your intention into the field and allowing the organizing process to reveal the way. Practice feeling the Beloved as yourself, peaceful, all-knowing, fulfilled, always already present as the presence. Remember that you are the Beloved. The Essential Self knows and has guided you until this moment. Now you are that guide. You and It are one. Our faith makes us whole.

Realize That You Are Fully Response-able

You can respond to every need that arises. Affirm that, as the Beloved, you are not needy, afraid, or lonely. You are attracting every resource and person you need. You are entering the finest time of your life. You are ready to come into new form, informed by the process of creation itself.

Cultivate Resonance by Attuning with Others

In this early phase of repatterning, it is vital to draw others to you to create a field of resonance, a growth culture for the young Universal Human. The repatterning of our lives leads to co-creation, but it takes time. The formation of small resonant Emergence Circles—the two or more gathered—is vital at this stage. Do not try to do this alone. You need the “field.” It is like mother's milk to the newly born Universal Human.

Nourish the Beloved

Create a special place in your meditation to simply be your Essential Self, without paying any attention to the needs and demands of local selves. We do not want to have a work-a-day Beloved, getting worn out by attending to needs of the local selves, like a mother with a colicky child. Take time for the Beloved to plug into the radiant, non-dual, infinite reality and dwell in its real home, which is God.


Write a description of what is falling away in your life and what is emerging that is new. How are breakdowns leading to personal breakthroughs. What are you learning from the challenges you are facing?

Describe how the inner “Compass of Joy” is guiding you through any darkness or confusion you may be experiencing. Describe the synchronicities and synergies that are arising into your life.

In what ways do you see yourself aligning with the deeper patterns of creation, the universal organizing intelligence?

Allow your deepest heart's desire for more life, for higher consciousness, and greater freedom to express itself fully. Describe the desire. Intend it. Affirm it. Declare it as already so. Realize that the “force of creation” is with you—as You!