What follows is a journey. It unfolds in ten progressive steps to take you through your Infancy, Childhood, and Youth, on your way to becoming a Universal Human. You may use it to take your own journey and to find out about mine. I describe here my journey which I am still exploring, offering vital guideposts from the spiritual experiences of my life. I have left a trail of clues so that others might make it through this thicket a little more easily, step by step. As you read through the Emergence Process, you are invited to take this journey with me. It may lead you to places that you have never gone before.
Following are suggestions on how to use this guide to the Emergence Process:
- First, read through each of the ten steps to understand the entire Emergence Process.
- Set aside a sufficient period of time each day to create and be in an Inner Sanctuary as you experience each of the ten steps of the Emergence Process. This can be a place you simply imagine. If you wish, you can also create a physical space of beauty and peace in which to mediate and journal.
- Allow yourself to consider making a profound commitment to your own Emergence Process. If you feel ready, set your intention to realize your full potential in this lifetime. Many of us discover that the Emergence Process is a lifelong evolutionary journey that deepens every time you revisit it.
- Create a special journal to record your journey and any insights and inspirations for your continuing evolution. It is best to do this when you are in a state of contemplation in your Inner Sanctuary.
- If you are so moved, invite one or more kindred souls into an Emergence Circle to do the process with you, sharing each step along the way.
I congratulate you and cheer you on as you begin this very powerful process and join me in Emergence!