Co-creative Human: a self-evolving individual who is becoming a young Universal Human, accessing the impulse of evolution, as his or her own passion to create, learning to evolve the self and the world.

Conscious Evolution: the evolution from unconscious to conscious choice; the opportunity for humans to participate consciously in the process of creation. Learning ethical conscious evolution, self and social, is the key requirement for the survival and fulfillment of our potential as a species. Our crises will lead either to transformation or to devolution and widespread extinction.

Cosmogenesis: the genesis and evolution of the cosmos from the origin of creation through the present and beyond; the new cosmology, which sets the context for our own conscious evolution.

Creature Human: the current species of Homo sapiens sapiens, still unaware of its own evolutionary potential; the animal/human nature of the person.

Ego: the local self suffering from the illusion that it is separate from its Essential Self. In the Emergence Process, the local self, or ego, invites the Essential Self to take dominion.

Emergence: a process of shifting our primary identity from our egoic local self to our Essential Self.

Emergence Circle: a sacred gathering of two or more to enhance our shift from ego to Essence.

Essence: a transformative agent in the process of self-realization and self-evolution, which connects us to the Godhead, the Source of all being.

Essential Self: The Beloved, the Higher Self; a unique expression of Essence, emanating such qualities as love, wisdom, wholeness, and freedom. The Essential Self is the unique and personal expression of the larger design of creation.

Genius Code: the unique gifts and talents inherent in each individual.

Godhead: the Source of all being, synonymous with many expressions such as Unified Field, Brahman, Mind of the Cosmos, Supreme Reality, Great Creating Process.

Great Creating Process: the process of creating everything that was, is, and will be; God evolving in creation. The core of the evolutionary spiral.

Homo Universalis: the next phase of Homo in the sequence from Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo neanderthal, Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens sapiens.

Implicate Order: the unbroken wholeness out of which everything arises not constrained by ordinary notions of space and time; the enfolded, deeper order or design of the universe, out of which the explicate order, unfolded order, is manifesting in space and time. (David Bohm)

Incarnating: the process in which the Essential Self embodies within us, responding to the local self's invitation to come in the whole way.

Inner Authority: the indwelling presence of the Essential Self, emerging in us as the wise authority.

Inner Sanctuary: the personal sacred space we create within and a physical place where we can practice the shift from ego to Essence.

Local Self: the personality self or ego that is responsible for physical survival in the material world; the generic name for the full range of subpersonalities or local selves. The local selves are sometimes constructive and often act up in troublesome or dangerous ways due to their illusion of separation from Essence. They are healed as they integrate with the incarnating Essential Self.

Noosphere: From the geosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere has come the noosphere, the thinking layer of Earth; beginning with human language and the ability to communicate, it is composed of the composite consciousness, cultures, technologies, and systems of humanity seen as a living superorganism of almost infinite power; moving toward ever-greater integration until we reach “Omega,” the coming together of humans, heart to heart, center to center, for the collective rise of a critical mass of universal consciousness. (Vladimir Vernadsky, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Jose Arguelles)

Path of the Co-creator: the developmental path through which we shift from ego to Essence, leading to our Emergence as Universal Humans in creative cooperation with others.

Pioneering Souls: humans who are sensitive to what is emergent, who seek resonance and communion with one another in support of the planetary shift.

Planetary Birth Experience: an experience of mass coherence, connectivity, and communion toward giving birth to the next stage of our evolution as a whole planetary system.

Resonant Field: Affirming and connecting our Essential Self with the Essential Self of others, we establish a field of coherence, communion, and love that accelerates the incarnation of Essence.

Rose Chamber: a sacred and central space, a chamber of the heart within the Inner Sanctuary to cultivate the intense and blissful experience of the Union of the Human and the Divine.

Sunlit Garden of Co-creation: an extension of the Inner Sanctuary where we learn to do our work in the world with others as our Essential Self; an expanded sacred space where evolving humans learn to mature, resonate, and co-create a new world.

Suprasex: the attraction to join our genius to co-create, to give birth to our greater selves and our work in the world.

Synchronicity: the apparent acausal relationship among events; coincidences that could not be planned by human mind but that appear to flow from a larger and more comprehensive evolutionary design. (Carl Jung)

Synergy: the coming together of separate parts to form a new whole, different from, greater than, and unpredictable from the sum of its parts.

Transition: marked by the dropping of the first atomic bombs in 1945, the time on Earth when humans gained powers of co-creation or of co-destruction of our life-support systems; the period of the macroshift, when the whole system has moved far from equilibrium and could bifurcate, either toward rapid devolution and destruction or conscious evolution and transformation.

Transubstantiation: incarnating the higher frequencies of the Essential Self.

Universal Human: an evolving human who feels connected through the heart to the whole of life, awakening to the impulse to express unique creativity as an aspect of the greater design; one who experiences the cosmos as a living, interconnected, evolving, intelligent reality; our full potential self, a whole being, the fulfillment of this stage of the Emergence Process.

Universal Humanity: the civilization to be co-created by Universal Humans that manifests the harmonious integration of our spiritual, social, and scientific/technological capacities; an evolution of our species capable of co-evolving with nature and co-creating with Spirit—both on this Earth and in the universe beyond.

Vocational Arousal: the awakening of creativity, often stimulated by attraction to another's creativity as a means of fulfilling life purpose; a sign of suprasex, the expansion of sexuality into co-creativity.