Dear Mom, I’m happy you suggested this. It’s a little weird but I’m willing to give it a try. You asked if I have anything on my mind and I actually do. I hope you won’t be mad, though. Here goes . . . I don’t want to do the summer volunteer corps thing. It seemed great but I just don’t want to. I feel tied down with Mara and Mae and Victoria and I want to be on my own. I always feel like I am responsible for people and I don’t want to be. I wrote to the program and it’s okay to cancel. Thanks in advance for understanding. Love, Cecily

Oh, Cecily, wow. I am sorry to hear this. You should never feel locked into anything like this, especially at your age. That said, commitments are important. I think we need to sort out why you don’t want to do it, and see if there is any way to get around it. Maybe summer can be a combination of programs. I know this is our first journal exchange, but this seems like something better discussed face-to-face. I love you.