Jordan Jackson. No specifics. A text from Derby69, Mr. Langston Derby, registered on Kingston’s cell, followed by No time to explain. Come by my place now.
Another text, this time from Levi, registered with his bank account and routing numbers.
Jordan needed to hear the truth about Langston’s sexuality, but not from Langston.
Kingston arrived at the Buckhead address Langston Derby had texted him. The expensive cognac brand he’d brought was intended as a generous gesture. Kingston was hopeful they’d toss back a few shots to loosen up, and Langston would reveal the reason he’d gone down on him (in the third grade) and Kingston would confess why he allowed it to happen.
He had to hear Langston state why he was on an app for gay men. And what was his intentions with Jordan.
Unlike Kingston’s hidden gem, Langston’s home was practically in plain sight off of a busy highway near Peachtree and Lenox. Kingston’s shaking finger pressed the doorbell. Kingston paced two steps to the right. Four left. When the door opened, he traveled two steps back to the right.
“Hey, man. How crazy is this shit? Come in,” Langston said, then closed the door. “We were finishing up dinner. You’re just in time for dessert.”
We? Handing a liquor gift bag to Langston, Kingston said, “I brought a little something for the house.” He followed Langston through a gallery of framed basketball championship posters hanging on the wall in the foyer and living area. When he looked into a room off to the side, multiple big screens were mounted in a media room. Finally they’d arrived in the dining room, which had a large circular table with four gold Victorian-styled chairs. No straight man’s décor would be so elaborate and meticulous.
“Thanks, man,” Langston said, opening the Hardy XO Rare. “I take it no introduction is needed here. Have a seat, man.”
Fingering her natural hair, Jordan was dressed in business attire. Shaking her head, she said, “Don’t sit. Kingston, I know the two of you grew up together, but why are you here?” She protested as though he were the sun ready to dry out whatever wetness she’d managed to secrete.
Langston answered, “Don’t get all sensitive, babe. You wanted to know how, and how well, I knew Kingston. I told you I have nothing to hide. So I invited him to stop by. He won’t be here long.” Langston French-kissed Jordan for damn near a minute.
Whoa. He had serious game. Perhaps that was because Langston had gotten the head start on seduction well before him. Jordan didn’t contest that shit.
Langston looked at Kingston, then licked his lips. “This woman is sweeter than honey.”
Maybe Kingston’s conclusion based on the décor was premature. Jordan’s red lipstick hadn’t smeared. Watching them, Kingston felt a bit jealous.
Rubbing the nape of her neck, Jordan said, “It was inappropriate of you to invite Kingston without first consulting with me.”
“If I’m going to be your man, babe, you need not treat me like a client.” Langston opened the oven.
Her what? Jordan was far too intelligent to fall for the bullshit. Kingston laughed to himself, then thought about his wife. Convinced he was right the first time, if Jordan started dating Langston, her relationship with Langston would be the same as his with Monet.
The scent of apple cinnamon pie escaped the oven as Langston blew a kiss to Jordan. He removed the cookie sheet from the oven, centered the hot dish on a cooling plate on the table. Taking a pint of butter pecan ice cream from the freezer, he placed it next to the pie. Four crystal bowls were positioned adjacent to the same number of small plates and silverware.
“We’ll give the pie a moment to cool off and the ice cream to thaw.” Langston pulled out a chair, sat, then said, “Thanks for coming. Have a seat, man,” then told Jordan, “You can quiz him and compare notes.”
As she scanned the table, Jordan’s thoughts probably aligned with Kingston’s. Who else is coming?
“You know you want to ask,” Langston told Jordan.
A humph sound escaped Jordan’s lips.
Kingston sat to the left of Jordan. Langston was to her right and directly across from Kingston. The awkward situation made Kingston uncomfortable. He’d come for answers, not questions.
Small talk ensued. Langston dished up four slices of pie and an equal number of scoops of ice cream for each setting. Tight-lipped. Jordan tilted her head sideways, shifted her eyes from Langston to the empty seat.
“Oh,” he said, smiling. “That’s for the less fortunate. Keeps me grounded. Some people don’t know when they’ll eat again.”
“Kingston isn’t going to be here all night. Just ask him your questions, babe,” Langston insisted.
“How, and how well, do you know Langston?” Jordan twirled her spoon into her ice cream.
“Am I interrupting?” Kingston asked, delaying a response.
Langston replied, “After you answer, you’re free to go, man. Excuse me. I have to use the restroom.”
Kingston was ready to leave now. “Look, Jordan. I hadn’t seen or heard Langston’s name since third grade, until you mentioned him by name at the bar. We attended elementary school together. That’s it.”
A text registered from Langston: Let me take Jordan upstairs and put her to sleep. Hang out in my media room. When I’m done with her, I got you. We’re grown now. Bisexual men don’t have to choose sides.
Wow. Kingston never thought of it that way. But he knew Monet would never knowingly accept his sexing her, Theodore, Langston, and other random guys.
“That’s what Langston said.” Jordan whispered, “I like him. Since you’re here, what do you think? Should I give in and have sex with him?”
“Let me put it this way,” Kingston told her. “Women hold out. Men don’t. If it’s not you, it’ll be someone else. That’s for sure. Whatever you decide, make sure you use protection.”
If Langston were a scammer, he wasn’t in search of pussy from Jordan. It was something more valuable. But Kingston was certain that Jordan had performed a thorough background investigation and didn’t require his support.
Jordan smiled at Langston as he entered the room.
Kingston wanted to open up to Langston, but he might lose Jordan’s friendship if he stayed.
Langston kissed Jordan again. “Missed you, baby. You’re so sexy. Mind and body,” he said, then reclaimed his seat. “Isn’t she lovely, man?”
“I’ma get out of the way,” Kingston said, then texted Langston, My dick is hungry for your ass. Hurry up.
The fourth setting was for a mutual friend, but after seeing you, I uninvited him. Langston’s text engaged Kingston’s curiosity. Was it a woman? Or a man?
“Yeah, do that. And I’ma take my dessert upstairs,” Langston replied, then discreetly rubbed his foot against Kingston’s leg underneath the table.
Reaching for Jordan’s hand, Langston said, “Let yourself out, man. Thanks for stopping by on such short notice and clearing things up for my lady.”