Chapter Seventeen


Mum conveniently left out that Lacey was coming to tea.

It was almost as soon as Jack left with Grandfather that my blonde cousin strutted in, wearing too-high heels and a blue dress that fit way too tightly to be tea appropriate.

There was definitely something conspiring.

While Lacey bent down to hug Grandmum, I glared at Mum, but she just pursed her lips like I should be grateful.

“Gracie, didn’t know you were going to be here,” Lacey said smugly, kissing my cheek before she sat down.

“Mum called while I was working, but Jack and I were able to take a break,” I quipped.

“Working? The two of you together?” Her thin eyebrows shot up.

“Not like that. Work-working. We were actually at the market. Jack found a bread and cheese seller he’s thinking of using for the pubs. At least the local pubs, then hopefully, moving onto the rest of the franchises,” I said, feeling a sense of pride.

Why the bloody hell was I getting giddy for the company?

Maybe it’s because my braggadocious cousin was usually the one to talk all high and mighty.

“Well, isn’t that nice. I thought for sure when you two walked into that meeting you were just his little assistant. Then that story about you being head of purchasing. Still something I can’t believe. They must be pretty desperate at Murphy’s.” She gave me a small smile that was strained and full of pity.

“Actually, the company is doing very well and adding another one hundred franchises in the next five to ten years,” I said, relived that I had actually read over the quarterly reports.

“Glad that literature degree you have is good for something. Though maybe if it was business and from an English school, you wouldn’t have lost that job at whatever that publisher was,” she said, waving her hand.

I wanted to toss my hot tea all over her. I probably would have if Grandmum wasn’t staring at us with a massive grin on her face and Mum with watchful eyes.

“It’s so nice to have all my girls together,” Grandmum said, throwing her arms, full of bangles, in the air.

“Mum would have come, but she and father are in Budapest for a charity event this week. They send their love, though,” Lacey said, taking her teacup.

Mum’s lips tightened. Like my disdain for Lacey, I always thought she had the same disgust for her brother, Lacey’s father, Collin. But she never voiced it, and the proper Brit wouldn’t in front of company. She would later when she spiked her teacup and cried alone in her room.

Grandmum nodded. “They’re very busy people. I understand. Maybe someday we’ll all be able to get together. Who knows, maybe we’ll even hear wedding bells soon.”

“Shite.” Wait did I say that out loud?

Lacey laughed so hard she covered her mouth and stifled a snort.

Mum and Grandmum widened their eyes, but I glared pointedly at the blonde wench who was still cackling.

“What’s so funny?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“Gracie,” Mum warned.

But I didn’t budge. I didn’t move my stare from Lacey’s smirk. I wasn’t going to let my cousin get in another dig. If I could stand up to Jack on a daily basis, then I could stand up to this girl, too. Consequences be damned. I had enough shite to deal with and I didn’t need to add her.

“The talk of a wedding. From either of us. I mean, my last boyfriend was a wreck, and I don’t know if you’ve dated anyone, ever,” she said.

She shook her head. “You’re the one who always said you never wanted to be married. Though you did have some moments with your little boy toy friend, Sean Murphy. Is he still around? I heard he was playing some sport now.” She laughed again, putting her teacup to her lips like that was the end of our conversation.

“Actually, Sean’s a professional rugby player. But he’s not my boyfriend. And I am seeing someone,” I blurted before I could take back the words.

“Oh? And who would that be? Someone at work? Maybe I know him,” she replied smugly.

“Yes. You do. It’s Jack Murphy,” I blurted, the first time saying out loud that there was something between us. It was like a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Lacey laughed harder, clutching her hand to her chest as if I had just said the most ridiculous thing ever. “First the job in purchasing, now you want me to believe you actually landed a man like Jack Murphy? Oh, Gracie, you’re sweet, but I’m not daft. No way a man like that would ever fall for you.”

Every hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood on end and I sprang from the chair, my fists clenched at my side. “Listen, Lacey, I’ve put up with your stuck-up attitude for years and I’m sick of it.”

“I beg your pardon?” Lacey blinked slowly, her mouth open.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, come on, don’t give me that shite. You think you’re better than me, always have, but what you don’t know is that I’ve been with that so-called boyfriend of yours for weeks now. And you know what? We’re happy. Really deliriously happy together.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but I interrupted.

“You know what else? You may think I’m not good for any sort of work because of a literature degree from a school in Geneva, but Jack saw my degree and work experience then encouraged me to go for other positions. Yes, I was hired as an assistant, but he’s done nothing but push me forward. And I’m so damn good at the editor thing, that London wants me back to run a line with the publishing house.”

By the time I was done with my tirade and finally let out a breath, a slow clap came from behind Lacey as my sexy man walked into the room.

“Another job offer?” Jack asked, approaching me with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

“Yes. But I haven’t accepted it yet. I mean it’s there…and…”

“Obviously you two aren’t that happy if you haven’t even told him about another job,” Lacey said with a coy smile over her shoulder.

“Oh, feck off, Lacey, this doesn’t concern you,” I said, still keeping my eyes on Jack. “I just found out.”

I wanted to tell him everything that was brewing in me. That I thought about taking the job, but I didn’t want to leave him.

But before I could say any of that, Grandmum cleared her throat.

“So, when’s the wedding? Or is this just a ruse like you suggested to get the company, Lizzie?” Grandmum’s high voice rang in the room and I turned toward her.

My breath caught in my throat and Mum gasped, chiding Grandmum.

I thought this might happen. But not like this. Not in this moment.

Everything moved in slow motion as anger and dread drowned in my brain. There was no going back from this. It was all going to come to a head and in front of my cousin and the man I had fallen for.

The job offer. The inheritance clause. All of it.

Grandmum shrugged, looking between all of us. “What? Isn’t that what this is about? The boy wants the company. He either is gonna marry our Gracie, or she’s leading him on then gonna break his heart since the girl is never getting married. He won’t get the business and Seamus buys it. Isn’t that what you told me, Lizzie?”

Jack let go of my hand, balling his in a tight fist. Lacey’s smug laugh once again rang in my ears.

The world buzzed around me as I slowly looked to see Jack’s face turned downward, his eyes on the ground. “I have a few things I need to catch up on at the office.”

“But you two just got here,” Grandmum said as if nothing had just happened.

“Thank you for having me. It was lovely to see you all,” he said curtly, nodding.

Granddad tried to baffle out a reply, but even he couldn’t come up with words. Everyone else stayed silent, their heads down. Even Lacey.

Were they all just going to sit there and let this happen?

“Jack. Wait up,” I called, following him to the door, putting my hand on his as he reached the handle. Blood rushed to my head. The room now spun out of control. I didn’t know whether I’d throw up, or cry right there at his feet.

“I’ll call you a cab. I assume you’d rather get another ride home,” he said gruffly.

I shook my head, my chest aching as I tried to think of the right words. “None of this was ever my intention. You have to know that.”

He blew out a breath; his eyes still cast downward. “We don’t have to talk about this.”

“I think we do,” I urged, my voice pleading.

Slowly he turned toward me, his eyes blazing and his jaw clenched. “What do you want me to say? That I’m surprised? I shouldn’t be.”

I narrowed my eyes, a surge of anger coursing through me. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

He shook his head and raked his hand through his hair. “I know you’re not the type of girl that would use a man to get his money. At least I never thought you were. But…what they were saying…I know you knew about the inheritance clause. Hell, I told you about it myself. But the rest of it. Was this all a game to you? Is that why you’ve pushed and pulled so much? Why you kept talking about never wanting to get married? Knowing I’d fall for you anyway and then you’d just leave to take the job in London?”

Tears pricked my eyes, and I had to will them not to fall. My words caught in my throat. There was nothing I could say that would make this situation any better. I couldn’t even pretend that my mother’s words and ideas hadn’t been scrolling through my mind the entire time we’d been together.

“I’ll take that silence as a yes,” he grumbled before opening the door. “I’ll see you at the office on Monday.”

The door slammed shut behind him, and I stared at the space he once occupied. His scent still lingered like a whiskey-laid cloud of sadness.

I’d been looking for a sign as to what I was supposed to do with Carolyn’s email, and now I had it. But the pain that ached in my heart was at odds with my head once again.

And this time I didn’t know which one would win out.

I slowly walked back into the room where Granddad was talking softly to Grandmum.

Lacey was nowhere to be seen, and Mum gulped from her glass that she had probably spiked.

“What the hell just happened there?” I seethed, gripping onto a chair.

“Gracie, you know how Grandmum is. She didn’t know…” Granddad started.

“It should have never been brought up by anyone at any time,” I snapped, my eyes locked on my mother’s downcast ones. “You know she has trouble with reality. She didn’t know what she was saying, but you…” I couldn’t do this. My mum should have never even brought the subject up.

“What? Are we not going to have a wedding?” Grandmum asked, turning so her large feather hat moved with her.

I shook my head.

Then I grabbed my purse and headed down the back hallway, toward the sunroom with a backdoor that led to the yard.

Before I could even grip the handle, Granddad’s cane was right at my heels. He moved awfully fast for a man with bad knees and a new hip.

“Whatever excuse you want to use about my mother’s mouth or Grandmum’s memory, I don’t want to hear it.”

Granddad sighed, and I slowly turned toward him.

The past few months he’d looked even older than I remembered him. His wrinkles were deeper and his eyes redder than I’d ever seen.

The man who always stood so tall with a barrel laugh was now a shadow of his former self. And that feeling of guilt was what made me stand there instead of running outside and never coming back.

“When your mother first heard about the inheritance clause, I knew something was brewing. I just didn’t know she actually voiced it to anyone.”

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I believe you, but that doesn’t excuse her.”

He shook his head. “No, it doesn’t, but I know that what matters now isn’t what your mother says, it’s what you do. If you want to be with him, you will tell him that none of that was your intention. That maybe you thought you’d never be married, but sometimes love can change that.”


That was something that hadn’t crossed my mind. Yes, I was starting to care about Jack, but anything more and I’d have to think over the butterflies in my stomach just hearing that word with his name.

“He can’t be with me, Granddad. He needs a wife for the company. Grandmum was right that either we’ll have to get married or we’ll stay together just long enough to break up so he’ll lose the company. Nobody wins.”

Granddad put his hand on mine. “You both win if it’s what you want. What do you want?”

I sighed. “I don’t know anymore.”

“If you want him, there’s no sense in letting him go. Maybe things will work out and he’ll fulfill the inheritance clause with you, or not. Sometimes you just have to let fate decide.”

I didn’t tell Granddad that I thought it was fate that the same day I got an email from my old job was the day all of this went down with Jack.

I had to figure out how to fix this. The problem was that I had absolutely no idea how I was going to do that. I was better at breaking things up than putting them together.