Appendix A
Color Meanings

Have you ever considered what a gift color is to us? What if we could only view the world in black and white as it is with some animals? We’d really miss out on the richness, depth, and joy that color brings to our lives. Even though some only see in black and white, energy animals can give us messages through color. As spirit, we are continually shifting colors based upon our vibrational level at any given time, which also enables us to connect with the color and energy vibrations of our energy animals.

In animal frequency you often seek animal connections when you’re dealing with specific situations in order to obtain guidance from the energy animal. Considering colors during this process can give you insight into the energy animal and can help clarify the message it gives you. You’ll consider both the color of the animal’s energy and any colors you see or feel during the connection. For example, you may be sharing frequency with a black bear, but suddenly you see it surrounded by a blue cloud. While black can indicate a secretive nature, the blue represents calmness and truth. In interpreting this connection and situation, the message might be to keep calm and quiet until the truth is revealed.

Look at the animal’s actions, the way it looks at the world, how it acts and reacts to situations it’s involved in, and any colors that are associated with these activities. When you consider color as part of the whole experience, it can help you view a broader spectrum about your energy animals and the message they’re sending to you. I’ve included this list as an easy reference to the meanings of colors when doing an animal frequency session.

Black: Assertive, being in control, birth, daring, independent, inner control, mystery and magic, powerful, protection, the unconscious. Warns of being controlling, fear, indecisiveness, inflexible, lack of self-confidence, panic attacks, refusal to give up control, secretive, too opinionated, worry.

Blue: A search for truth, affection, analytical, calmness, creativity, feeling things deeply, good problem solver, happiness, highly intelligent, imagination, insightful and peaceful spirituality that has a soothing effect on others, logical thinker, love, perceptive, rational outlook, responsible, tenderness, tranquility. Warns of a suspicious nature, the inability to trust easily, worry, being overly cautious, loss of control, obsessive behavior, fears, depression, loneliness, and carrying too much responsibility.

Brown: Being grounded and drawn to nature, honesty, new growth, practicality, protectiveness, sensuality, stability. Warns against hiding secrets and emotional insecurity. Acceptance is important and isolation is feared. Brown also gives warning of bad moods, experiencing difficulties in life or lack of discrimination, a negative outlook, and the inability to focus on the positive.

Gold: Dependability, high ideals, influence, trustworthiness. Contains masculine energy. Gold radiates power. It means being balanced with determined focus, enlightening others without even trying, fearless and self-assured, looking for the good in every situation, inspiring others, spirituality, wisdom and understanding, mentors and guides who are good-hearted and who put their own welfare behind their concern for others. Gold is also a sign of wealth and good luck. Warns of self-esteem issues and rejecting material or spiritual wealth.

Gray: Being in control, getting what you want instead of waiting for someone to give it to you, good judgment, great imagination, hard work, living life the way you want to, quick thinking, taking care of yourself. Warns against working too much, anxiety, depression, difficulties coping with life, fears and antisocial behavior, illness, imbalance, isolation, loneliness, low energy, and passivity.

Green: Ability to soothe others, abundance, balance, caring, clear judgment, control, deep-seated calmness, even focus, happiness, health, gentleness, good decision-making skills, good health, growth, healing, keen observation, keen sense of balance and harmony, kindness, overly cautious, prosperity, rejuvenation, relaxation, sensitivity, solid foundation of spirit, untrusting, without conflict and stress. Warns against greed, jealousy, miserly tendencies, muddy thinking, and oversensitivity.

Indigo: All things are possible, high aspirations, inspiration, love of animals, patience, permanent relationships, security, spirituality and wisdom, staying in control of yourself even if you can’t control what is happening around you, trust and sensitivity, wise beyond your years. Warns against believing you’re better than other people and looking down at them because you feel you’re more spiritually advanced or because you’re in a better position in your career or life than they are.

Orange: Agitation, competitiveness, confidence, correlates to self-motivation, creativity, enthusiasm, happiness, high levels of activity, impatience, joy, prideful, quick action, restlessness, warmth, worry. Warns of being dominant, frustrated, and strongly opinionated.

Pink: A gentle nature, a good listener, affection, at ease, being modest/shy, calming, compassionate, friendship, high ideals, joy, loving and caring, nonaggressive, nurturing, protectiveness, relaxed, romantic notions, soothing, unconditional love, understanding, unselfish. Warns of anger, having your feelings easily hurt, irritability, needing more support from others than you let on, violent behavior.

Purple: Concern, great depth of feeling, high ideals and standards, humility, increasing your expectations, leadership, mystic qualities and clairvoyance, open-minded, royalty, spirituality, wisdom. Warns of arrogance, blocking your creativity, feeling others are holding you back, ignoring those you don’t feel are worthy of your attention, are self-serving, or are trying to make you conform to their belief system.

Red: Control, courageous, creativity, elevates energy, extrovert, fun-loving, loyalty, overachievers, passion, sexuality, strength, symbolic of ambitions, vitality. Warns of aggression, anger, and impulsiveness.

Silver: Balance, calm and confident, communication, dependability and responsibility, good fortune, high ideals, intuition, mental, physical and emotional harmony, time for reflection, and changes in direction by seeking truth, honesty, and clear understanding. Warns against being too introspective as to appear aloof to others, despair, destruction, extreme moodiness, fear, living in a fantasy world, negativity accumulating in the body, repentance, and weakness.

Turquoise: Abundant energy, being in tune with your feelings, considering new ideas, creativity, efficient and productive, is invigorating but brings calmness at the same time, making plans, moving forward to attain goals instead of waiting to make a decision, sensitivity, taking charge and leading the way, talkative, talking things out, tranquility. Warns of avoiding true feelings, being in a rut, fearing change, despondence, and shutting down.

White: A leader others look up to, change, innocence, new direction, new opportunity, positive energy, protection, purity, sharing, truth, unique standards that set them apart, well-balanced optimism. Reclaim your positive energy through purity and truth. Look for new opportunities and seek direction in your life. Warns of being overextended and overwhelmed, feeling scattered and frayed without direction.

Yellow: Activity, communication, conquering conflicts, creativity, facing challenges, fun, gaining clarification, happiness, high motivation, increasing energy, inspiration, optimism, overcoming disappointments, risk-taking, spontaneity. Warns of being overly critical, suspicious, or untrusting and deep pain or hidden anger that needs to be addressed.
