I continue to find it pure joy to work with the fine folks at HarperOne. Their integrity, wisdom, passion, and excellence are extraordinarily inspiring to me. When I talk about them, I’m talking about Mark Tauber, Claudia Boutote, Michele Wetherbee, Laina Adler, Kathryn Renz, Suzanne Wickham, Darcy Cohan, Lisa Zuniga, Terri Leonard, and of course the one and only Mickey Maudlin, whose editing, endurance, and friendship mean the world to me.

And to think, we’re just getting started.

A big shout as well goes to Tim Green at FaceOut Design, Chris Ferebee for twelve years of guidance, expertise, and fantastic salsa, and Rob Strong, Dr. Christopher Hall, and Dave and Sarah Vanderveen, Glenn Rogers, and the Mighty Iris, who provided valuable feedback along the way. And yes, Glenn, I’m including the time you fell asleep on the deck in Mexico late at night while I was reading an early draft of a chapter out loud. I will continue to attribute your actions to the strength of tequila and not the quality of the content.

And then K, for way too many things to mention. Where exactly would I be without you?