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“You’re not sleeping in my room,” I said standing at the door with my hands on my hips. “I will spike you with my succubus tail with enough poison to put you into an unmovable pain for days if you try to step past me.”
He pushed past me, his size imposing. I wondered just how much it might piss him off if I were to actually touch his wings. Instead I did the next best thing to show how serious I was. I couldn’t compromise my sleeping conditions with him around. My tattoos glowed blue and I changed into my succubus stabbing at him with my tail as quickly as he pinned me against the wall. I scratched down the side of his hard face as he stared into my eyes, as if a storm were brewing within them. The green was like a wild storm of hail as he hissed at the scratch mark. He barred his knee against my own, his weight pinning me. His other hand pressed against my tail so it could no longer sway. His wings twisted into me, pressing against my wrists and pinning my arms away.
Slowly, the mark on his face began to heal. I didn’t let my eyes widen but I had never seen anyone recover from my poison within a matter of seconds. His breath mixed with mine as his heat wrapped around and began extinguishing my coldness. He held my chin and I could see the glint of disgust for the succubus demon that was in front of him, that he had to touch and restrain. I reverted to my usual self, suddenly very aroused by his heat and proximity.
When I changed, his eyes flashed and there was less... hatred. A demon’s face he couldn’t stomach but maybe the seduction of my human one he could. And what could I say... I might detest the guy but damn, he was a hot piece of meat. I rubbed into him, trying to buckle free and surprisingly enjoyed being overpowered for once which I would’ve enjoyed in my bed.
He stared at my lips and I knew in that moment; the proximity was too close for the both of us. We might be natural enemies but power was drawn to power and the excitement to overpower one another was instilled in very dominant blood. It could be a wonderful way for us both to pass time. I tried to push off the wall again but this time he pushed me back harder and his hand was around my throat. Threatening, but could also be pleasurable. I gave him a coy smile as he rubbed his thumb gently over my throat. He went to say something but my smile seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. He didn’t recoil fast enough until we weren’t the only ones in my room.
“You seem to be making yourself too familiar with my property,” Haymen said from behind. Gabe looked over his shoulder at Haymen and slowly pushed away from me. I reminded myself to take a breath as he turned to face Haymen who was cross-legged and sitting on my bed.
“She seems to have the tendency to attack me. Often,” Gabe added.
“I permitted you to follow her. But not touch, play with, or fuck her,” Haymen said and the darkness that swarmed around his suit felt as if it were pulling the room in. My focus could only be on him. Gabe instinctively understood the threat because his wings began to lightly glow as if keeping that darkness away and from touching him.
“I have no interest in fucking your toys,” Gabe said. The two were a formidable presence in my room, it made me feel tiny in comparison as I rested against the wall, knowing at times it was best for me to close my smart mouth. The situation of being followed wasn’t my ideal condition to be in either. “You and I need to talk privately.”
“I came to talk to my beloved,” Haymen said ushering me over with two fingers. I did as he said and sat beside him. I had to be on his side, especially opposed to Gabe who was a foreigner. We weren’t to disobey Haymen ever, let alone in front of someone who Haymen found to be a threat. “Not you.” He threaded his hand through the back of my hair and pushed his lips onto mine. I was startled at first. Not sure as to what was happening because the act was unexpected. But my body rolled in the power and seduction that he fed me. His tongue pushed hard against mine with expectation of submission but that was never my forte. His cold lips to mine broke away as he looked at Gabe pointedly. His. I was his property to do as he pleased. And the notion seemed to disgust Gabe which I wasn’t at all surprised by. But I couldn’t deny my arousal that Haymen quickly elicited from me. My nipples had gone hard and I wished for more. I tried to chastise that part of me and the liquid warmth between my thighs that drummed for more but I couldn’t help it. Intensity of fighting and sex is what nourished us and already it had been almost a week since my last satisfying ‘meal’.
“What I wish to speak to you about is a matter of urgency and if you deny me this part of the investigation then I will take it to the High Courts. There are forces within your city that you aren’t being honest about,” Gabe said. Two things. One. He was the Demon Lord, I don’t know why someone expected honesty from him. Two. I was weary because I wondered if Gabe was stupid enough to approach Haymen about what I fought against today. If he began sniffing too close to home, Haymen would make sure to eradicate him. Not that I would mind, I mean how many times during this month are we going to get into mini brawls while he follows me around like some sniffer dog?
“I gave exemption for you to follow my Guardian, not for exclusive interviews with myself or you showing disregard for the privacy of my elite team,” Haymen said. “Spew what you like at the old nayers but you can most certainly get the fuck out of my Vi’s room while she’s sleeping. There is a guest room on the left window of the house past the kitchen. Amuse yourself there. If you reject my kind offer I will retract all submission of you being entitled in my city. I would also appreciate if you refrain from causing nonsense reports.” He snapped his fingers and a black puff of smoke dropped a newspaper from the air. It landed on the ground where we could all see a photo of Gabe and I leaving the orphanage together. Obviously, there was another cameraman close by. We weren’t doing anything special or shocking. It was him walking behind me. We were positioned at where he would’ve been talking to the reporter. But naturally they cut him out of the picture. War Angel and Guardian Vi, looking to adopt?! Was the headline. I laughed at the heading. Well that was rather clever considering we were coming out of an orphanage but considering what actually just happened and without mentioning the three children missing was probably the scarier part of how media really spun some shit. Haymen gave me an effective look. Gabe pursed his lips trying not to share the same amusement.
“I will be down the hall if you need me,” he said in the most seductive tone that stroked every vertebra in my body. I knew it was for show, to trump Haymen in whatever way he could. I didn’t openly react to it but I imagined that tone had seduced many women into his bed. He gave me a smile with the flash of white teeth and stepped out of the room. I was surprised he went so easily and with the infuriation that played on Haymen, I gathered that Gabe felt like he won at something today.
“Thank you for favoring me my privacy,” I said getting off the bed after Gabe had left. I wasn’t going to mention the kiss but I certainly needed to distance myself from Haymen who caused such a reaction from me. Now that would be playing with fire.
“I want a full report about the attack on the orphanage by tonight,” he said well mannered. The darkness seemed to liven up after Gabe’s disappearance. I nodded to him. “Is there anything you need to report about this incident to me now?”
I looked at him wondering if he knew already about the entities that entered our shadow dreams. Perhaps he did and he chose to stay silent. I wondered if it was a test or measure of my loyalty. I would usually brush it off but if Gabe reacted in such a way I wondered if Haymen was aware of the presence within the city also. He was no fool and I wondered what he was up to when we were doing our duty within the city.
“There was an attack but I haven’t yet identified the demon. I plan on eradicating it and will still investigate the matter alongside other jobs you give me. I will write a report tonight but will keep you updated once this incident has been resolved,” I said matter of fact as I leaned against the wall that Gabe not so long had erotically held me by the throat.
“You usually have so much more bite, your submission makes me think that you are up to something and not disclosing information,” Haymen said and the coolness of his blue eyes conveyed a lot of hurt if anyone were to lie to him. He uncrossed his legs, uncharacteristically and began to unbutton the edges of his black buttoned shirt. The contrast of the porcelain skin beneath began to poke through. It held my attention for a great length of time. I didn’t know a male could unbutton their shirt so sexily.
“I don’t think you like it much when one fights back,” I said honestly wondering if I would get a backhand or get away with it like I usually did. He arched an eyebrow, the slight shuffle of his black hair grabbing my attention. Too much of him was grabbing my attention because I knew beneath that suit was the splendor of a demon lord who could have anything he wanted. All beautifully muscled over hundreds of years and perfected with a warrior’s pose.
He stood up and walked over to me as he began to slowly undo his lower buttons, trailing to the top. I didn’t let him see my reaction but I was both confused and interested on what might happen. A small part of me was crying out for sensibility to break through. My body often had a mind of its own in trying to suppress its sexual appetite. I was always... hungry. I regretted looking down because he cocked an all-knowing smile. He was playing with me. With his shirt now unbuttoned, he pushed me further into the wall. He cupped my liquid warmth between my thighs rubbing against the leather of my pants and watched for my reaction. His other hand reached for my hard nipples as he pinched them and a small hiss escaped my lips. He chuckled and pushed his tongue down on mine again, his motion through my leather pants, riling me and creating a small thrumming of lust that I needed.
The kiss was passionate and much to my surprise familiar and strange all at once. I purred into his mouth as he aroused the part of me that was all woman and despite logic screaming don’t do it, I craved him now. My nails dug deep down his chest, sizing each ab that was perfectly carved. He pulled away and cocked a smile at me.
“I think I preferred you when you fought back,” he said with that cocked smile that was nothing short of demonic, and yet somehow, made him look younger. With the puff of black smoke I was alone and the warmth between my thighs was drumming with expectation to be treated with a larger pounding. I stood there in shock, pissed and unsure as to why I had even led myself into that situation. And now I was left with an irritable drumming that could only be appeased by one thing.
I considered sneaking off to find someone to appease this tension for the night. I wondered how possible that was with Gabe trailing me. I needed a place to cool off and question what just came over me and why Haymen was suddenly so interested. Why had I given in so easily?! I hated Haymen! I loudly growled to rid some of the frustration. I wasn’t a human high school girl swooning over a crush. Demons needed to be sexually appeased. That was it and he was truthfully, besides being the most powerful demon alive, visually appealing to the eye as well.
I immediately took a cold shower to try and wash away the feel of both Gabe and Haymen. What the fuck just happened? I shifted into my water demon who struggled for breath under the running water. The splashing water was enough to keep my body wet but not enough for me to entirely breathe. The gasping and self-infliction, eventually took my thoughts away from arousal and to desperation of breath. I changed back into my normal form now certain that my sexual appetite might hold out for another day.
I walked into my dressing room and entered the code on the safe. In it I took out my Trinity necklace and sat down on the comfy white pillowed seat. There were no windows in here where Gabe could spy on me if he pleased.
“Lock room,” I said activating my alarm system so that no one could break in while my body was physically left in here defenseless while I teleported elsewhere. I placed the necklace on and within seconds was back to the dry and beautifully haunting landscape that I was taken to last time. I was wearing the same dress that flickered behind me and a mask which covered half my face. I was brought to the same dead looking tree and crows seemed to welcome me.
Although I wanted peace I was also curious to see whether anything besides comfortable silence existed on this dimension. I wasn’t sure what dead world it was but I wondered what remained. There might even be a story behind it. I decided to explore. I skidded down the rock edge, barely cutting up my hands as I slid down with control. The dress caught on things but just as quickly released and flickered in its own direction as if it had a mind of its own.
When my feet echoed on the cracked ground it was as if it had woken the world I stood on. There was a slight shake but nothing appeared. It felt like something had simply woken after being in slumber for so long. It reminded me of the demon under Aztec which still slumbered in me.
I began walking across the vastness of what seemed like a never-ending desert. It wasn’t just flat land. Reassessing the way it crept down and the skeletons of creatures I could only guess it was once a large lake, maybe even sea. I kept walking for what seemed like hours. Perhaps it was a dried-up sea because there was nothing in sight. There was no sunlight but it wasn’t dark either. The sky seemed to illuminate a dreary clouded blue tinge. My breath was shallow as the world seemed like it didn’t have much to give. So many bones scattered where I walked and I wondered what might’ve happened to them and what kind of demons they were. They varied in sizes and shapes.
Was this world annihilated in one clean sweep? I didn’t research on any species in particular but there were many that hadn’t survived, especially during the last war. Species of demons were wiped out and some homelands were even destroyed in the process. It wasn’t uncommon and yet I was curious. I was never truly left alone here. There were always one or two crows that followed me as if to see how far I would walk. I decided walking in this direction was pointless. I was only surrounded by vastness of land.
If anything, the walk did me good, defusing any other frustrations I previously had. When I next had the chance, I would explore another part instead. Surely there was something else to see than this barren land. Not that I would be disappointed because I originally purchased the Trinity necklace so I could get away and get some silence. But I felt like this was now my world and place to retreat to and so I wanted to explore it. If there were hidden stories or powers to gain I wanted to know about them. I took the necklace off and was whirled into the modern day.
I arched my back inward hissing at the discomfort of my back that had slumped for so long in the chair. I stood up taking another big stretch and yawn before placing my Trinity necklace in my safe and locking it. I walked out of the wardrobe still naked from my shower. An orange cat that perched itself on the railing to my veranda caught my attention. Its green eyes watched on with interest as its tail swished. I walked closer to the door to see if it would run. Most animals did when they felt the presence of my demons. But this one didn’t budge. I shifted into my cat demon wondering if it would scare it. It didn’t. I smiled at its courage and walked out to pat it.
It looked a little feral, maybe an alleyway cat. It wasn’t fazed by my fast movement as I began to scratch behind its ear. It felt rather surreal. I had never really been a cat person. Well until I could turn into one. “You’re not scared of me at all, huh?” I continued scratching under its jaw which it loved. It had no collar perhaps not even an owner. Having enough of me it jumped off the railing and walked over to the next window, walking along the house. It wasn’t a demon or a spy I would’ve felt it. It was just a curious alleyway cat.
I shifted back into my human form and walked over to my bed. I landed on my bed, face first. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.