About the Editors

NEAL DRINNAN was born in Melbourne, Australia, somewhere in the 1960s and was dubiously educated at various (now defunct) government schools. At seventeen he abandoned his education and suburban family home for the lure of life’s more ephemeral things. He has worked in publishing for many years and has been a frequent contributor to a number of magazines. He is the author of three novels—Glove Puppet, Pussy’s Bow, and Quill—as well as The Rough Guide to Gay and Lesbian Australia. Drinnan’s writing has been considered scandalously provocative in some quarters, and if readers are shocked by the morality of his tales they should perhaps spare a thought for the author and his diligent research. While people bicker and argue queer politics on the Net, he’s at the coal-face of modern gay social intercourse. Drinnan is generally polite, well-spoken, and well-read (although not necessarily well-behaved) and, like vodka in tonic, he mixes freely and sometimes even glows in the dark.

RICHARD LABONTE has edited the Best Gay Erotica series since 1997, while living mostly in San Francisco and variously in West Hollywood and New York. The 2002 edition, however, was edited in very rural eastern Ontario, to the soothing background sounds of crickets, pond frogs, and assorted birds, rather than the cacophony of San Francisco trolley cars, Chelsea taxicab horns, or West Hollywood police helicopters. He now lives on a 200-acre communal farm with a mailbox an hour’s walk down the road; raised a great crop of turnips, green beans, squash, and tomatoes over his first summer at Marlborough Farm; and, after twenty years managing A Different Light Bookstore, is now catching up on his reading, while also reviewing books for Q-Syndicate and for Lambda Book Report and Publishers Weekly, and consulting with authors and publishers on writing and cover design. His queer-lit book review/news/views site, www.labonteonbooks.com, was launched at the end of 2001. He can be reached at tattyhill@hotmail.com.