These questions are designed to be use for personal reflection or for group discussions. If you have a book club and are interested in a virtual hang-out where I skype in to join you in your meeting as you discuss Flower Swallow, let me know!
Ice Breaker Questions:
- In three words, how would you describe yourself as a young child?
- Who was one of the most influential adults in your life while you were growing up?
- What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you ever come close to reaching that goal?
- What was the sickest you’ve ever been?
- What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without food?
- Were you ever homeless (or close to it)?
- Have you ever considered fostering or adopting? Why or why not?
- What do you think would be the hardest part of being a foster or adoptive parent?
Book-Related Questions:
- What did you like about Woong? Is there another person (real or fictitious) he reminded you of?
- In what ways were you like Woong as a child? In what ways were you different?
- Did you have a favorite supporting character from Flower Swallow? Are there any characters you wish Woong could have spent more time with or talked about more?
- What part of Woong’s story struck you the most?
- In light of all the hardships he went through, did you find Woong’s story uplifting or more of a downer? Why?
- What did you learn about North Korea from this book? What would you like to know more about?
- Were you satisfied with the way Woong ended his story? Is there more you would have liked to know about?
- If you could write the rest of Woong’s story all the way through to adulthood, what would you include?
- Do you believe the characters that helped Woong out were all people, or do you think any of them were angels?
Personal Questions (for those who want to go deeper):
- What’s the lowest point you’ve been at in your life?
- Is there some part of your life you’d like to forget if you could?
- Woong has a hard time forgiving the American cameraman. When in your life have you struggled to forgive someone?
- What is your biggest fear if your family ever had to endure a famine like what Woong went through?
- Have you ever had an encounter you might consider angelic? How might your life change if you met an angel face to face?
- Do you believe in curses?
Hungry for more North Korean novels? Want to learn the story behind the photographer who took Woong’s photo?
Read Out of North Korea today.
Ian McAllister has searched the world over, hunting for that all-elusive perfect photograph.
He finds it on a tourist trip to North Korea when he stumbles upon a young street kid foraging for roots.
Unaware that this single act will brand him a spy and cost his freedom, Ian takes the shot.
Now he must pay the penalty.
Read Out of North Korea now.
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