Ignite your own fire
You have come up with your own goals and developed and action plan in that regard. Each and every day, you feel quite sure that you will begin your exercise or dietary plans. However, nothing appears to happen. The days go by and you have still not done anything. So how exactly do you ignite the fire which should help you in reviving your inner energy and get you on track yet again? The steps outlined in this final part are definitely sure to help you get yourself motivated while maintaining same motivation.
Just get something done!
Do you remember the first time you made a jump into the pool? Chances are high that you just stood on the bank of the pool waiting for long hours. Perhaps those guys behind you kept on telling you to hurry up, however, for some reason, you just could not move. When you finally got every single ounce of determination you could get, you made the jump. After you did it the first time, chances are high that you went right back to do it again. Surely it must have felt easier than the first time. However, for you to have made that first jump, you had to first break the barrier that was the first jump.
The simple truth is that sometimes, you just only need to take just a step and jump into the water. For instance, if you eat one healthy meal or take one walk, you should know that you have overcome the state of lack of motivation. Once you have begun, you will discover that it only gets easier to stay on in your program and maintain progress.
Every single time you lose motivation and struggle to get back on the right track, remind yourself of this phrase: just get something done, and then you have begun! Allow this concept to work for you repeatedly.
Even doing little things helps you become motivated as it helps you in breaking inertia and also helps to remind you of your internal power. Hence, take one bold step and overcome the rut and you will surely find yourself back in the mix.
The “Fifteen-Minute Solution”
When you find yourself in a situation where you just can't seem to get the needed motivation to begin exercising, make use of this idea to start off your efforts. Remind yourself that you only have to do it for 15 minutes, then you can throw in the towel.
After doing this, just get yourself through the door and go for a ride on your bike, take a walk or go to the local gym. You will be surprised as to how easy it is to get yourself moving. Knowing that you only need to do it for fifteen minutes gives you the needed drive to begin. If you decide to end it at the end of that time, you will probably feel great because you got something done.
However, you may choose to continue since you are already out and make it a half hour journey. Whichever way you go, you have already succeeded.
Get your motivation revived!
Never underestimate the rewards of little exercises. Even a little bike ride or a five minutes’ walk could help in lightening you up and boosting your energy. Despite the fact that its rewards may not necessarily compare with that of longer workout sessions, the fifteen-minute plan may just be the secret to driving you back to the much needed regular exercise plan.
Maintain it for three days
It is scientific fact that a body which is at rest remains at rest, however, the moment it begins to move, then momentum will be picked up and it keeps on moving. When you begin an exercise plan or a dietary program, you will need to overcome your inertia and you will then have to increase your momentum. On a general note, if you engage in an activity minimum three days at a stretch, you should be able to get back on the right track.
Hence, ensure that you do anything necessary to begin and then maintain it for about three whole days. By this time, you will have developed the needed rhythm which should get you going.