


WINSTON COULDN’T WAIT to see Kristy again, but he still had his sister pick her up from the airport. He hid behind the kitchen door, waiting for them to arrive. He felt himself shaking from nerves, either from the events of yesterday, or today’s upcoming challenge.

Then the women entered the house, and Winston heard them chatting. Marcy filled Kristy in on the tragic passing of Bill and their solving of the case. (Marcy made sure to include her own prominent role.)

Kristy made approving noises, but at the end of the update, her sweet voice asked, “But I don’t understand. Where’s Winston now?”

At those words, Winston popped into their view. He sprinted over to Kristy—without even tripping over his own feet. (Maybe he’d keep these new wingtip shoes to wear in the future instead of his typical flip-flops.) 

Kristy’s eyes lit up, and he thought she seemed to glow with joy. “You look great,” she said. “Are you going somewhere?”

He’d swapped his usual T-shirt and shorts combo for a button-down dress shirt and slacks. Did it really make that much of a difference to his appearance? “No,” he said. “I’m staying right here with you.”

Her cheeks blushed a pretty pink. “You dressed up for me?”

He nodded and held out his hand to her. “May I have this dance?”

She complied, but whispered to him, “You do know there’s no music, right?”

“Yes, but there will be.” He gave a sharp look to his sister, who was busy staring down at her bare ring finger.

Winston cleared his throat, and Marcy sprang over to the radio to turn it on. Soon, strains of “Chances Are” could be heard.

As they twirled around the room (okay, bobbed), Winston told Kristy, “What I wanted to say during the Halloween party is . . . I love dancing with you. I’ll always love dancing with you, especially to our song.” He stopped mid-sway to snap his fingers.

Kristy looked at him, puzzled.

He snapped again, whistled, and then called out: “Blueberry!”

Still no cat appeared, so Marcy excused herself. She returned with Blueberry in her arms, and tears in her eyes. She set the cat down gently and left the room in a rush.

Blueberry strolled toward them. The cat looked particularly well-groomed because Winston had made sure to brush his fur smooth until it gleamed.

Kristy bent over her cat as he came closer to her. “Blueberry, you look so nice. Wait, what’s this? A new collar?”

The cat was sporting a flashy sequined piece (not quite Tiffany’s, but very bling). In the middle of the collar, instead of a tag, lay a ring. It also wasn’t from the big T store, but given Winston’s finances, it might as well have been.

Kristy’s mouth dropped open. “Is that a diamond?”

“Sure is.” Winston dropped down on one knee. “Will you marry me, Kristy?” His heart felt like a gong in his chest while he waited for her answer.

Kristy smiled at him. “Absolutely.”

Woot! Winston swept her into his arms and clung to his new fiancée. He never wanted to be away from her again. When Blueberry purred at them, he swept the cat into his arms, too.

Moments later, Marcy entered the room with her suitcase. “Congrats,” she said. “I’m really happy for you two, but I’ll be leaving now.”

“Where are you going?” Winston asked, releasing Kristy and Blueberry.

Kristy made a guess. “To London?”

“Yes, back home.” Marcy looked at Winston. “You inspired me. To live—and to give love another try.”

Maybe Marcy’s brush with death had also changed her. Made her rethink things and soften up.

Then he got another punch in the shoulder from her. Okay, maybe not.

“Besides,” Marcy said, “less chance of me trading my life for a skunk’s over there.”

Winston jabbed her arm. “Ha-ha. Hate to say it, but I’ll miss you, sis.”

“Me, too.” She put her arm around his shoulder. “You’re a good detective, and husband material,” she said. “But I’m still the better D& D Dungeon Master.”

Winston laughed and looked at everyone around him, including Blueberry. He gathered them into a giant group hug. Family. How much he loved each one of them.


First off, thank you to all the Winston fans out there. Please leave an uber review wherever you can. Also, be sure to check out the Wong Pong game at (under “Special Features”). And sign up for my author newsletter at!

Many thanks to my amazing editor, Linda G. Hatton! I’m also grateful to my ever-faithful critique group—hat tip to the SBW! Gratitude goes out to my family of origin, who had to listen to typewriting noise for years, including my big brother, the original DM.

And an epic thank you to my hubby and kids, who encourage, inspire, and give me space for my writing.