Chapter 8


The next day at school is a red-letter day: Tater Tot day at lunch! Of course I get some, then grab some juice and follow Zitsy toward our table. He’s got a tray loaded down with two Cokes, a slab of meat, and a mountain of fried starch—french fries, Tater Tots, two bags of chips.

We pass by the Hater table, and I shoot Marty a smile. He smiles back, then shifts in his chair, and before I know what has happened, Zitsy goes flying, his tray doing a triple somersault in midair. A rain of starch and Coke splatters all over Jenna McClue—head Barbie and on-off-on girlfriend of Marty Bloom. She lets out a screech one second before Zitsy’s meat loaf lands with a thwack on her chest region. And approximately one nanosecond later, the lunchroom erupts into food fight chaos.

“Everybody, listen up!” Tebow shouts. The cafeteria quiets down as people stop throwing stuff and stop to look up at him. “Look, I know this is fun, but… it’s wrong to waste food when there are starving people in the world.”

Tebow is always thinking about poor people, even when people around him are tossing mashed potatoes in one another’s faces. It’s sweet that he cares, although I’m not sure anybody else does.