Chapter 14


What could possibly be weirder than having Johnny Depp come to your school?

You might want to sit down for this.

Tebow catches me right after school at my locker. The rest of the Freakshow is over near Eggy’s corner, because she’s handing out the Friday Candy. (Friday Candy was her idea. It’s a fun way to celebrate the end of the week. It only happens once a month, though, and we never know which Friday it will be. Or what candy she’ll bring.)

So Tebow catches me alone and asks me in this quiet voice if I want to go to a movie. I say sure, and then he scurries off without even getting any candy.



I go over to the Freakshow to get their opinion, and when I explain the situation, they’re like, “Wha???” too.

In the end, we decide that Tebow meant to ask just me, but nobody’s really sure it’s a date.


“Maybe he just wants to talk to you about something,” Brainzilla says.

“Yeah,” Zitsy agrees. “Like how much he wants to make out with you.”

Flatso shoves Zitsy playfully, which sends him reeling halfway down the hall.

Eggy puts a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry. It’s just Tebow. He probably wants someone to see the latest action movie with. You’ll have fun.”

She’s right. It’s just Tebow.

So why do I suddenly feel completely sick and nervous?
