

  1. Adjudicator (n): lawyers.
  2. AI (n): Artificial intelligence robots.
  3. Airship (n): mode of transportation.
  4. Astamite (n): explosive material mined from asteroids in deep space.
  5. Azic 3000 (n): airship model.
  6. Baka (n): slang for idiot.
  7. Bioreplicator (n): printer used to create body parts.
  8. Council (n): group of 10 representatives who meet to discuss matters concerning the Nomes.
  9. Doge (m): male who will not inherit control of his Nome from his Titan or Titane.
  10. Dogenne (f): male who will inherit control of his Nome from his Titan or Titane.
  11. Ekebati (n): location of Nome Reffour’s Estate.
  12. Group of Twenty (n): twenty most powerful nomes.
  13. Group of Sixty (n): collection of sixty families that rank right behind the nomes; also called The Sixty and the Lower Houses.
  14. Holoform (n): small round disk that projects live image of an individual. Used for meetings when a participant chooses to attend remotely.
  15. Holosphere (n): small device used to create three-dimensional projections of geographic locations or buildings.
  16. Insignia (n): emblem representing a nome and its conglomerates.
  17. Lower Houses (n): sixty families less powerful than the Group of Twenty Nomes. Their members play supportive business and administrative roles to the nomes.
  18. Macani Rebellion of 2189 (n): period of social and political upheaval in the last remaining nation states of the world where the poorest people publicly executed political leaders, celebrities and the rich.
  19. Master (n): male individual who is tied to a nome and gives advice to its Titan or Titane as well as aids in preparing a scion or scioness to one day become leader of a nome.
  20. Narl (n): derogatory term used for nome members.
  21. Narthex (n): reception area outside Titan Nabo’s office.
  22. Nome (n): family belonging to the Group of Twenty.
  23. Opening Ceremony (n): precursor event to the Pursual competitions.
  24. Osmite (n): metallic substance mined for asteroids.
  25. Otin (n): Lesser Land slang word for devil.
  26. Repli-fridge (n): device that creates and stores food for which it has chemical structure.
  27. Restorer (n): healers, doctors.
  28. Pairing (n): engagement period between a couple; trial period during which the Nomes of the paired individuals work to seamlessly blend aspects of their businesses.
  29. Pairing Ceremony (n): event during which individuals are paired before their Nomes and other invited guests.
  30. Paladin (n): winner of the Pursual.
  31. Partite Relationships (n): marriage relationships involving more than two people.
  32. Pegasos (n): annual class of soldiers trained by Nome Cyra, individual Pegasos soldiers are purchased by Nomes to add to their security teams.
  33. Pernold (n): location of Nome Mezan’s estate.
  34. Phalanx (n): Nome Reffour’s army of soldiers.
  35. Pomrose (n): popular drink made from a combination of pomegranate and other ingredients, can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic.
  36. Premier (n): evening gala held once a year to introduce all ladies who turned 17 within the calendar year to society. It is an opportunity for young nome girls to garner interest from suitable nomes in a pairing and potential future partnership.
  37. Pursual (n): competition to find a worthy Paladin to be paired with a wealthy scioness.
  38. Sakariya (n): slang for idiot.
  39. Scion (n): male who will inherit control of his Nome from his Titan or Titane.
  40. Scioness (n): female who will inherit control of his Nome from his Titan or Titane.
  41. Shell (n): virtual reality construct structure within which virtual worlds can be created.
  42. Sixty, The (n): term used to reference the families of the Lower Houses.
  43. Skuliki (n): large, worm-like creature in the second Pursual competition.
  44. Teja (n): beer made from fermented honey and hops, originating from modern-day Ethiopia and Eritrea.
  45. Titan (n): male head of a Nome, typically the first born male child of a Titan or Titane inherits this position.
  46. Titane (n): female head of a Nome, typically the first born female child of a Titan or Titane inherits this position.
  47. Zarts (n): mode of transportation; flat metallic sheet that carries people or things across far or short distances.