- Adams, Léonie (1899–1988), poet; Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress, 1948–1949.
- Aiken, Conrad (1889–1973), poet and novelist.
- Alvarez, Al (1929–2019), English critic.
- Ames, Elizabeth [née Breneman; “Betty”] (c. 1907–2002), writer.
- Ames, Van Meter (1898–1985), professor of philosophy at the University of Cincinnati.
- Appleton, Sarah [“Sally”; later Sarah Appleton Weber] (1930–2013), poet, translator, and scholar.
- Asher, Aaron (1929–2008), editor at Meridian and Viking.
- Auden, W. H. (1907–1973), English poet.
- Barnard, Mary (1909–2001), poet, translator, and first curator of the Poetry Collection at the University of Buffalo.
- Basler, Roy (1906–1989), librarian at the Library of Congress.
- Beer, Alice Baldwin (1896–1969), curator; sister of Thomas Beer, Stephen Crane’s biographer.
- Bell, Marvin (b. 1937), poet.
- Bellow, Saul (1915–2005), novelist.
- Bentley, Gerald [“Jed,” “Ged”] (1901–1994), professor of English at Princeton.
- Berlind, Bruce (1926–2014), poet.
- Berndt, Susan Galliher (1924–2013), writer and teacher. Author of Berryman’s Baedeker: The Epigraphs to The Dream Songs (The Rook Society, 1976).
- Berryman, John Angus McAlpin [“Uncle Jack”] (?1874–1947), JB’s stepfather.
- Berryman, Martha [née Martha Shaver Little; also called “Jill” and “Mir”] (1894–1976), JB’s mother, who initially worked as a teacher and later in advertising.
- Berryman, Paul (b. 1957), son of JB and Ann Levine.
- Berryman, Robert Jefferson [“Bob,” “Jeff”] (1919–1994).
- Bettman, Elisabeth (1918–1990), professor of English at the University of Cincinnati.
- Bishop, Elizabeth (1911–1979), poet.
- Bishop, John Peale (1892–1944), poet and critic.
- Blackmur, R. P. (1904–1965), critic and poet.
- Bloom, Edward (1914–1994), professor of English at Brown University.
- Bly, Robert (b. 1926), poet.
- Borah, Woodrow (1912–1999), professor at Berkeley.
- Boydell, Brian (1917–2000), Irish composer.
- Brooks, Cleanth, Jr. (1906–1994), critic.
- Brown, Francis (1904–1995), editor of The New York Times Book Review.
- Buchanan, Scott (1895–1968), philosopher and teacher.
- Buckman, Gertrude (?1912–?2001), writer, reviewer, and editor. Married to Delmore Schwartz in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
- Butler, Nicholas Murray (1862–1947), president of Columbia.
- Cameron, Elizabeth [“Puggy”], librarian at Cincinnati Public Library.
- Campbell, Florence Johnston [later Florence Johnston Miller], married to Robert Bhain Campbell.
- Campbell, Robert Bhain (1911–1940), poet.
- Carruth, Hayden (1921–2008), poet and editor at Poetry magazine.
- Carver, Catharine [“Katie”] (1921–1997), editor.
- Clark, John W., professor of English at the University of Minnesota.
- Clemens, Cyril (1902–1999), president of the International Mark Twain Society.
- Collieson, Frank (1926–2016), manager at Heffers Bookshop, Cambridge, England.
- Cone, Edward Toner (1917–2004), composer, musicologist, and pianist.
- Cook, Reginald (1903–1984), professor at Middlebury College and director of the Bread Loaf School of English, Vermont.
- Cookson, William (1939–2003), poet and editor.
- Cooper, Russell M. (1907–1975), dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota.
- Coulette, Henri (1927–1988), poet and professor at California State University, Los Angeles.
- Cowley, Malcolm (1898–1989), writer and editor.
- Crawford, Bryce L. (1914–2011), dean of the graduate school at the University of Minnesota.
- Crook, Arthur (1912–2005), editor of the Times Literary Supplement (1959–1974).
- Deutsch, Babette (1895–1982), poet and critic.
- Dickey, James (1923–1997), poet, novelist and editor.
- Donahue, Kathleen [“Kate”] (b. 1939), married JB in 1961. Teacher and family counselor.
- Doughty, LeGarde S. (1898–1957), poet.
- Duthie, George Ian (1915–1967), Shakespeare scholar at Aberdeen University.
- Eberhart, Richard (1904–2005), poet.
- Eberl, Galen, Secretary of the Poetry Center at East 92nd Street, New York.
- Eeman, Beryl (1916–1992), student at Newnham College, Cambridge in the 1930s.
- Eliason, Shirley [later Shirley Eliason Haupt] (1929–1988), artist and professor of art.
- Eliot, T. S. (1888–1965), poet, critic, and editor.
- Epstein, Edmund (1931–2012), scholar and editor.
- Evans, Luther (1902–1981), Librarian of Congress.
- Faulkner, William (1897–1962), novelist.
- Fitts, Dudley (1903–1968), critic and translator.
- Fitzgerald, Robert (1910–1985), translator and poet.
- Fredericks, Claude (1923–2013), printer; publisher of JB’s His Thought Made Pockets & The Plane Buckt.
- Friar, Kimon (1911–1993), translator and poet.
- Frost, Robert (1874–1963), poet.
- Gardner, Isabella (1915–1981), poet and actor; editor at Poetry magazine.
- Gay, Karl (1912–1995), curator of the Poetry Collection at the State University of New York.
- Ghiselin, Brewster (1903–2002), poet and professor; founder of the University of Utah Writer’s Conference.
- Giroux, Robert (1914–2008), editor and publisher.
- Goodman, Ezra, poet and film critic.
- Guerry, Alexander (1890–1948), vice chancellor at the University of the South.
- Haggin, B. H. (1900–1987), music critic.
- Halliday, E. M. [“Milt”] (1913–2003), historian, editor, and close friend of JB at Columbia in the 1930s.
- Hardwick, Elizabeth (1916–2007), writer; one of the founders of The New York Review of Books.
- Hastings, Leslie, JB’s landlord in Boston in the early 1940s.
- Hawes, John T. (1906–1983), director at Thomas Y. Crowell Publishing Company.
- Hayes, Raphael (1915–2010), poet and screenwriter.
- Haynes, Chris, subject of Berryman’s Sonnets.
- Hoagland, Edward [“Ted”] Hoagland (b. 1932), essayist and nonfiction writer.
- Hodgson, Aurelia Bolliger (1898–1988), teacher and missionary; she married the poet Ralph Hodgson in 1933.
- Horrell, Joseph, poet and independent scholar.
- Howard, Jane (1935–1996), journalist and author.
- Jarrell, Mary [née Mary von Schrader] (1914–2007), writer and editor.
- Jarrell, Randall (1914–1965), poet and critic.
- Justice, Donald (1925–2004), poet.
- Kahler, Erich (1885–1970), cultural historian associated with the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton.
- Kessler, Milton (1930–2000), poet and professor of English at Binghamton University.
- Kilmartin, Terence (1922–1991), literary editor of The Observer.
- Kizer, Carolyn (1925–2014), poet and founding editor of Poetry Northwest.
- Laughlin, James (1914–1997), publisher and poet.
- Levertov, Denise (1923–1997), poet and poetry editor of The Nation.
- Levine, Elizabeth Ann [later Ann Berryman] (1939–2013), a graduate student at the University of Minnesota when she met JB, whom she married in 1956. She later became managing editor of the Reader’s Digest Condensed Book collections.
- Levine, Philip (1928–2015), poet.
- Linebarger, J. M. (b. 1934), professor of English and author of John Berryman (Twayne, 1974).
- Little, Martha May Shaver (1863–1948), JB’s maternal grandmother.
- Lowell, Robert [“Cal”] (1917–1977), poet.
- Lynch, William, SJ (1908–1987), Jesuit priest and writer.
- Mabry, Thomas (1903–1968), instructor at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop in the mid-1950s.
- Macdonald, Dwight (1906–1982), writer, editor, and social critic.
- Macdonald, Nancy [née Nancy Gardiner Rodman] (1910–1996), activist and author.
- MacNeice, Louis (1907–1963), Northern Irish poet and critic.
- Marshall, Margaret (1900–1974), editor.
- Marshall, John (1903–1980), administrator in the Humanities Division at the Rockefeller Foundation.
- Mayewski, Paweł (1920–1991), editor of the Polish-language journal Tematy.
- Meredith, William (1919–2007), poet.
- Merrill, James (1926–1995), poet.
- Moe, Henry Allen (1894–1975), administrator of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
- Moers, Ellen (1928–1979), writer and literary scholar.
- Monteith, Charles (1921–1995), publisher and editor.
- Moos, Malcolm [“Mac”] (1916–1982), president of the University of Minnesota.
- Morgan, Frederick (1922–2004), founder and editor of The Hudson Review.
- Morrison, Theodore [“Ted”] (1901–1988), professor of English at Harvard University and director of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.
- Morse, Samuel French (1916–1985), poet; editor of Twentieth Century Verse.
- Moses, W. R. (1911–2001), poet and an editor of Accent.
- Munford, Howard (1912–2008), professor of American literature at Middlebury College.
- Myers, John Bernard (1920–1987), administrator for the Ingram Merrill Foundation.
- Oates, Whitney Jennings [“Mike”] (1904–1973), professor of Classics at Princeton.
- O’Donnell, George Marion (1914–1962), poet and literary critic.
- Ogden, C. K. (1889–1957), linguist and philosopher.
- Olson, Charles (1910–1970), poet.
- Ostroff, Anthony [“Tony”] (1923–1978), poet and anthologist; professor in the Speech Department at Berkeley.
- Paige, D. D. (c. 1919–1983), editor of The Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907–1941 (1950).
- Phillips, Anita [née Maximilian] (b. 1933), writer.
- Pound, Ezra (1885–1972), poet and critic.
- Pound, Dorothy [née Shakespeare] (1886–1973), English artist.
- Powers, J. F. (1917–1999), novelist.
- Rago, Henry (1915–1969), poet and editor of Poetry magazine.
- Rainer, Dachine [born Sylvia Newman] (1921–2000), writer and anarchist.
- Rice, Philip Blair (1904–1956), editor of the Kenyon Review.
- Rich, Adrienne (1929–2012), poet and essayist.
- Rosenzweig, Harriet Nadell (b. ?1938), undergraduate and then graduate student at the University of Minnesota in the late 1950s to early 1960s.
- Ross, Ralph (1911–2000), philosopher; chair of the Humanities program at the University of Minnesota.
- Rowse, A. L. (1903–1997), English scholar and historian.
- Ryan, Richard (b. 1946), Irish diplomat and poet.
- Schwartz, Delmore (1913–1966), poet and writer.
- Shahn, Ben (1898–1969), artist and illustrator.
- Shapiro, Karl (1913–2000), poet; editor at Poetry magazine.
- Shawn, William (1907–1992), editor of The New Yorker.
- Silkin, Jon (1930–1997), British poet; founder of Stand Magazine.
- Silvers, Robert (1929–2017), one of the founders of The New York Review of Books.
- Simpson, Eileen [born Eileen Patricia Mulligan; called “Rusty” and “Broom” by JB] (1918–2002), psychotherapist and writer.
- Sisam, Kenneth (1887–1971), Anglo-Saxon scholar; secretary with Oxford University Press.
- Sloane, William (1906–1974), editor and publisher.
- Smith, Datus C. (1907–1999), director of Princeton University Press.
- Smith, Harrison (1888–1971), editor of the Saturday Review of Literature.
- Smith, John Allyn (1887–1926), JB’s father, a banker for much of his career.
- Snodgrass, W. D. (1926–2009), poet.
- Spender, Stephen (1909–1995), English poet and critic.
- Stallman, R. W. (1911–1982), professor of English at the University of Connecticut.
- Starrett, Charles Vincent (1886–1974), journalist and author.
- Steeves, Harrison R. (1881–1981), professor of English at Columbia University.
- Stegner, Wallace (1909–1993), novelist and nonfiction writer.
- Stevens, David (1884–1980), administrator with the Rockefeller Foundation.
- Stevens, Wallace (1879–1955), poet.
- Stewart, Helen, editor at Henry Holt and at William Sloane Associates.
- Stewart, Thomas A. (b. 1948), undergraduate writer for The Harvard Advocate in the late 1960s.
- Stewart, Walter W. (1885–1958), investment banker, economist, and trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
- Stiehl, Harry (1927–2001), editor of Ramparts.
- Stitt, Peter (1940–2018), poet, essayist, and professor.
- Stoneburner, Tony (b. 1926), a PhD student at the University of Michigan in the early 1960s; later a professor of English.
- Straus, Roger (1917–2004), cofounder of Farrar, Straus and Company.
- Sullivan, Nancy (1929–2018), poet and professor based in Providence, Rhode Island.
- Swan, Emma (1914–2015), poet; she was briefly considered for inclusion in Laughlin’s Five Young American Poets project.
- Sweeney, John Lincoln [“Jack”] (1906–1986), curator of the Woodberry Poetry Room at Harvard University.
- Tate, Allen (1899–1979), poet and literary critic.
- Thomes, A. Boyd (1916–2004), JB’s doctor and friend.
- Thomes, Maris McQuarrie (1916–1997), friend of JB; artist and community activist.
- Thomes, Steven; Charles; Eugenie [“Peachy”]; and Katherine [“Katie”]: children of Boyd and Maris Thomes.
- Thompson, Edmund B. (1897–1974), printer and publisher.
- Thorp, Margaret Farrand (1891–1970), journalist and writer of nonfiction.
- Thorp, Willard (1899–1990), a professor of English at Princeton.
- Trueblood, Valerie (b. 1944), novelist and short story writer.
- Untermeyer, Louis (1885–1977), poet and anthologist.
- Van Doren, Mark (1894–1972), poet, literary critic, and professor of English at Columbia.
- Vaudrin, Philip (c. 1905–1956), editor.
- Wang, Arthur (1918–2005), cofounder of Hill and Wang publishing company.
- Warren, Robert Penn (1905–1989), poet and literary critic.
- Weiss, Renée Karol (b. 1923), teacher and editor.
- Weiss, Theodore (1916–2003), professor of English at Bard College, editor, and poet.
- White, Katharine (1892–1977), editor at The New Yorker.
- Whittemore, Reed (1919–2012), poet, literary critic, and an editor at The New Republic.
- Wilbur, Richard (1921–2017), poet.
- Williams, Ames W. (1912–1991), bibliographer of Stephen Crane.
- Williams, Oscar (1900–1964), poet, editor, and anthologist.
- Wilson, Edmund (1895–1972), critic and writer.
- Wilson, Elena [née Mumm] (1906–1979), editor of Edmund Wilson’s posthumous work.
- Wright, James (1927–1980), poet and teacher.