TINA STIRRED FROM her sleep when she heard someone rapping at the front door. She felt for Ham next to her and discovered that he was gone. She was used to it, and since the last incident of Ham choking her unconscious, she had refrained from asking him where he was running off to.

The knocking continued as she got out of bed and put on her gown that Ham had stripped off her when making love to her. Ham wanted to make love to Tina every time he planned on leaving. He was bringing in money, so she couldn’t complain, and she even had access to his product. In spite of Meka catching her, Tina was back on drugs and didn’t give a damn about the baby’s safety. She was more eager to push the baby out, just to get done with carrying the extra pounds around.

One more damn month! Tina thought as she walked to the front door.

She unlocked the door and opened it. Her visitor was someone she had never seen before

“Excuse me, but is Ham home?” the beautiful woman asked.

“No, who the hell are you?”

Before Tina could finish, the woman punched her in her jaw and knocked her out.

“Bitch! You ask too many questions now!” China said as she stepped inside the apartment over Tina’s unconscious body.


China dragged Tina’s body out of the doorway and closed it behind her. In her hands, she carried a black duffel bag. Inside were the tools she needed to finish the job she had come to do.


* * *

Marco and his M-13 brother Miguel got behind the gray Altima the moment it pulled out of Roxy’s restaurant. The two women in the car had no clue they were being trailed. Marco was too far back at the first intersection to make his move. The two women were having a gleeful conversation, Marco observed. “They’re very happy, esé!”

“Yeah, homes. I see that,” Miguel said as he looked at his watch. “It’s ten o’clock. This is the happy hour.”

The light turned green, and the Altima took off, pushing past the forty-five-mile-per-hour speed limit. Before Marco could accelerate and follow suit, a Metro-Dade police cruiser came out of nowhere and put on its lights to pull over the Altima.

“Shit, esé! Why us, huh?” Marco exclaimed angrily as he slammed his hand on the steering wheel.

Marco passed the Altima that had pulled over to the side for a traffic stop.

“I say we still go at them and leave everything slumped, homes,” Miguel suggested.

“We can’t! The camera already has our tag if they replay the tape,” Marco informed Miguel, who was a cold-blooded killer at just seventeen years old.

He was taking Jr.’s spot, and he was a more vicious killer than Jr. ever was.

“We’ll catch them on another date. We can’t crash out. They’re less important. So let’s remember that,” Marco said as he turned off the main highway and found the first I-95 route heading north back to Fort Lauderdale.


* * *

“Bitch! How the hell you get pulled over?” Jane asked Tabby while they waited for the police officer to come up to the driver’s side window.

“I didn’t even see him,” Tabby said, rubbing her huge stomach and turning down the radio.

When the police offer walked up to the driver, Tabby rolled down her window.

“What’s the problem, Officer?” Tabby asked the handsome black officer who favored Tyrese Gibson.

Damn, he’s fine as hell! Jane thought.

“Ma’am, this is a forty-five-mile-per-hour speed zone. Do you realize that you were going fifty-five miles per hour?”

“No, I didn’t, sir. I’m just in a hurry to get home after a long day of work,” Tabby replied.

“I can understand that, ma’am, but there are rules out here that we must follow,” the officer said.

“Yes, you’re correct,” Tabby said as the officer shined his flashlight on Jane.

“Ma’am, why aren’t you wearing your seatbelt? Don’t you know that I can give you a ticket?” he said. “Let me see your license and registration. And you, ma’am, let me see your identification,” the officer ordered.

“Damn, why do you have to be such an asshole. Let a bitch breathe!” Jane said, getting sassy with the officer.

The officer laughed briefly, finding Jane’s smart-ass mouth amusing.

“I’ll let you breathe alright,” the officer said as he put his focus back on Tabby.

“You’re not wearing your seatbelt either. And you’re pregnant. Are you okay?”

“Sure, I’m okay. Like I said, mister, I’m tired from working,” Tabby said with an attitude as she handed over her driver’s license and car registration.

“Come on, ma’am. You too. I need your identification,” he said to Jane.

Jane sucked her teeth, rolled her eyes at the officer, and then dug in her purse for her ID.

“Give this to him before I curse his ass out!” Jane said to Tabby as she handed her ID over.

Tabby grabbed Jane’s card and handed it to the officer.

“Thank you, Ms. Sassy,” he said as he strutted off to his squad car laughing to himself.

“Muthafucka thinks he’s the king of the streets and shit!” Jane pouted.

“Girl, don’t even let him get to you, like for real,” Tabby said to Jane.

The officer came back to the car ten minutes later and handed back Tabby’s license and registration.

“I’ma give you a break, driver. Jane Thompson, ma’am, I need you to step out of the car.”

“Are you kidding me? For what?” Jane exclaimed as she watched the officer walk around to the passenger side.

He boldly opened Jane’s door and then ordered her to step out again, with his hands resting on his .357 revolver. “Ma’am, could you please step out of the car.”

“Girl, do what he says! I don’t like how he’s sounding,” Tabby whispered to Jane.

Too many people have been being killed by police, and the smallest things have resulted in one’s death, Tabby thought. She didn’t want her friend to join the statistics of police shooting people for the wrong speculation. “Please, Jane. Just do what he says,” Tabby whispered again.

Jane sucked her teeth and then stepped out of the car, staring into the officer’s eyes. When he saw the hips and ass on Jane, his cock began to betray him.

“Ma’am, could you please walk over to my car and stand by the hood,” the officer directed Jane while pointing toward his squad car.

“All this for not wearing a seatbelt?”

“Ma’am, again, please follow my orders!” the officer shouted.

Jane did as she was told. When she was standing in front of his car, he shined his flashlight into the car and looked at the passenger’s floor and seat for anything illegal. He found nothing.

“Both of you have been to prison. The wrong police officer would do everything in his or her power to arrest your girl. Start teaching her to just keep her mouth closed,” the officer said to Tabby as he slammed the passenger door.

Walking back to his car, he shined his light in Jane’s face again, and then to her bulging red juicy tits.

“You’re too beautiful to give me a hard time.”

“What do you mean? You’re the one getting on me about a seatbelt,” Jane explained with an attitude.

“That’s my job. Plus, I wasn’t getting on nobody. I was only telling you what could happen to you. If I was a jackass, I’d give yo’ ass a ticket more than your check. I could make it hard for you to pay your rent, and have you back into the system,” the officer explained.

“What’s your name?” Jane asked.

“My name is Officer Smith. Tyrone Smith, to be correct,” he said.

“You like what you see, don’t you?” Jane asked after seeing the lust in his eyes.

“I think you’ve very beautiful, like I’ve told you. Now that I have you away from yo’ girl, I can speak what’s on my mind.”

“And what is that, Officer? Please tell me you fuck while using handcuffs, because I’m down for the kinky shit!” Jane said seductively.

“How kinky?”

“When do you get off?” Jane asked, avoiding Smith’s question.

“I’ll be off at twelve o’clock.”

“Come to my place when you get off. Now let me go so I can get this hard day of work off me and put my kids to bed. I’ll be waiting on you, Smith,” Jane said as she dismissed herself.

Officer Smith watched Jane’s ass sway as she walked back to the car and got inside.

“Damn! Come on twelve o’clock. I’ma fuck the shit out of that bitch,” Smith said as he watched Tabby pull off and merge back into traffic.

Officer Smith felt like the luckiest man of the hour. Jane was a beautiful woman who could land a job as a model if she just knew the right people. And ten-year-veteran Officer Smith knew the right people.


* * *

When Ham passed by the Indiantown middle school on Farm Road, he never saw the unmarked SUV sitting in the school’s bus ramp, until the car jumped behind him and threw on its red and blue lights.

“Fuck!” Ham screamed.

He had no license and had drugs and a gun inside the unregistered car. He was indecisive and was about to flee, until he heard Sgt. Running Man’s voice come over the mic.

“Pull over, Hamilton. There’s no need to flee.”

Ham sighed in relief and then pulled over into the community park.

Sgt. Running Man killed his red and blue lights, pulled up alongside Ham, and then rolled down his passenger-side window.

“Don’t you know that if the wrong police officer stops you, you’re coming in with new charges,” the sergeant said to Ham.

“I’m about to be a father.”

“To an underage girl. We know all about Tina Scott, Hamilton. That’s a dangerous responsibility, son!”

Ham remained speechless. It was time for him to listen now.

What else does he know that I thought no one knew? Ham thought.

“Who killed your cousin, Banga Hamilton?”

“I don’t know who killed my cousin,” Ham replied.

“You’re lying to me, Hamilton. Let’s remember, I’m on your side. There’s no need to lie to me. If it wasn’t for me, then you wouldn’t be a free man.”

No, if I didn’t snitch on Smooth, then I wouldn’t be a free man, Ham thought.

“I’m gonna ask you again. Who killed Banga to get him out of the way?” Sgt. Running Man asked.

“I think someone in Golden Gate did it. The big shot over there is Jason Dames,” Ham explained.

He knew in his heart that Jason had something to do with Banga’s death, because they were rivals and beginning to beef over turf before Banga was killed. Ham was just waiting to catch Jason solo and in possession of a lot of dope to make his move.

“Hamilton, try to stay out of Golden Gate. They’re about to come down hard, and I don’t need my CI getting caught up in the crossfire. Remember, we’re always watching, son,” the sergeant said as he drove off.

“Damn it, man! I fucking hate my life. How did it get like this?” Ham murmured to himself as he pulled out his crack pipe and took a hit before he pulled off.

He badly wanted to go find a trick and fuck the shit out of her, but he was close to home. He could just go home and make love to Tina. At least it would mean something.

When Ham pulled up to his apartment, he stashed his crack pipe in a hole in his ruined seat and exited the car. Ham walked up to his apartment and found the door unlocked.

“What the fuck! She left the door open.” He then walked inside. “What the fuck!” Ham exclaimed when he saw his destroyed apartment. The worn-down sofa was turned over, and graffiti was on the walls. His heart dropped when he read the graffiti: Daddy, Save Me.

“Tina!” Ham screamed as he rushed to the bedroom with his gun in his shaking hands.

When he entered the dark room, he flicked on the light switch and lost all the air in his body.

“Tina! No, no baby!” Ham cried as he stared at a dead Tina on the bed with her throat cut from ear to ear.

When he looked at her bloody stomach that was cut open and childless, Ham fainted and fell to the floor of the room. The sight of Tina’s cut throat was one thing, but seeing that someone had cut out their baby was another thing, and too much for Ham to bear.


* * *

When Officer Smith pulled up to Jane’s apartment in his luxurious Lexus SUV, he saw that the area was quiet and very low key. He stepped out of his car and walked up to Jane’s apartment door. Before he could knock, the door opened, and Jane stood there in lustrous satin lingerie.

Damn! Smith thought while staring at Jane’s gorgeous body.

“What, nigga? Do the cat got yo’ tongue, or haven’t you tasted some good pussy in a while?” Jane challenged Smith.

“I see you got a fly mouth year-round, huh?” Smith said as he stepped inside and took Jane in his arms.

“If my mouth is too much, how about you put something in it, Mr. Officer,” Jane said seductively while rubbing on Smith’s chest.

Smith placed his mouth to Jane’s and kicked the door closed behind him with his foot. As he kissed her passionately, she tasted like apple candy. Smith picked her up and carried her over to the plush sofa where he lay her down.

“Mmmmm!” Jane softly moaned as Smith caressed her body with his tongue.

When he got to her wet mound, Jane arched her back and locked her legs around his neck.

Damn! This nigga can eat some pussy. He reminds me of Smooth, she reflected.

“Oh shit! I’m coming!” Jane purred.

She couldn’t believe how fast he made her orgasm.

“I got to have this dick!” Jane said as she helped Smith out of his pants.

When she saw his enormous dick, she almost declined. His girth was extremely thick.

“Can you handle this big boy?” Smith asked.

“We’ll see!” Jane said as she slowly straddled him and descended on his cock.

Oh my gosh! He’s too big! Jane thought as she filled her wet mound halfway with his cock. Jane held onto his neck and rode Smith slowly until her pussy got accustomed to his cock.

“Damn, this dick feels good!” she purred to Smith, who was sucking on her erect nipples.

Got his ass! And I mean for the long haul! Jane thought, deciding that she would keep him around and not run him off like the rest of her victims.

Officer Smith fucked Jane long and hard for an hour, putting her to sleep. Immediately after, he gathered his clothes and ran home to his wife and kids. He was hooked like she was, and yet another victim.