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A pleasaunte Laborinth called Churchyardes Chance, 187
Aaron, R. I.: 1671
ABC Television Network (USA): 1111n
Abingdon: 55
Abingdon Arms (Beckley): 1504n
Abolitionists (of death penalty): 1302
Abominable Snowmen: 156-7
Abortion: 91
Abrabanel, Judah: Dialoghi d’Amore, 1563
Abraham: 157, 427, 520, 608, 1043, 1303, 1504
Abraham Lincoln Battalion: 1691
Absolution: 1169, 1171, 1366, 1430, 1540
Abstinence: 1126
Abstraction: 1607-9, 1622
Acheson, Dean: 1392
Achilles: 696n, 714n, 794n, 795, 1079
Ackerman (Mississippi): 1695
Acland Nursing Home (Oxford): 13, 1166, 1278-9, 1283, 1287, 1290, 1334, 1441-4, 1446, 1448, 1595n, 1669
Acropolis, The: 944n, 1134, 1142, 1147, 1153
Acta Apostolicae Sedes: 1596n
Acworth, Bernard: letters to: 138, 140-1, 1087-8, 1137-8; This Progress: The Tragedy of Evolution, 138; men. 150, 226
Adam: 78, 157, 305, 306, 526n, 956, 985, 1004, 1158
Adami, Luigi ‘Gigio’: 1700
Adams, Bryan Fullerton: 161n
Adams, Dabney: see Dabney Adams Hart
Adams SSJE, Father Walter: 181-2, 351n, 449, 1285
Adams, Richard: 899n
Addison, Joseph: 1469n, 1571
Adelaide (Australia): 867n
Adelaide University: 867n
Adelmann SJ, Fr Frederick Joseph: letter to: 1186
Adey, Lionel: C. S. Lewis’s Great War with Owen Barfield, 1599-1600
Adler, Allen: 783n
Admiralty (London): 1679, 1680
Adolf, Helen: letter to: 1228; Visio Pacis, 1228
Adonis: 227
Adultery: 510, 669
Advent: 103
Aegina: 708n, 736
Aeneas: 303, 391n, 404, 420, 432, 658, 661n, 1117, 1428n
Aeschylus: 3
Aesop: 909n
Aesthetics: 1625-6, 1683
Affection (Storge): 413, 428, 445, 538, 623, 709, 732, 831, 941, 965, 1035, 1087, 1090, 1091-2, 1173, 1203, 1354, 1542
Aflfictions: 401, 915
Afghanistan: 80n
Africa: 242n, 771n, 777, 1248, 1347, 1647, 1678
Agamemnon: 103, 589n
Agapony Fund: 31, 818, 828, 853, 1004, 1320
Agnes Scott College (Georgia): 757n
Agnosticism: 396, 594, 649, 1342, 1647, 1675
Agrippa, H. Cornelius: De Occulta Philosophia, 943n, 1065n, 1067-9, 1292, 1301, 1395n, 1727, 1728
Ahriman: 1643, 1644
Ainlé: 1129
Ajax: 696n
Alamanni, Luigi: La Coltivazione; Opere Toscane, 637
Alanus ab Insulis: De Planctu Naturae, 969, 1074
Alaska: 15, 43
Alba (= Scotland): 1129
Alban, St: 1736
Albert, Prince: 771
Albertus Magnus, St: Commentary on the Sentences of Peter the Lombard, 873; men. 865, 873
Albigensians: 646, 686
Alcaeus: 30n
Alcina: 497
Alcinous: 1401
Alcohol/alcoholism: 13, 608, 1126, 1275
Alcoholics Anonymous: 13, 1312
Aldebaran: 179
Aldenham School (Hertfordshire): 1568n
Alderley (Cheshire): 1184
Alderney: 1569n
Aldershot: 1130
Aldwinckle, Stella: biography, 1647-8; letters to: 33-5, 400-1, 1557: Christ’s Shadow in Plato’s Cave, 1648; men. 2n, 493n, 1066n
Alexander, Cecil Francis Humphreys: 909n
Alexander, F. Matthias: 1715
Alexander, Samuel: Space, Time and Deity, 1582
Alexander the Great: 314n, 1233
Alexandre (in Chrétien de Troyes): 1079-80
Alexandrine (verse): 183, 461, 469, 485, 695, 1034, 1291, 1526
Alfred, King: 420, 1080
Algebra: 1399
Alimony: 434
All Saints Church (Dewsbury): 1662
All Saints Church (London): 1090n
All Saints’ Day: 407
All Souls College (Oxford): 1662
Allah: 175, 1377, 1378n
Allan, Doris: letters to: 1594, 1595; men. 1063
Allbright Wilson Ltd (Walthamstow): 1244n
Allcock, Mr: letter to: 587-8
Allegory: 101, 162, 202n, 300, 312, 319, 341, 383, 387, 522, 529, 548, 674n, 700, 728n, 749, 789, 815-16, 830, 877, 919, 971, 1004, 1079, 1090, 1198, 1208, 1211-12, 1420, 1432, 1452, 1458n, 1460, 1563
Allegro, John: Dead Sea Scrolls, 846
Allen, Arthur Clement: 1490
Allen, Belle (mother of Edward Allen): letters to: 50-1, 61, 65, 76-8, 259-61, 406, 520, 553, 905-6, 1215-16; men. 6n, 7, 32, 42, 43, 122, 123, 155, 184, 287, 291, 295, 545, 803, 998, 1310, 1324-5
Allen, Edward A.: letters to: 6-7, 32-3, 41-3, 87-9, 122-3, 147-8, 155-6, 178-9, 183-5, 286-7, 291, 294-5, 544-5, 677-8, 803, 905-6, 998-9, 1215-16, 1298, 1309-10, 1324-5, 1389; men. 51, 88, 89, 260, 261, 553
Allen, Martha: letter to: 1312
Allen & Unwin Publishers: 464, 546
Allwood, Mr: letter to: 490
Allwood, Martin S.: 787-8
Alternative Prayer Book, The: 1595n
Amadis of Gaul: 687, 957
Amazons: 1153, 1161
Ambition: 17, 502 America: 807n, 824n
American Episcopal Mission (Japan): 963n
American Library Association: 942n, 1428n
American Poetry: 203, 333, 341-2, 467-9
Amis, Kingsley: A Frame of Mind; Bright November, 443n; Letters, 1576n; Lucky Jim, 443n; ‘The Suggestion from Old English’, 1576; men. 443, 1482n, 1657
Amis, Martin: 443n
Ampleforth Abbey: 23n, 954n, 1564
Ampleforth Arms (Risinghurst Estate, Oxford): 1000
Amundsen, Roald: 1494nAnaesthetics: 1136-7, Anchises: 1428Andersen, Hans Christian: Emperor’s New Clothes; The Little Mermaid; Seven Swans; The Shadow; The Storks, 445; men. 807n, 1598
Anderson, B. R. O’G.: 712n
Anderson, Edward: 1488
Anderson, Lady Flavia: The
Ancient Secret, 1406
Anderson, Francis: letter to: 1458-60
Andrews, Kathleen: letters to: 1311-12, 1318, 1409
Andrewes, Lancelot: 975
Andric, Ivo: 1224n
Andromache: 180
Angels: 11, 101, 125, 209, 226-7, 264, 301-2, 327, 330, 380, 428, 430, 440-1, 524, 548, 558, 595, 635n, 873, 922, 945, 1005, 1067, 1252, 1304, 1371, 1549, 1586, 1697, 1698, 1713
Anger: 330, 449, 510, 755, 775, 808, 1204, 1234, 1476
Anglican Church: 67, 249, 474n, 928n, 1133n, 1342, 1435, 1721, 1736
Anglo-Catholics: 164
Anglo-Saxon (Old English): 11n, 55, 272, 473n, 664, 695, 852n, 996, 1194n, 125n, 1561, 1574-5
Angry Young Men: 443n
Animal pain: 1308, 1376-7
Annagassan (Co. Louth): 781, 797n
Annanias: 1436n
Anne, HRH Princess: 895
Annunciation, The: 302
Anonymous Gentleman, An: letter to: 115-16
Anscombe, G. E. M.: ‘A Reply to Mr C. S. Lewis’s Argument That “Naturalism” is Self-Refuting’, 35n, 493n, 1066; Collected Philosophical Papers, Vol. II, 35n; men. 34, 35
Anselm of Canterbury, St: Proslogion, 1472n; men. 465n
Anstey, F.: In Brief Authority, 430-1; Vice Versa, 430; men. 870
Anstey, Rev. Christopher Robin: letter to: 1205-6
Antaeus: 1428, 1617 Antaios: 1728n
Antediluvians: 157
Anthropological Approach: 1084n, 1382n, 1393
Anthropology: 34n, 35, 138, 1078
Anthropomorphic Animals: 1111
Anthropomorphism: 1424n, 1597
Anthroposophy: 29n, 198-9, 213, 222, 266, 283, 1382, 1596, 1598-99, 1643-5
Antichrist, The: 1114, 1159, 1245
Anti-Communists: 1190
Anti-Nature: 498, 605
Anti-Semitism: 608
Antioch: 1241
Anxiety: 152, 253, 359n, 375, 378, 531, 667, 798, 889, 982, 984-5, 1049, 1283, 1718
Apamea (Bithinia): 771n
Aphaia, Temple of: 708n
Aphrodisiacs: 1164
Aphrodite: 423-4, 658, 708, 736, 1428n
Apocalypse, The: 317n
Apocryphal New Testament: 584
Apollo: 785, 1154
Apollonius Rhodius: Argonautica, 987n
Apologetics: 1007, 1014n
Apostasy: 333, 1344
Apostasy of Europe: 364, 365
Apostles, The: 106, 298, 471, 928, 997
Apostles’ Creed, The: 126, 132, 712n, 744, 837n, 1007, 1148
Applegarth School (Godalming): 1395, 1408, 1677
Appleyard, Dr: 575, 857, 858
Appreciation: 1095-6, 1354
A. P. Watt Ltd (literary agents): 1656
Apuleius: Cupid and Psyche, 590, 779, 968, 1295; Golden Ass, 649; Metamorphoses, 1211, 1295; men. 87
Arabic: 912, 1674
Aramaic: 279
Arabian Nights: 322, 366-7
Arbol (Sun): 968
Archaeology: 651, 927, 1073
Archetypal beauty: 1130
Arch-Nature: 995
Arctinus of Miletus: Aethiopis, 795
Ardan: 1129
Argentina: 104, 1202n
Argonauts, The: 986n, 987n
Argument: 494, 1338
Ariosto, Ludovico: Orlando Furioso: 87, 159, 314, 383, 497, 794n, 871, 1708; men. 1118, 1208
Aristophanes: The Birds, 852, 1658, 1660; Thesmophoriazusae, 1626; Wasps, 1466; men. 840
Aristotle: De Anima, 429-30, 1507-8, 1605; Nicomachean Ethics, 980; ’Ode to Arete’, 696-7; Politics, 1592; men. 11, 71, 725, 865n, 980, 995, 1498, 1523, 1632
Arianism: 1554
Arius: 1554n
Ark of the Covenant, The: 277
Armour, John Kenneth Cameron: 1036-7
Armstrong, Anthony: Saying Your Prayers, 872
Armstrong OFM, Regis J.: (with others) Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, 137n, 1113
Arnaboldi, Paola: 48, 49n
Arnold, Matthew: Essays in Criticism, 497n; In Utrumque Paratus, 481, 1623; Poems, Second Series, 497n; ’Rugby Chapel’, 1293; Sohrab and Rustum, 486; The Strayed Reveller, 1623n; men. 76, 497, 1341, 1342n, 1469n, 1731, 1733
Arras (France): 1077
Arrogance: 438
Army Service Pension Scheme: 1087n
Arnold, Thomas: Sermons, 793
Arnott, Geoffrey: 1660
Arsiero (Italy): 1700
Arts: 1093, 1364, 1371, 1523
Artemis: 423-4, 659
Arthur, King: 217-18, 298, 314n, 349, 420, 458n, 499, 647, 1118, 1360, 1714
Arthurian Chronicles, Represented by Wace and Layamon: 1074
Arts, The: 1333
Arthurian Legends: 232, 288, 467, 499, 687, 1051-2, 1189-90, 1360, 1406
Arts Theatre (Cambridge): 711, 712n, 1018n
Arundel: 582
Ascension, The: 655n
Ascetics: 405
Ascham, Roger: Schoolmaster, 498n
Asgard: 987
Ashram: 1300
Ashwell (Hertfordshire): 1665
Asia: 1147
Askesis: 598, 599
Associates of Holy Cross: 285, 296, 321, 610
Association for Biblical Astronomy: 1358n
Association Irlandaise: 1130n
Association Press (New York): 917n, 923n
Aston Old Edwardians (Birmingham): 1490
Astrological prediction: 865-6
Astrology: 159, 863, 1459
Astronauts: 417-18, 1257
Astronomy: 466, 726, 727n, 773, 861n, 886-7, 970, 1358n, 1641n
Atalanta: 987
Atarneus: 696n
Athanasian Creed: 1550
Athanasius, St: Against the Heathen, 21n; Incarnation of the Word of God, 20-1, 1014; men. 1554n
Atheism/atheists: 71, 82n, 112, 125, 167, 198, 364, 365, 507, 577-8, 594, 805n, 1270, 1289, 1551, 1573, 1647, 1708, 1719
Athena (or Minerva): 657, 659, 660, 708n, 736
Athenaeum Club (London): 724, 964, 1169
Athens: 763, 987n, 1089, 1151-2, 1686, 1729
Atlanta (Georgia): 941n, 1706-7, 1715
Atlantic Monthly, The: 204n, 1916n, 1037n
Atlantic Ocean: 267, 703-4
Atlantis: 140, 208, 855
Atlantis Project: 421n
Atomic bomb: 77-8, 348, 544, 612n, 815-16, 1216, 1459
Atoms: 1086
Atonement, The: 510, 520, 1476
Attachment: 477
Attica: 1147, 1151-2, 1154
Atticus: 787
Attlee, Clement: 16n, 153
Auburn (Indiana): 1719
Auden, Wystan Hugh: Age of Anxiety; Dog Beneath the Skin; Orators; Shield of Achilles, 714n; men. 637n, 714, 1329, 1658, 1689
Auerbach, Erich: Mimesis, 1079
Aufidius: 1732
Augustine of Hippo, St: City of God, 1093n, 1211n; Confessions, 1265; Enarrationes in Psalmos, 1505; Homilies on the First Epistle of John, 685; Homilies on the Psalms, 930; Selected Writings, 930n; men. 24, 886n, 978, 1163, 1333, 1389, 1391, 1396
Augustus, Emperor: Res Gestae: 650
Aulén, Gustaf: Christus Victor, 980
Ault, James: letter to: 1141
Aulus Gellis, Attic Nights, 1073n
Austen, Cassandra: 1565
Austen, Jane: Emma, 546, 931, 957, 1535; Northanger Abbey, 1060, 1145n, 1565; Pride and Prejudice, 368, 407; The Watsons, 479; men. 195, 363, 536, 547, 1144, 1231-2, 1402, 1565-8, 1571, 1659
Austen-Leigh, J. E.: A Memoir of Jane Austen, 1565
Austen-Leigh, Richard Arthur: (with William Austen-Leigh) Jane Austen, 1566n; men. 1566
Australia: 315n, 1236n, 1677
Australian Bureau of Census and Statistics: 1338n
Australian National University (Mount Stromlo): 1338n
Austria: 808
Authorised Version (of Bible): 630, 1091, 1240, 1265, 1553
Authority: 1542
Avalon: 1119
Avarice: 278
Avery, Alexander Devonald: 1649
Avery, Archie Maxwell: 1649
Avery, Marshall Angus: 1649
Avery, Penelope (Penelope Berners-Price): 188, 190, 256, 368, 395, 482, 846, 1648-9
Avoca House Hotel (London): 376, 1693
Ayer, Alfred Jules: Language, Truth and Logic, 35n; 35; men. 447
Aylard, Donovan: letters to: 1057, 1114, 1226, 1404
Baal: 598, 775
Babbage, Dennis William: 827-8
Babylon: 322, 1241n
Bach, Johann Sebastian: 732
Bacon, Francis: Essays, 82, 441; men. 727n
Baghdad: 803
Bahai faith: 109n
Bailey, Colin: letter to: 1467
Baillie, Joanna: ’The Storm-
Beat Maid’, 398n
Bainbridge, Roger: 845n
Baird, T. C.: letter to: 1577
Bajetta, Carlo M.: 52n
Baker, Alfred Rawlings: 1450n
Baker, Anthony: 1157n
Baker, Patricia Mary (Mackey): letters to: 1157-9, 1419
Baker, Sheridan: letter to: 1143; The Practical Stylist, 1143n
Balaam: 152
Balaam’s Ass: 152, 479, 883, 1065, 1387, 1455
Balan: 314
Balcon, Jill: 1658
Balder: 71
Balin (Balain): 314
Balke, Better T.: letter to: 1357 Ballad of Sir Patrick Spens: 1526n
Ballads: 959, 1078-9, 1187, 1345, 1526-7, 1527-30
Ballard Mathews Lectures: 1573n
Ballintrae House (Portballintrae): 1414
Ballintubbert (Co. Laois): 1657
Balliol College (Oxford): 103n, 113n, 402n, 771n, 954n, 1032n, 1059n, 1662, 1680
Ballyhalbert (Co. Down): 1394n
Baltimore (Maryland): 1691
Bambridge, Elsie: 1261
Bambridge, George: 1261n
Bampton Lectures: 158
Bancroft’s School (Essex): 242n
Bancroft’s School, Headmaster of (Sydney Adams): letter to: 1568
Bandersnatch: 824, 1049
Banks, Sir John Garnett: 716
Banner, Delmar: letters to: 185, 487, 673-4, 1017, 1154, 1474-5, 1733
Bannister, Pauline: letters to: 1135-6, 1471
Banton, Butch: letter to: 946-7
Bantus: 1007
Baptism: 134, 135n, 169, 172, 490, 1675
Baptism for the dead: 1292, 1307
Baptist Church, The: 1150, 1661-2
Bar-Ilan University (Israel): 1323n
Barach, Carl Sigmund: 87n
Barbet, Pierre: Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 591, 594
Barcelona: 1399
Barfield, Arthur (Owen’s father): 1509-10, 1597, 1604n
Barfield, Barbara (Owen’s sister): 1604, 1614
Barfield, Christian Matilda ‘Maud’: 1504, 1507, 1510, 1617
Barfield, Elizabeth (Owen’s mother): 1604n
Barfield, Owen: letters to: 724-5, 853, 1328, 1497-9, 1502, 1503-13, 1514-15, 1517-21, 1600-45; A Barfield Reader, 434n; ‘Death’ (unpublished essay), 1519, 1520-1; ‘English People’ (unpublished novel): 1510-12, 1515, 1631; Poetic Diction, 1183, 1509, 1596, 1598, 1637; History in English Words, 1497-9, 1502, 1598; Saving the Appearances, 724-30, 853; The Silver Trumpet, 1598; This Ever Diverse Pair, 31, 370, 536; ‘The Tower’ (unpublished poem), 1505-7, 1508; Worlds Apart, 1328; men. 3, 29, 31, 35, 55, 100, 179, 198, 352, 367-8, 556, 619, 628n, 630, 738, 818, 883, 884, 1004, 1010, 1088n, 1132, 1151, 1223, 1259, 1316, 1320, 1329, 1363, 1382n, 1486, 1544, 1585, 1596-1629, 1679, 1685, 1718
Barfield & Barfield (London): 1509-10, 1597-8
Barker, Sir Ernest: 800
Barker, Miss: letter to: 1594-5
Barragato, Stefano: 889
Barrington-Ward, Rt. Rev. Simon: 1471
Barth, Karl: 978n
Bartholomaeus Sibylla de Monopoli, O.P.: Speculum Peregrinarum, 944-5
Basic Bible, The: 1553n, 1556
Bate, W. J.: 580n
Bateson, Frederick: 988
Bath (Somerset): 1713
Baton Rouge (Louisiana): 1667
Batson, Beatrice: 1685
Batten, John D.: 942n
Battle of Brunette (Spain): 1691
Bavington (Northumberland): 1704
Bax, Clifford: 1515n
Baxter, Richard: Church-history of the Government of Bishops, 164
Bayley, Irene: 948n
Bayley, Peter Charles: ‘From Master to Colleague’, 948n; men. 948
Bayley, William Charles: 948n
Baynes, Pauline: letters to: 83-4, 412-13, 511-12, 611, 850, 1396-7; (illustrated) The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, 1397; men. 80, 224, 264-5, 290, 299-300, 322, 638-9, 681, 846, 888, 921n, 1158n
Bayreuth (Germany): 848
Bayview Hotel (Portballintrae): 1414
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation): 34n, 86, 129, 273, 508, 522, 547, 579, 581, 662, 674n, 717, 718, 765, 805, 1048-9, 1087, 1155, 1156n, 1202, 1272, 1346-7, 1365, 1368, 1405, 1544n, 1699, 1702-3
Beach Hotel (Portballintrae): 1413
Beatitude: 526
Beatitudes, The: 600
Beatrice (in Dante): 498, 616, 713n, 1583
Beaumaris Castle (Anglesey): 173, 175, 220n, 332
Beauty: 1043, 1130, 1384, 1612, 1613, 1625
Bebington (Cheshire): 175, 220
Beckett, Sir Eric: 818
Beckley (Oxfordshire): 1504
Beddington Church (Surrey): 1648
Bede, St: De Temporum Ratione, 12
Bédier, Joseph: (trans) Roman de Tristan et Iseut, 1051
Beebee, Mrs: letter to: 779
Beer, John: ‘Basil Willey: 1897-1978’, 1731
Beerbohm, Max: Zuleika Dobson, 1018n
Beeton, Isabella: Household Management, 1181
Beimer, Mr: letter to: 1356-7
Being in love: see Eros Belfast: 90n, 98, 173, 236n, 499, 615, 637n, 643, 749, 756, 772n, 1030n, 1215, 1237n, 1485, 1486, 1495n, 1515, 1630
Belfast Infirmary: 1516n
Belgion, Montgomery: 646n
Belhaven College (Mississippi): 1248n
Bell, Bishop George: 915, 1650, 1651, 1735
Bellarmine College (Plattsburg): 1387n
Bellerophon: 968
Belloc, Hilaire: The Four Men, 1434n; men. 1434
Beloit (Wisconsin): 1355
Belsen: 524
Benchley, Peter: Jaws, 1464n
Benecke, Margaret Dora Mendelssohn: 1552
Benecke, Paul Victor Mendelssohn: 323n, 1552-3
Benedicite: 1591
Benedictine Order: 23-5, 195, 470n, 565n, 1709
Benedictines (Ampleforth Abbey): 1564
Benedictines (Stanbrook Abbey): 565n
Benét, Stephen Vincent: John Brown’s Body, 341, 404; Western Star, 333, 341, 404; men. 464, 469, 1690
Bennett, Joan: 1100, 1286, 1316, 1380
Bennett, Henry Stanley: 469-70, 1100, 1380
Bennett, Jack Arthur Walter: (with G. V. Smithers and Norman Davis) Early English Verse and Prose, 471n; (ed) Essays on Malory, 1081-2, 1083, 1093, 1094, 1394n; men. 473n, 485n, 969, 1041n, 1082, 1083, 1094
Bennett, Ralph Francis: Early Dominicans; Ultra in the West, 828n; men. 827-8
Benson, Edward Fredric: Dodo, 98
Bentham, Jeremy: 1469n
Bentley, Richard: P. Ovidi Nasonia Opera, 1583
Beowulf: 60, 432, 852, 854, 873, 1458, 1575n, 1713
Bereavement: 393, 398, 561, 682
Berdyaev, Nicolas: Freedom and the Spirit; Meaning of the Christian Act, 979n; men. 979, 1433
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp: 1699
Berger, Harry: The Allegorical Temper, 1206
Bergman, Alexander F.: They Look Like Men, 1691
Bergson, Henri: Creative Evolution, 628, 683, 1257; men. 99, 614, 628, 1137, 1186, 1269, 1500
Berkeley, George: 24n, 129
Berlin: 978n, 1083
Berlin, Isaiah: 1657
Bermuda Summit, The: 382
‘Bernagh’ (Arthur Greeves’s home): 90n
Bernard of Clairvaux, St: De Diligendo Deo, 5; men. 317, 497, 1091
Bernard-Salin, Brigitte: 801n
Bernardus Silvestris: De Mundi Universitate, 87, 893
Berners-Price, Alan: 179, 256-7, 309, 331, 368, 846, 1648-9
Berners-Price, Nell: biography, 1648-49; letters to: 187-8, 189-90, 256-7, 283, 308-9, 331, 368, 395, 482; men. 179, 846, 1675
Berners-Price, Penelope: see Penelope Avery
Berners-Price, Peter: 395, 1648
Besant, Annie: 1639n
Best, Andrew: 1657
Best, Henry: Personal and Literary Memorials, 578n
Best Books of the World: 1082-3
Bethany College (West Virginia): 318n
Bethell, Samuel Leslie: Shakespeare and the Popular Dramatic Tradition, 1572
Bethesda (Maryland): 666n, 698n
Bethlehem: 429, 936
Betjeman, John: 1251
Bevan, Edwyn: Symbolism and Belief, 1012, 1065, 1264
Beverly Hills (California): 7, 36, 53, 642n, 671
Beversluis, John: letters to: 1332-3, 1436-7; C. S. Lewis and the Search for Rational Religion, 1332n, 1436n; Cross-Examining Socrates, 1332n
Bible/Scriptures: 127, 157, 172, 195, 204, 246, 264, 301-2, 311, 354, 355, 356, 525n, 588, 608, 652-3, 698, 701, 709, 916n, 929, 960, 979, 981, 998, 1023, 1044-6, 1068, 1079, 1150, 1198, 1230, 1231, 1238, 1245, 1265, 1307-8, 1346, 1353, 1371, 1416, 1459, 1476n, 1541, 1548, 1571, 1574, 1696
Bible Churchman’s College (Bristol): 708n
Bible Presbyterian Church (Firth, Nebraska): 1242n
Biblical Association of Italy: 1222 n Biblical Astronomer, The: 1358n
Bide, Carol: 1650
Bide, Jesse: 1649
Bide, Katharina: 1652
Bide, Katherine: 1649
Bide, Margaret: 1044, 1161-2, 1169, 1185, 1650, 1652
Bide, Mark: 1650
Bide, Nicola: 1652
Bide, Penelope: 1650
Bide, Penelope Voelcker: 1652
Bide, Rev. Peter William: biography, 1649-52; letters to: 1161-2, 1169, 1185; men. 841-2, 861, 933, 1001, 1016n, 1017, 1041, 1043, 1044, 1088, 1673, 1676, 1693
Bide, Stephen: 1650
Biggs, John Reginald: 736
Billiard, Marcia: letter to: 569
Bingley College (Yorkshire): 887n
Bio-chemistry: 1439
Biographies, modern: 903
Biolatry: 1256
Biology: 1088 ‘Bird and Baby’ pub: see
Eagle and Child Birkett, William Norman, Lord: 972
Birmingham (Warwickshire): 164, 1435n
Birmingham (Michigan): 500n
Birth control: 719
Bishopthorpe (Yorkshire): 1345, 1725-6
Bizet, Georges: Carmen, 1492
Black, Jill: letters to: 1203, 1208, 1274; men. 1363
Blackfriars (Oxford): 1059n, 1329n, 1709
Blackwell’s Bookshop (Oxford): 1125, 1348, 1380, 1514
Blagrove, Charles F.: 1409n
Blagrove, Mrs Charles F.: 1409n
Blaise: 570
Blake, Leonard: 825n, 1538, 1555, 1565, 1710
Blake, Maureen: see Dunbar of Hempriggs, Dame Maureen
’Blake, Nicholas’: See Cecil Day-Lewis
Blake, Richard Francis: 1555n, 1558
Blake, William: ‘The Little Girl Lost’, 893; Sea of Space and Time (painting); Tiriel, 943-4; men. 595, 638n, 891n, 897, 1477, 1705
Blamires, Harry: letters to: 59, 144, 159-60, 209, 254, 337-8, 440-1, 456, 489, 514, 682-3, 1327; Blessing Unbounded, 682; The Christian Mind, 1431n; Cold WarinHell, 514, 596-7, 682n; The Devil’s Hunting-grounds, 337-8, 440-1, 682n; English in Education, 59, 144; men. 963n
Blanchet, É mile R.: 211n, 515n
Blanchard, Jonathan: 1683
Blank verse: 183, 695
Blasphemy: 324, 491, 492, 520, 638n, 641, 1111, 1136, 1340n
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna: Iris Unveiled, 640n; men. 640
Bleakley, David: C. S. Lewis-At Home in Ireland, 1062n, 1216n
Bles, Geoffrey: letters to: 211, 248, 254, 290, 302-3, 307-8, 322, 324, 327, 329, 356, 360, 366-7, 373, 377, 444; men. 19, 54, 58, 83n, 144n, 223, 224-5, 229, 299-300, 304-5, 412, 413, 454, 511, 597, 620, 711, 787, 957, 1180, 1583, 1671
Blessings: 1072
Bletchley (Buckinghamshire): 476, 839, 1272
Bletchley Park: 827n
Bliss, Sir Arthur: 457n
Block, Irving: 783n
Bloemfontein (South Africa): 1311n
Blue Boar Hotel (Cambridge): 1451
Blue Mountain College (Mississippi): 1695
Blunden, Edmund: letters to: 1525-7; men. 1537, 1728
Boardman, John: Greek Sculpture: The Archaic Period, 708n
Boase, Thomas Sherrer Ross: 243n
Boccaccio, Giovanni: Il Filostrato, 1051
Bockelmann, Joan: letter to: 1054
Bodle, Rhona: letters to: 5, 25, 52, 207, 215, 265, 291-2, 331-2, 362-3, 396, 445, 495, 496, 599-600, 792-3, 1098
Bodleian Library (Oxford): 1463n, 1575n, 1599, 1671, 1713, 1724
Boehme, Jacob: Signature of All Things, 1515
Boers, The: 1360
Boethius: Consolation of Philosophy, 139, 227, 616, 625, 1030n, 1541
Bohemia: 1384n
Boiardo, Matteomaria: Orlando Innamorato, 497, 794n, 871
Boleyn, Anne: 637n
Bologna: 945n
Bolshevists: 183
Bolton Evening News: 1681
Bolton’s Women’s College: 1681
Bombs: 1663
Bonaventure, St: 137
Book of Common Prayer, The: 68, 375, 401, 655, 916n, 923, 926, 932, 942, 1299, 1595n
Book-of-the-Month Club: 1145n
Boredom: 1175, 1302
Bores: 768, 781, 1055, 1270
Borrow, George Henry: 891n
Borst, William: letters to: 201, 206-7, 224, 255-6; men. 329
Bosanquet, Bernard: A History of Aesthetic; Knowledge and Reality, 1388n; men. 1388, 1545
Bosanquet, Frederick Charles Tindal: 1544n
Bosanquet, Gertrude: 1544n
Bosanquet, Theodora: letters to: 1544-5, 1568, 1571
Boston (Massachusetts): 394, 985n, 1208
Boston College (Massachusetts): 452n, 1186n
Boston Society for Psychic Research: 996n
Boston University (Massachusetts): 651n
Boswell, James: Life of Samuel Johnson, 26, 638, 699, 937, 1009, 1212, 1378n, 1433n, 1689; Letters, 1567n; men. 1571
Boucher, Alan E.: letter to: 662
Boucher, Anthony: letter to: 289-90; Compleat Boucher, 289n
Bourne, Arthur Watson: 1488
Bounemouth (Dorset): 1579n
Bournemouth Conference (Library Association): 185, 186
Bouwman, Gracia Fay: letter to: 1172-4
Bowden, Rev. R. D.: letter to: 1405
Bowen, Elizabeth: Death of the Heart; House in Paris, 1566n; men. 1566
Bower, Sir John Dykes: 1015
Bowyer, James: 570
Boxgrove (West Sussex): 1652
Boxill, Mildred: letter to: 336-7; men. 329
Boydell & Brewer Ltd: 1655
Boyer, Eleanor: 1716n
Boyer, Frank: 1716n
Boyer, Joseph Beauregard: 1716
Boyer, Lorraine: see Lorraine Nostadt
Boyer, William Henry: 1716
Bradamante: 794
Bradbrook, Annie Wilson: 1652
Bradbrook, Muriel Clara: biography, 1652-3; letters to: 693-4, 733, 836-7, 890, 936-7, 1286, 1337, 1380, 1482; (with Mary Gwyneth Lloyd) Andrew Marvell; Elizabethan Stage Conditions, 1652; Joseph Conrad, 1652-3; The School of Night, 1652; men. 680, 695-6, 1060n
Bradbrook, Samuel: 1652
Bradbury, Leslie E. T.: 132
Bradbury, Ray: Silver Locusts, 288; men. 289, 390
Bradford (Berkshire): 1708
Bradford (Yorkshire): 1015n
Bradford College (Yorkshire): 887n
Bradford University (Yorkshire): 887n
Bradley, Andrew Cecil: Shakespearean Tragedy, 1116
Bradley, Francis Herbert: Appearance and Reality, 1388n; men. 1388
Bradley, Henry: 1600
Brady, Charles A.: letters to: 807, 824; ‘Finding God in Narnia’, 807, 812; ‘Introduction to Lewis’, 824n; ‘Unicorns at Oxford’, 824;
Brahmins: 70
Bramah: 1377
Brandt and Brandt (New York): 934
Brasenose College (Oxford): 230n, 1669, 1688
Brazil: 356n, 1399, 1701
Breig, Joseph A.: The Devil You Say, 326
Breckenridge, Miss: letter to: 109
Bremen (Germany): 868n
Brer Rabbit: see Joel Chandler Harris
Brewer, Derek: biography, 1653-5; letters to: 969, 1099, 1461, 1540-1, 1561, 1578, 1589; A New Introduction to Chaucer; Chaucer; Chaucer and Chaucerians; Chaucer and his World; Chaucer in his Time; Chaucer: The Critical Heritage; Chaucer: The Poet as Storyteller; English Gothic Literature; The Middle Ages after the Middle Ages; Morte Darthur, 1655; (ed) The Parlement of Foulys, 969n; Seatonian Exercises; Symbolic Stories, 1655; ‘The Tutor: A Portrait’, 969n, 1578n, 1653, 1654; Writers and their Backgrounds: Chaucer, 1655; men. 794, 1081
Brewer, Elizabeth: letter to: 1202
Brewer, Kenneth Ronald Walter: letters to: 1338-9, 1351; Combined Survey Sampling Inference; (with Muhammad Hanif) Sampling with Unequal Probabilities, 1338n
Brewer, Stanley Leonard: 1653
Brewer, Winifred Helen: 1653
Briggs, Katharine Mary: Hobberdy Dick, 700
Brightman, Rev. Frank Edward: 773
Brighton (Sussex): 236, 245, 381-2, 385, 977, 1080, 1132
Brisbane (Australia): 1011n
Bristol: 1135n, 1155n
Bristol University: 874n
British Academy, The: 182
British Aluminium Company (Scotland): 905n
British Antarctic Expedition: 1494n
British Council of Churches: 1652
British Dyestuffs Corporation (Manchester): 1649
British Electrical Traction Ltd: 674n
British Empire Exhibition (London): 1596
British Interplanetary Society: 292n
British Medical Association: 1734
British Museum: 64n, 558n, 1193, 1196, 1261n, 1506, 1562n, 1687
British Railways: 77, 123
British School (Rome): 1680
Britomart: 159, 224
Broady, Ruth: letter to: 1474
Brockley County School (Forest Hill): 371n
Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre, 263, 676
Brontë, Emily: Wuthering Heights, 1097n
Brooklands Nursing Home (Kilkeel): 981n
Brown, Barrington: 702n
Brown, Ivor: 1656
Browne, Sir Thomas: Religio Medici, 80, 462; men. 1571
Browning, Robert: Bishop Blougram’s Apology, 526n; ‘Caliban upon Setebos’ Dramatis Personae, 163; Men and Women, 1452; The Ring and the Book, 468
Browning, Stanley Forrester: 1488
Bruce (Mrs Moore’s dog): 13-14, 433, 1558
Bruce, Edith Agnes Kathleen, Lady: 161n
Brunner, Emil: Christianity and Civilization; Divine Imperative; ManinRevolt; Philosophy of Religion, 978n; men. 978
Brut/Brutus: 404, 420
Bryant, O. T.: letter to: 424-5
Bryn Mawr College (Pennsylvania): 1567n
Bryson, John Norman: 1294
Buber, Martin: I and Thou, 24, 631, 713, 979n, 1238; Kingship of God; Legend of the Baal-Shem, 979n; men. 978n, 979-80, 1173-4
Buchenwald: 524n
Buckingham Palace: 394, 700n, 769, 771
Buckle, Donald: 536n
Buddha/Buddhism: 70, 71, 1141, 1377
Buffalo (New York): 807n
Bulkeley Arms Hotel (Beaumaris): 175, 220n
Bulletin of the Tychonian Society: See The Biblical Astronomer
Bullett, Gerald William: English Mystics, 612n
Bullock, Alan: 1657
Bultmann, Rudolf: 1359
Bulverism: 1640, 1645
Bumpus of Oxford Street: 438n
Bunyan, John: Grace Abounding, 1340n, 1344, 1350-1, 1352-3; Life and Death of Mr Badman, 301; Pilgrim’s Progress, 123, 150, 274, 331, 362, 480, 564, 569, 786, 877, 1000, 1004, 1214n, 1265, 1303, 1340, 1357, 1365, 1381; men. 126, 1555, 1571
Burford (Oxfordshire): 54
Burgos: 565n
Burke, Edmund: 630, 1469n
Burleson, James: letter to: 1430
Burma: 40, 218n
Burnet, John Forbes ‘Jock’: letters to: 1449-50; ‘Sir Henry Urmston Willink’, 1734-5
Burnett, Frances Hodgson: The Secret Garden, 898n
Burton, Richard: 1571
Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk): 1467n
Bury St Edmunds County Grammar School (Suffolk): 1244n
Bush, Douglas: 337, 516, 1398 ‘Busman’s Holiday’: 934
Buss, Frances: 1665
Busybodies: 253, 375, 1154
Butler, Joseph: Anatomy of Religion, 668
Butler, Samuel: Erewhon, 97, 523n, 746, 882, 1166, 1269, 1346
Butler University (Indiana): 1332n
Butterfield, Sir Herbert: Christianity and History, 5; men. 577
Byres, E. T.: 215n
Byron, George Gordon, Lord: Don Juan, 1118, 1311; men. 1571
Byzantium: 232, 803
Cabell, James Branch: 879n
Cabrillo College (California): 1332n
Cadwallader: 420
Caesar, Julius: Gallic Wars, 1073n; men. 549, 1073, 1729
Caesarius of Arles, St: Sermons, 1389n Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale: 1051n
Caiaphas: 1045n
Cain: 157
Cair Paravel: 828
Cairo University: 449n
Calabria, Don Giovanni: see Giovanni Calabria, St
Calculus: 1399
Calderon: El Alcalde de Zalamea, 625
Calheiros, Francisco Osorio de: 1260
California: 7, 62, 73, 170n, 267, 334, 419, 748, 894, 1159, 1322n
California State University: 891n, 1695
Calkins, Helen D.: letters to: 170, 175-7, 334, 1580; India Looks, 175-7
Calvary: 149, 1005
Calvin, John: Institutes, 355n, 866, 1163n; Sermons on the Book of Job, 653; men. 237, 1014n
Calvin College (Michigan): 1332n
Calvinists/Calvinism: 1100, 1265, 1342
Cam, The River: 615
Cambridge Broadsheet: 1229-31
Cambridge Journal: 212
Cambridge Platonists: 11, 1563
Cambridge Review, The: 436n, 712n, 1235n, 1236
Cambridge University: 1476n, 1707-8
Cambridge University Library: 1261, 1395n
Cambridge University Press: letters to: 598, 606-7, 1468; men. 556n, 1121n, 1192, 1201, 1537n
Cambridge University Record: 469
Camilla: 740, 794, 1466, 1477
Camp, L. Sprague de: (with Fletcher Pratt): Incomplete Enchanter; Mathematics of Magic; Roaring Trumpet, 159
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: 1703
Campbell, John: Lives of the
Chief Justices, 57n
Campbell, John Wood: 602n
Campbell, Laura: 602n
Campbell, Roy: 854n, 1400-1
Campbell College (Belfast): 1033n, 1036, 1486, 1516n Campbellian, The: 1036
Campion Hall (Oxford): 34n, 452n, 786, 1697-8
Can Grande della Scala: 529n, 1079
Cana of Galilee: 1144
Canaan/Canaanites: 681n, 1436n
Canada: 64, 77, 760n, 773, 1030, 1358n, 1492n
Canadian C. S. Lewis Journal, The: 652n, 1207n, 1287n, 1545n, 1713
Cancer: 405, 655, 670, 826, 835, 837, 857, 933, 934, 1001, 1016n, 1038, 1044, 1088, 1119, 1139, 1146, 1153, 1155, 1171, 1370, 1500, 1513n, 1650-1, 1661, 1666, 1673, 1711, 1713, 1726
Canisius College (Buffalo, N.Y.): 807n
Canonization: 241-2
Canterbury: 187, 188, 988-9, 1050n, 1649
Canterbury Cathedral: 1015n
Cape Canaveral (Florida): 895n
Cape of Good Hope: 899n
Capernaum: 815n
Capital punishment: 246-7, 768, 1299-1300
Capon, Paul: Other Side of the Sun, 94
Capper, Richard: Judith, 212n
Capron, Rev. Robert ‘Oldie’: 1438n
Caracas (Venezuela): 666n
Cardiff: 77, 771n, 1653
Cardiff University: 1125n
Cardinale, Mgr Girolamo: 1701
Carlingford Mountains (Ireland): 784
Carlsen, Henrik Kurt: 155-6
Carlson, Robert D.: letter to: 1334
Carlyle, Thomas: 879n
Carmel (California): 671, 821n, 822
Carmel College (Wallingford): 1323n, 1334, 1673
Carnegie, Andrew: 850n
Carnegie Medal, The: 859
Carnell, Corbin Scott: letters to: 318-19, 494, 977-80, 995-6; Bright Shadow of Reality, 318n; men. 1296n
Carnell, Doris Scott: 318n
Carnell, Stanley: 318n
Carols: 1007
Carpenter, Rt. Rev. Harry: 841, 861, 1651
Carpenter, Humphrey: The Inklings, 1205n; (ed) The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, 6n, 1666n; W. H. Auden: A Biography, 714n
Carrickfergus (Co. Antrim): 637n
Carroll, Lewis: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 769, 1498; Hunting of the Snark, 30, 1300; Through the Looking-Glass, 102, 221, 301, 403-4, 824n, 922; men. 221, 332, 807, 863
Cartoons: 861, 1111
Cary, Henry Francis: (trans) The Vision or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise of Dante Alighieri, 527
Casa dei Buoni Fanciulli (Verona): 1700
Casey, Henry James: 1709
Cassibelan (Cassivelaunus): 420
Castelvetro: Poetica d’Aristotele, 498n
Castlerock (Co. Londonderry): 1413
Catechism of the Catholic Church: 566n
Catechisms: 856n
Cathari: 1190
Cathay: 618
Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris: 1501
Cathedral of St John the Divine (New York): 284n
Cathedrals: 904
Catholic/Catholicism: 8-9, 34n, 106, 112, 160, 241-2, 370, 371n, 452n, 477, 543, 577, 587, 629, 717, 719, 730, 771n, 774, 807n, 871, 873n, 942, 953-4, 1090n, 1091, 1154, 1222, 1240, 1289, 1317, 1330, 1359, 1366, 1374, 1400-1, 1425-6, 1432-3, 1458, 1500, 1643, 1678, 1704, 1706
Catholic Art Quarterly: 1037
Catholic Church, The: 33n, 63, 126, 188, 209, 241-2, 249, 408n, 439n, 478n, 548, 562, 566, 587-8, 678, 841, 872, 953-4, 981n, 1100, 1133n, 1500n, 1542, 1554, 1596, 1680, 1708-9, 1714-15, 1717-18, 1724
Catholic Encyclopedia, The: 241-2
Catholic Evidence Guild: 33n
Catholic Missal: 688n
Catholic University of America (Washington, DC): 1376n
Cats: 163, 216, 567, 587, 623, 661, 662, 693, 724, 731, 750, 773, 780, 782, 801-2, 820, 864n, 908, 914, 922, 940. 952, 958, 1044, 1053, 1067, 1116, 1139, 1225, 1243, 1308, 1355-6, 1361, 1374-5, 1410-11, 1416, 1504, 1509, 1557, 1710
Catskill Mountains: 377
Catullus: 117
Cauldron of Plenty: 1190
Causation: 35n
Cavendish, George: Life and
Death of Cardinal Wolsey, 1028
Caxton, William: 1052n
Cecil, Lord David: Lord M, 191n; Portrait of Jane Austen, 1566n; Sir Walter Scott, 413n; men, 274n, 460, 1041n, 1330, 1566, 1728
Celticists (Arthurian
scholars): 1083-4
Cenchrea: 610
Centaurs: 299
Cerdic: 404, 1080
Cervantes, Miguel de: Don Quixote, 625
Chadwick, Henry: 1661
Chain, Ernst Boris: 867n
Chamberlain, Elsie: letter to: 805
Chambers, E. K.: William Shakespeare, 1572
Chambers, Raymond Wilson: Beowulf, 1561
Chambers, Whittaker: Witness, 253
Chamier, Anthony: 937n
Chance: 5, 117, 311, 574-5
Chang, Hsin-Chang: letters to: 202, 312-13, 674-5, 763-4, 951, 1207, 1426; Allegory and Courtesy in Spenser, 202n, 674; Chinese Literature, 202n; ‘Memories’, 1207n
Chansons de Geste: 1078
Chapel Hill (North Carolina): 813n
Chapel Hill Elementary School (North Carolina): 535n, 804n
Chapin, Henry B.: letter to: 1007
Chapman, George: (with Christopher Marlowe) Hero and Leander, 183;
Chapman, John Alexander: letter to: 784-5; Critical Papers, 784; War, 171; men. 170-1
Chapman, Robert William: letters to: 107, 903, 1570-1; men. 1566
Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de: Phenomenon of Man, 1095, 1105, 1137, 1256-7; men. 1186, 1190-1
Charity (Agape): 106, 118-19, 143, 189, 247, 351, 357, 358, 380, 413, 428-9, 441, 501, 506, 538, 555, 567, 592, 599, 608, 610, 685, 732, 834, 872, 884, 941, 965, 999, 1027, 1035, 1044, 1087, 1091-2, 1094n, 1151n, 1178, 1225, 1354, 1377, 1419, 1425, 1476, 1549
Charlemagne: 1121
Charles, HRH Prince: 895, 1706
Charles I, King: 613n
Charles the Bald: 612n
Charles University (Prague): 1384n
Charles Williams Society, The: 1715
Charlier, Etienne: Aperçu sur la Formation Historique de la Nation Haitienne, 521n
Charlottesville (Virginia): 1722
Chatham Episcopal Institute (Richmond): 1715-16
Chatto & Windus Publishers: 1658
Chautauqua (New York): 495
Charterhouse School: 757n
’Chartres’ (= Cherbourg School): 1223
Charybdis: 630, 1080, 1317
Chase, George Armitage: A
Companion to The Revised Psalter, 989, 1015n; men. 1015, 1346
Chastity: 226-7, 414, 668, 921, 1643
Chataway, Sir Christopher: 674
Chaucer, Geoffrey: Canterbury Tales, 554, 728n, 969; (trans) Consolation of Philosophy, 625; ‘Good Counsel of Chaucer’, 1192; Parlement of Foulys, 969n; Troilus and Criseyde, 969n, 1051, 1542; Works, 554n; men. 108, 836-7, 1523-4, 1541, 1571
Chawton Cottage (Hampshire): 1565-8
Cheltenham College: 1015n, 1569n
Cheltenham Ladies College: 1681
Cheraw (South Carolina): 1715
Cherbourg School (Malvern): letters from: 1486-9; men. 1325, 1492, 1494-5
Cherry Tree Carol: 664
Cherubs: 315
Cherwell, The: 1401n, 1665
Cherwell Edge: 1030n
Chesham (Buckinghamshire): 1649
Chesterton, G. K.: Ballad of the White Horse, 486; Everlasting Man, 72, 363, 652, 1264, 1353; Orthodoxy, 97; men. 75, 126, 703, 995, 1070n, 1125n, 1329, 1433, 1678, 1685
Chesterton Review, The: 96n, 488n, 656n, 1031n, 1679n
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of: 497
Chicago American: 1104n
Chichester (West Sussex): 1681
Chichester Theological College: 1090n, 1205n
Childbirth: 606
Childhood: 261-3
Children: 22, 45, 65, 66, 91, 93, 103, 134, 137, 149, 154, 163, 168, 173, 175, 186, 189, 194, 253, 259, 261, 262-3, 265, 292, 323, 326, 330, 331-2, 339, 344, 345, 346-7, 357, 361-2, 378, 381, 389-90, 396, 397, 399, 409, 419, 432-3, 441, 517-18, 642, 685-6, 709-10, 833, 1010-11, 1160, 1197, 1324
Children’s Television Workshop of New York: 1112n, 1707
Chile: 666n, 1002
Chillon College (Switzerland): 1670
China/Chinese: 17, 40, 43, 58, 148, 202, 259, 278, 312-13, 408, 617-18, 1128, 1207n, 1335, 1347, 1370, 1515, 1616, 1699
Chippenham (Wiltshire): 1665
Chivalry: 202n
Choctaw County (Mississippi): 1695
Choice: 850, 1581
Chrétien de Troyes: Cligès, 1079; Erec, 1080; Lancelot, 1052n; men. 1190
Christ Church (Luton): 1725
Christ Church ‘The House’ (Oxford): 352n, 416n, 560n, 601, 954n, 1484n, 1574n, 1596, 1648
Christ Church Cathedral (Oxford): 1652
Christ School (North Carolina): 535n
Christian Century, The: letter to: 1006-7; men. 985n, 992-3, 996
Christian faith: 364, 365, 409, 462n, 751, 1100
Christian Herald: 921, 922, 934, 961-2
Christian ideal: 782
Christian Scientists: 520
Christian Union, The: 1133n
Christian unity: 48, 62-3, 249, 1736
Christianity: 71, 75, 928, 1304, 1324, 1332-3, 1343, 1347, 1647, 1731, 1732
Christianity Today: 651n, 985n
Christmas: 7, 41, 54, 73, 74, 147, 148, 149, 260, 261, 264, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 285, 334, 378, 386, 388, 390, 394, 395, 396, 401, 426, 434, 543, 546, 547, 553, 557, 686, 689, 690, 692, 819, 820, 821, 826, 906, 907, 909-10, 1004, 1006, 1112-3, 1116, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1300, 1315, 1389, 1391, 1391, 1396, 1403, 1547, 1557, 1558
Christ’s College (Cambridge): 272n, 613n, 1301, 1449n
Christ’s Hospital (Horsham): 1547n, 1551n, 1726
Chronicles, First Book of: 277, 652n
Chronological prudery/provincialism: 764, 1371
Church, Richard Thomas: Over the Bridge, 234
Church Missions to the Jews: 708n
Church of England: 24, 63, 242, 333, 809n, 841, 1554, 1588-9, 1590-2, 1662, 1714-15, 1735
Church of England Moral Welfare Council: 1726
Church of England Record Centre (London): 1594
Church of Scotland: 1233n
Church of the Brethren: 845n
Church of the Covenant (Lynchburg, Virginia): 1723
Church Society of College Work: 284
Church Times: letters to: 132, 164, 241-2, 953-4, 1299-1300, 1302, 1358, 1577, 1588-9, 1590-1, 1592; men. 254, 682n
Churchill, Sir Winston: 143, 147, 153, 155, 376, 382n, 385, 911n, 1301, 1481n, 1567n, 1656, 1703, 1734
Churchill Hospital (Oxford): 818
Churchman, The: 1258
CIA, The: 1393n
Cicero: De Legibus, 1544; De Republica, 306n, 1541; Pro Ligurio, 1569n; men. 910, 975, 1491
Cigarettes: 1251n
Cincinnati (Ohio): 231n
Cinderella: 546
Cinema: 105
Circe: 497
Cisneros, Francisco Ximenes de: 1240n
Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance (Trappists): 1304, 1307
City University of New York: 1323n, 1690
Civil Service: 547-8
Civil War, The (American): 341n
Civil War, The (English): 1016
Civilization: 510, 924, 959, 972
Civilized drinking: 1075
Civiltà Cattolica, La: 1221n
Clappersgate (Cumbria): 1733
Clarence, Duke of: 1152
Clarendon Bible, The: 1548
Clarendon Press: 1115, 1398, 1548
Clarity: 1108
Clark, Kenneth, Lord: Another Part of the Wood; The Nude; The Other Half, 874n; men. 874
Clark, Mary: letter to: 1363
Clark, Mary T.: 930n
Clarke, Sir Arthur C.: letters to: 292-3, 410-12, 417-18; Childhood’s End, 390-2, 406, 410-11, 424, 1205-6; Expedition to Earth, 410; ‘Jupiter Five’, 411; Reach for Tomorrow, 411n
Clarke, John: Paroemiologia Anglo-Latina, 1210n
Classical Association, The: 649n, 968n
Classical Honour Moderations: 648n, 1596, 1662, 1665, 1680
Classics: 402n, 589, 657, 1230, 1231, 1435n, 1686, 1697, 1698, 1731
Claudian: De Raptu Proserpinae, 2
Cleobury, Audrey: letter to: 643
Clifton, Mark: ‘Kenzie Report’, 411
Clifton College: 1234n, 1536n
Clorinda: 794
Clough, Arthur Hugh: 1233n
Cobbett, William: Rural Rides, 1069n; men. 891, 1069
Co-education: 373-4
Coffey, Miss H.: letter to: 1429-39
Coggan, Archbishop Frederick Donald: 1015, 1594n
Coghill, Nevill: ‘The Approach to English’, 1694; men. 714, 1294, 1329, 1689, 1728, 1729
Cohen, Morton: Rider Haggard, 1179
Coinherence: 232
Colchis: 987
Cold War, The: 382
Cole, Frank: 1150
Cole, G. D. H.: 1656
Colegio San Ignacio (Puerto Rico): 1387n
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Aids to Reflection, 1163; Biographia Literaria, 570n, 860; Christabel and Other Poems, 1203; (with William Wordsworth) Lyrical Ballads, 649; Rime of the Ancient Mariner, 1060, 1061, 1700; Seven Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton, 1116; men. 570, 1518-19, 1571
Collections (Oxford University): 56
College of Wooster (Ohio): 666n
Collingwood College (University of Durham): 948n
Collingwood School (Surrey): 1648
Collins, Alan: 1656
Collins, John Churton: 1107
Collins, Lady, Priscilla: 454
Collins, Wilkie: Armadale, 296-7, 299; Moonstone, 296n, 299; Woman in White, 296n, 297, 299
Collins, Sir William: 454, 508, 511
Cologna Veneta (Italy): 1700
Coloma Convent (Croydon): 1157n
Colorado: 1022n
Colquhoun, Mr: letter to: 1544
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS): 273n
Columbia University (New York): 86n, 318n, 421n, 1007n, 1464, 1690
Columbus (Mississippi): 1682, 1685
Comedy: 159, 413, 526, 529, 554, 888
Comfort: 399
Comic: 1230, 1333
Comic books: 1178
Commission to Revise the Psalter, The: 988-9, 1015, 1059, 1069, 1222, 1227-8, 1251, 1345n, 1594-5, 1732
Common Sense: 941, 1134, 1335, 1385, 1432
Commonweal, The: 408n
Commonwealth, The: 1392n
Communism/Communists: 88, 178, 183, 219, 278, 296, 450, 528n, 543, 596, 806n, 839n, 1016, 1137n, 1190, 1314, 1388n, 1481n, 1649, 1650, 1658, 1690-1, 1736
Community of St Mary the Virgin: 124
Como, James T.: (ed) Remembering C. S. Lewis: Recollections of Those Who Knew Him (formerly C. S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table), 2n, 3n, 24n, 491n, 948n, 969n, 1019n, 1040n, 1168n, 1209n, 1481n, 1578n, 1648, 1653, 1654, 1665, 1687, 1710
Compassion: 1173
Computer Sciences, Inc.: 666n
Comte, Auguste: 1584n
Conceit: 251, 1217, 1551
Conchobar: 1129
Concupiscence: 1303
Condé Nast Publications: 1649
Condlin, William A.: 1495, 1516n
Confession: 181-2, 285, 320, 567, 622, 738, 930, 962, 1285, 1430, 1447, 1540
Confirmation: 191, 1344, 1585n, 1586-7
Confucius/Confucianism: 71, 202, 1425
Congdon, Thomas: letter to: 1464-5
Congdon & Weed Publishers (New York): 1464n
Congo: 1402n
Congo the chimp: 1058
Congregation of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence: 48n, 52n, 214, 364, 366, 542, 913, 1036, 1109, 1220, 1221, 1700-1
Congregational Church: 1240n
Congreve, William: Way of the World, 898
Conjugal act: 606, 616, 1303
Conlee, John: (ed) Prose Merlin, 1074
Conn, Harvie M.: ‘Literature and Criticism’, 1226-7
Connecticut: 219, 1250n, 1464n
Connelly, Marc: Green Pastures, 1080, 1423
Conrad, Joseph: 1237n, 1652-3
Conscience: 127, 501, 510, 620, 806, 1112, 1437, 1546, 1578-9
Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society: 1150n
Conservative Party (England): 1480, 1482, 1734
Constantine, Emperor: 1554, 1678 Contemporary Authors: 1720n
Contempt: 599
Contraceptives: 600
Contradiction: 1599
Contrition: 1109
Conventions: 108-9
Conversation: 1329, 1368, 1372, 1381, 1400, 1542, 1615
Conversion: 103, 135-6, 141, 169, 326, 327, 354-5, 425-6, 490, 565, 576, 614, 831, 1016, 1163, 1245, 1264, 1300, 1337, 1357, 1435n, 1539-40, 1573, 1719, 1724
Converts: 596, 1336
Co-operative Societies: 1310
Cook, James: Captain Cook’s Voyages Round the World, 1022
Cooke, Alastair: ‘Mr Anthony at Oxford’, 1320
Copernicus: 726
Coppack, Jane: 1572
Coppack, John: 1572n
Coppack, Joseph Lewis: letter to: 1572-3
Coppack, May: 1572n
Coppack, William: 1572n
Corbishley SJ, Fr Thomas: 1697
Corneille, Pierre: El Cid, 1052
Cornell University (New York): 913, 1125n
Cornish, Mary: letter to: 828-9
Cornwall: 122, 130, 1216
Coronation of Elizabeth II: 260, 333, 334, 335-6, 340, 343, 348, 350
Corpus Christi College (Cambridge): 1015n, 1121n
Corpus Christi College (Oxford): 1680, 1718
Cosmological Argument: 195
Costolozza di Longare (Italy): 1700
Cotswolds, The: 1502
Coué,émile: 684-5, 701, 1500
Council for the Preservation of Rural England: 1701
Council of the Senate of Cambridge University: 469
County Antrim: 1394, 1491n
County Donegal: 966
County Down: 931, 966
County Louth: 514, 966
Courage: 432, 1092, 1276
Courtauld Institute: 994n
Courtesy: 1050, 1225
Courtly Love: 887-8, 1107
Courtstairs Hotel (Thanet): 179, 187-8, 190, 257, 331, 1648-9
Covent Garden (London): 848
Coventry: 1471n, 1671
Coverdale, Miles: Translation of the Psalms, 916, 932, 989, 1222, 1227n, 1228, 1347, 1594-5, 1623
Cowan, Rosamund Rieu: letter to: 1545-6; ‘Women as Pupils’, 1545n
Coward, Noël: 1656
Cowardice: 330, 510
Cowie, G. E. (matron at
Cherbourg): 1223
Craig, Alec: letter to: 1588; Voice of Merlin 1588
Craig, William James: Complete Works of Shakespeare, 14n
Craigie, David: Dark Atlantis, 208
Cranbrook School (Kent): 1649
Crashaw, Richard: Poems: English, Latin, and Greek, 1144-5
Craufurd, Emma: 158n
Crawfordsburn (Co. Down): 90n, 99n, 110, 171, 205-6, 210, 304, 345, 447, 451, 499, 643, 749, 949, 1048
Creation: 311, 592, 970, 1158, 1252, 1553
Creation, The: 16, 164, 311, 380
Creative Evolution: 628n
Creeds, The: 588
Cremation: 566, 1169, 1171-2
Crete: 1089, 1142, 1335-6
Crichton-Miller, Bice: letter to: 851-2
Cricket: 1487, 1490, 1491n, 1492
Crim Tartary (Sri Lanka): 618
Cripps, Sir Stafford: 1481
Criterion, The: 1503, 1521n, 1522
Croce, Benedetto: Aesthetics as the Science of Expression and General Linguistics; The Essence of Aesthetic, 1625n; men. 1500, 1523, 1625-6
Croesus: 601
Cromwell, Oliver: 580, 1233n
Cross, The: 405, 520, 560, 655, 761, 799, 962, 1046, 1072, 1225, 1550
Crow, John: letter to: 757
Crowborough (Sussex): 1699
Croxford, Mrs: 814
Croydon High School: 1648
Crucifix: 1146n, 1419n
Crucifixion, The: 379, 497, 1245, 1550
Cruelty: 510, 1264
Cruikshank, Rosamond: letters to: 1063, 1360
Crusades, The: 704, 803
Crutch-Interest (in science fiction): 412, 417-18
Crying: 432
Crypt School (Gloucester): 948m, 1653
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society: 1n, 502n, 1575n
Cuba: 1015, 1393n
Cults: 71
Culture: 497n, 598-9, 721, 732, 775n, 1082-3, 1275, 1359
Culver Military Academy (Indiana): 1719
Cuneo, Andrew: Selected Literary Letters of C. S. Lewis, 657n, 660n, 663n, 668n, 680n, 695n, 697n, 718n, 740n, 1659
Cupid: 589-90, 611, 716, 745, 749, 770, 1004, 1295, 1561
Curtis, Philip: A Hawk Among Sparrows: a Biography of Austin Farrer, 1664, 1667
Curtis, William: 1566n
Curtis, William Hugh: A Quaker Doctor and Naturalist; First Hundred Years of a Small Museum, 1566n; men. 1566
Curtis Museum (Hampshire): 1566n
Curtis Brown (literary
agents): 1655-7
Curtis Brown, Albert: 1655
Curtis Brown, Caroline: 1655
Curtis Brown, Spencer: biography, 1655-7; men. 563, 564, 568, 597, 620, 705, 957, 1062, 1151, 1180, 1186-7, 1192, 1201, 1296, 1301, 1398, 1422, 1466
Curtius, Ernst Robert: European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, 611
Cusanus, Nicolas: Of Learned Ignorance, 1211
Cust, Henry: ‘Non Nobis’, 1123-4, 1127
Czechoslovakia: 423
Daemons: 11, 226-7, 945n, 1067, 1091, 1260-1, 1269, 1560
Daily Express: 879n
Daily Gleaner, The: 1712
Daily Sketch: 879n
Daily Telegraph, The: 1179, 1704, 1706, 1709-10
Dakar (Senegal): 1650
Dakin, Arthur Hazard: letter to: 1541-3; A Paul Elmer More Miscellany; Man the Measure; Paul Elmer More; Von Hügel and the Supernatural, 1541n
Daldry, Stephen: 1703
Dale, D.: 363
Damascus: 1241
Damien, Father: 1387n
Damnation: 1149
Damocles, sword of: 826, 827, 901, 925, 1088
Danae: 297
Dane Court School (Pyrford, Surrey): 883n, 947-8, 1672, 1675, 1693
Danes, The: 1575n
Daniel, Book of: 961n, 1375
Dante Alighieri: Divine Comedy, 387, 523-7; Inferno, 300, 314, 392, 498, 625, 634, 637, 673, 1122, 1274; La Vita Nuova, 1708; Letter to Can Grande della Scalla, 529n, 1079; Paradiso, 478, 529n, 616, 625, 637, 856, 861, 1031n, 1079, 1461, 1583, 1707; Purgatorio, 314, 387, 498, 594, 625, 633-5, 657, 673, 718, 840n, 1658, 1681; men. 100, 126, 234, 391, 656n, 713n, 860-1, 865, 885, 978, 1400, 1543, 1680-1
Daphni: 1154
D’Arcy SJ, Fr Martin: Mind and Heart of Love; Nature of Belief, 452n; men. 452, 588-9, 786, 1243, 1543
Darien (Connecticut): 9n
Darnell, Dorothy: 1566
Dartington Hall School: 374
Dartmouth (Devon): 116n
Dartmouth College (New Hampshire): 421n
Darwin, Charles: 26n, 140-1, 1104n
Darwin College (Cambridge): 802n
Darwinians/Darwinism: 150, 1584
Daunton-Fear, R. D.: 164
Davenport, Basil: letter to: 1145; Ghostly Tales to be Told; Inquiry into Science Fiction; Portable Roman Reader; Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benét; Tales to be Told in the Dark, 1145n
David, King: 319, 652
David, Richard William: letter to: 1121
Davidman, David: 1690
Davidman, Jeanette: 1690
Davidman, Joseph Isaac: 1690
Davidson, Aslög: 698n
Davies, David Richard: Down, Peacock’s Feathers, 982, 1132; In Search of Myself, 1254-5
Davies, Hugh Sykes: 1375n, 1704
Davin, Daniel ‘Dan’: letters to: 402, 529-30, 585-6, 977
Davis, Claude: 1302
Davis, Norman: (with J. A. W. Bennett and G. V. Smithers) Early English Verse and Prose, 471n; (ed, with C. L. Wrenn) English and Medieval Studies Presented to J. R. R. Tolkien, 1084, 1382, 1393; men. 402, 529, 983n
Davison, A. M.: letter to: 1513-14
Dawkins, Richard MacGillivray: 1032
Dawson, Christopher: letters to: 1543, 1583-5; The Age of the Gods, 34n; Beyond Politics, 1433n; The Making of Europe; Progress and Religion, 34n; Religion and Culture, 34n, 1583-5; men. 33, 1433
Day, Michael: 622n
Day of Judgement, The: 679, 1273
Day of Wrath: 214
Day-dreams: 1418
Day-Lewis, Cecil: biography, 1657-58; (’Nicholas Blake’) A Question of Proof; A Time to Dance, 1658; The Aeneid of Virgil, 416, 649; Beechen Virgil; Collected Poems, 1658; From Feathers to Iron, 1658; men. 92, 457, 637n, 814
Day-Lewis, Daniel: 1658
Day-Lewis, Rev. Frank: 1657
Day-Lewis, Kathleen: 1657
De la Mare, Walter: 370n, 700, 1200
De L’Isle, William Philip Sidney, Lord: 1236
De Quincey, Thomas: Works, 768; men. 1571
Dead Sea Scrolls: 845-6
Death: 3, 23n, 47, 75, 84, 103-41, 105, 136, 245, 504, 522-3, 559-61, 593, 616, 655, 745, 778, 834, 857, 860, 865, 1001, 1002, 1033, 1039, 1056, 1064, 1146, 1169, 1187, 1198, 1216, 1245-6, 1299, 1376, 1378n, 1415, 1420, 1430-2, 1578-9
Death penalty: 768n, 1302
Decatur (Georgia): 757n
Decision: 1415n, 1422
Declaration of Independence, The: 1465
Deduction of the Categories: 100, 1501
Deeping, Warwick: Sorrell and Son; Uther and Igraine, 1360n; men. 1360
Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe, 418, 777
Deirdre: 1129, 1130
Deists: 1424n
Dekker, Thomas (and Thomas Middleton): The Honest Whore, 595n; Shoemaker’s Holiday, 610
Dell, Rev. Edward T.: letters to: 8, 20-21, 1245-6, 1422, 1424-5; men. 248, 1321, 1417
Della Casa, Giovanni: 734n
Delta: The Cambridge Literary Magazine: letter to: 1230-5; ‘Professor C. S. Lewis and the English Faculty’, 1230-5
Delusions: 929
Democracy: 17, 296, 322, 419, 477-8, 618, 622, 1105, 1234, 1390
Democratic Education: 17
Democrats (USA): 219
Democritus: 928
Demosthenes: Speech 47, ‘Against Evergus’, 1302; men. 975n
Demythologizing: 1012
Deneke, Helen: 1552n
Deneke, Margaret: letters to: 323-4, 1552-3; Ernest Walker, 1552n; Paul Victor Mendelssohn Benecke, 323n, 1552n; men. 452
Denmark: 420, 979n
Denominations: 1150
Denson, Alan: Herbert Palmer, 443n
Denzinger, Heinrich Joseph Dominicus: Enchiridion, 837
Depression: 584, 1302 Der Jude: 979n
Dereliction: 963
Derrick, Christopher: letters to: 774-5, 777, 788, 1364; C. S. Lewis and the Church of Rome; Church Authority and Intellectual Freedom; Moral and Social Teaching of the Church; That Strange Divine Sea, 774n; men. 1330, 1730
Derrick, Katherine: 774n
Derrick, Thomas: 774n
Derryhirk House Hotel (Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal): letters from: 220
Derryhirk (Co. Armagh): 226
Descartes, René: Meditations Philosophiques, 982; men. 1472, 1634
Deschamps, Eustache: 635n
Desire: 523, 583-4, 1581-2
Desolation: 250
Despair: 605n, 1004, 1337
Despotism: 622
Despreaux-Boileau, Nicholas: 1372
Destiny: 709
Detachment: 477
Detective stories: 196-8, 423-24, 639-40, 814, 833
Determinism: 863, 1351, 1356-7, 1499
Deuteronomy: 689, 997n
Developmentalism: 1584
Devil, The: see Satan Devils: 93, 466
Devon: 793, 1216
Devonport High School (Plymouth): 1688
Devonshire Regiment: 1688
Devotion: 1591
Dews, Edmund: 560
Diana (goddess): 657
Dianetics: 261, 1675
Dias, Reginald Walter Michael ‘Mickey’: 1164
Diaspora: 1241
Dickens, Charles: Bleak House, 433-4, 522, 922, 1232, 1478; David Copperfield, 422, 932-3; Great Expectations, 779, 983; Little Dorrit, 926; Nicholas Nickleby, 738, 933; Old Curiosity Shop, 422; Pickwick Papers, 403, 683; men. 299, 413
Dickinson, Emily: Poems, 1200n; men. 1200
Dido: 658
Diggle, Gertrude E.: letter to: 1070
Dinosaurs: 581-2, 596, 1441
Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers, 696n
Dionysus: 1068
Disciples of Christ: 1719
Discretionary Awards Panel: 1087
Discussion by letter: 1116
Disney, Walt: 491, 1111
Disobedience: 606
Disputation: 1232
Disraeli, Benjamin: Coningsby, 98; men. 863
Disease: 1039, 1134, 1152
Dissenters: 357, 358
Distributism: 1678
Dives: 767-8
Divine Nature of Christ: 1239
Divine Reason: 1437
Divine Right of Kings: 613n
Divine Will: 1437
Divinity of Christ: 1554-5
Divorce: 188-9, 517n, 543, 575, 1672
Dix, Dom Gregory: Shape of the Liturgy, 809
Dixie Hotel (New York City): 1370
Dobbs, Estel Bridges: 1695
Dobbs, Mary Eunice: 1695
Dobrée, Bonamy: letters to: 272, 1478; English Literature in the Eighteenth Century, 272n
Dockenfield (Surrey): 1396n
Doctrine: 106, 126-7, 172, 182, 232, 292, 305, 306, 376, 425, 588, 719-20, 762, 786, 1126, 1555, 1559, 1589, 1590-1, 1628, 1637, 1663
Dodds, Eric Robertson: 761n
Dogma/dogmatism: 1341, 1554
Dogs: 587, 591
Dominican Order: 865n, 945n, 1059n, 1329n, 1709
Doms, Herbert: The Meaning of Marriage, 1709
Don Juan: 1374, 1549
Donegal: 360, 361, 363, 366, 368, 369-70, 507, 510, 644, 653, 772, 780, 793, 797
Donne, John: ‘Air and Angels’, 1563; Poems, 1563n; Songs and Sonnets, 1091; men. 117, 474n, 1541, 1571
Donnelly, Cynthia: letter to: 502-3
Dorchester Abbey: 54
Dorking (Surrey): 1726
Dorset House School (Sussex): 1678
Dorsett, Lyle W.: And God Came In, 261n, 275, 589, 1672, 1674, 1694; men. 1686
Doubts: 560, 776, 1341, 1460, 1634, 1643
Douglas, Clifford: 1642n
Douglas, Gavin: Eneados, 680; men. 1575
Douglas, Margaret: letter to: 1578-9
Douglas-Hume, Sir Alec: 1480n
Douglas Scheme, The: 1642
Douglass, Jane: letters to: 491, 537, 541, 545-6, 551, 937-8, 1122, 1143-4, 1149, 1208-9, 1331, 1410, 1417-18, 1460, 1463, 1473; ‘An Enduring Friendship’, 491n, 1209n; men. 490-2, 1091-2, 1095-6, 1264n
Douie, Helen McFarlan: 1504
Dover College (Kent): 1649
Dowden, Edward: 1107
Downing College (Cambridge): 775n, 1469, 1731
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: His Last Bow; Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, 211n; men. 997n
Dracula: 1288
Dragons: 97, 873-4, 1396
Drama: 1114, 1653, 1729
Dreams: 348, 505, 683, 1243, 1245, 1349, 1446, 1448, 1609
Dresden: 978n
Drew, Charles: 845n
Drew, Laura Crabb: 845n
Drew, Mabel: letters to: 845-6, 1217; A Way of Seeing, 845n
Drewe, Victor: 104, 247-8
Drewe, Mrs Victor: 104
Driver, Godfrey Rolles: Judaean Scrolls, 190; men. 212, 449-50, 845-6
Drogheda (Co. Louth): 13, 643n, 878n, 981n
Droitwich (Worcestershire): 1616
Drumberg Hotel (Inver, Co. Donegal): letter from: 785-6
Drunkards/drunkenness: 608, 1126
Dryden, John: Conquest of Granada, 849; Defence of the Epilogue, 1212; men. 1233n, 1341, 1541, 1571
Du Maurier, Daphne: 1656
Du Maurier, George: Peter Ibbetson, 451; men. 1055n, 1479n
Dualism: 1303
Dublin: 219, 1130n, 1443
Duclos, Jacques: 278n
Dudson, Mr: 1380
Duhem, Pierre: Le Système
du Monde, 727n; men. 726
Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment: 1702
Duke University: 34n, 996n
Dulwich Hospital (London): 1176n
Dunbar, John S.: 1658
Dunbar, Nan: biography, 1658-61; letters to: 658-9, 660-1, 663-4, 665, 669, 680, 696-7, 718-19, 739-40, 741, 761, 840, 852, 854, 1466-7, 1468, 1483; (ed) Aristophanes, Birds, 1658, 1660; men. 657, 693n, 695-6, 1653
Dunbar, William: 1575
Dunbar (East Lothian): 719
Dunbar of Hempriggs, Dame Maureen (formerly Maureen Blake): 825n, 1160n, 1443, 1538, 1555, 1565, 1619, 1709, 1710
Dundalk Bay (Co. Louth): 219, 784
Dundas-Grant, James: ‘From an Outsider’, 1481; 790n, 1041n, 1481
Dundela Villas (Belfast): 274
Dunleer (Co Louth): 981
Dunn, Mrs: letter to: 1420-1
Dunne, Charles Williams: (ed) A Chaucer Reader; (with E. T. Byres) Middle English Literature, 215n
Dunne, John William: An Experiment with Time; The Serial Universe, 228
Dunsany, Lord: Charwoman’s Shadow, 449; men. 881
Dunsfold (Surrey): 1713
Durrell, Gerald: 1657
Durrell, Lawrence: 1657
Duty: 359, 617, 685, 696-7, 872, 1183, 1369, 1613
Dyson, Henry Victor Dyson ‘Hugo’: 556, 824n, 1041n, 1523, 1667
Eagle and Child pub (’Bird and Baby’): 4, 39, 288, 499, 513, 633, 654, 662, 711, 753, 851, 853, 904, 936, 983, 1017, 1019, 1028, 1040, 1370, 1409, 1680
Earle, John: Microcosmographie, 636-7
Earth, The; 624, 730, 1384
Easter: 12, 181, 453, 456, 457, 461, 489, 604, 847, 848, 955, 1039, 1112n, 1331
Eastern Nazarene College (Massachusetts): 8
Eastgate Hotel (Oxford): 171, 174, 228, 279, 417, 450, 621, 1026-7, 1205n, 1294, 1692, 1722
Eccleshare, Colin: letters to: 556, 1397-8
Economics: 1103n
Ecumenism: 20, 432, 983, 1477n, 1723
Eddas: 944
Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley: The Nature of the Physical World, 228; men. 861
Eddison, Colin: 117n
Eddison, Eric Rücker: A Fish Dinner in Memison, 117n; The Mezentian Gate, 988; The Worm Ouroboros, 117, 881, 968, 1440
Ede, Charles: letter to: 1580
Eden, Anthony: 954n
Edinburgh: 254, 714, 716, 718, 1272, 1526, 1680, 1709
Edinburgh Academy: 1680
Edinburgh Journal of Science: 899n
Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club: 714, 716, 1255
Edinburgh University: 34n, 242n, 243n
Edmund, St: 37n
Edward, St: 37m
Edwards, Michael: letters to: 799-800, 959, 1026-7, 1070, 1076, 1086, 1133-4, 1248, 1251-2, 1421
Efficacy of prayer: 687, 1357
Egalitarianism: 298
Egbert, King: 420
Egoism: 504n, 520, 1027, 1542
Egypt: 810n, 943n, 1537n, 1708
Egyptians: 1091, 1148
Einstein, Albert: 1198n
Eire (Republic of Ireland): 643, 789, 783, 786, 878, 1412, 1414, 1454
Eisdel, Hubert: 1492
Eisenhower, Dwight D.: 88, 184, 219, 243, 251, 321-2, 382n, 810n
El Dorado (Kansas): 298n
El Paso (Texas): 1176n
élan Vital (life force): 628, 1088
Eldila (angels): 101, 868
Elevation, The: 1189
Elgar, Edward: The Dream of Gerontius, 1727
Elgin (Moray): 1735
Elihu (in Job): 1161
Elijah: 419, 1148
Eliot, George: Adam Bede, 678; Middlemarch, 1032, 1521; Mill on the Floss, 678, 1547n; men. 1731
Eliot, T. S.: letters to: 1059, 1063, 1069, 1251, 1345-6, 1518, 1521-2; ‘A Cooking Egg’, 449n, 595; ‘Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’, 426-7; Prufrock and Other Observations, 427n; men. 227n, 231n, 342, 387n, 469, 474n, 488, 1015, 1166, 1187, 1201, 1224, 1293, 1330, 1471, 1503, 1545, 1594-5, 1625n
Eliot, Valerie: 1063, 1201, 1251, 1345
Elisha: 608
Elizabeth I, Queen: 76, 876
Elizabeth II, Queen: 6, 333, 334, 335-6, 340, 343, 348, 350, 382, 404, 420, 457n, 667n, 700, 769, 771, 895, 911n, 954n
Elliott, William I.: letter to: 1412
Ellis College (Philadelphia): 845n
Ellrodt, Robert: Neoplatonism in the Poetry of Spenser, 1200, 1212
Elmhirst, Dorothy: 374n
Elmhirst, Leonard: 374n
Eltham College (Kent): 1699
Elton, Oliver: A Survey of
English Literature, 1107n, 1572n
Elves: 1666
Ely (Cambridgeshire): 891, 1022, 1435n
Ely Theological College: 230n, 1090n, 1101n
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: May-day and Other Pieces, 176; men. 100
Emery, Allan C.: letter to: 1075
Emeth (truth): 934
Emmanuel College (Cambridge): 469, 775n, 1655
Emmert, Mrs Leon: letter to: 1402
Emmet, Dorothy: 35
Emory University (Atlanta): 1248n, 1332n, 1697
Empson, William: Milton’s God, 1286; ‘Satan Argues His Case’, 1174-5; Structure of Complex Words, 689n, 1183; men. 1201, 1214
Enchantment: 973
Encounter: letter to: 1400-1; men. 416n, 1409
Encouragement: 1049, 1141, 1143, 1157, 1160, 1197, 1241, 1248, 1278, 1281, 1314, 1319, 1322, 1333, 1334, 1357, 1548, 1556 Encyclopedia Britannica: 1671
Encyclopedia Judaica: 1323n
Endicott, Lizzie: 1223
Endurance: 1965 English: 870
English Association, The: 863n, 1051n
English Channel, The: 156n, 1131 English Hymnal, The: 776n, 909n
English Language and Literature: 1596, 1649
English Moralists, The: 1375, 1469, 1733
English School (Cairo): 1547n
Envy: 733, 751, 795, 803, 1007
Epics: 87, 529n, 959, 1342n
Episcopal Church (USA): 68, 126-7, 134, 186, 249n, 285, 562, 688, 985n, 1245n, 1379, 1675, 1707, 1717, 1723, 1724
Episcopal Media Center (Atlanta, Georgia): 965n
Episcopal Radio Hour, The: 941n, 964, 965
Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation (Georgia): 941n, 964n, 965, 1003, 1037, 1112n, 1707
Episcopalian, The: 1245n, 1417
Epsom (Surrey): 1726
Equality: 17, 322
Erasmus, Desiderius: 1240n
Eros (being in love): 351, 428, 538, 555, 561, 856, 884, 941, 965, 1035, 1091-2, 1094n, 1096, 1151n, 1187, 1354
Eroticism: 758-9
Error: 408
Ervine, St. John: 645
Esau: 1611
Escapism: 418
Eschatology: 1458n
Esotericism: 1281
Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association: 1051n, 1255, 1522n
Essays in Criticism: letters to: 115, 746-7; men. 536n
Esther, Book of: 319, 652-3
Estienne, Henry: Les Prémices, 621
Eternal death: 1149
Eternal life: 1198
Eternal security: 1337
Eternity/eternal: 460, 592, 616, 1130, 1198
Ethel M. Wood Lecture (London): 1255n
Ethics: 91, 143, 422, 466, 783, 880, 941, 1227
Eton College: 1733
Etudes Anglaises, 1212
Eucharist, The: 119n, 1663
Euripides: Andromache, 658; Bacchae, 711, 712n, 716, 721, 731, 761, 1018; Electra, 661, 1496; Helen, 107n; Hippolytus, 424; men. 996
Europa (Mississippi): 1695
Euthyphro Dilemma, The: 1227n, 1436n, 1437
Evangelicals: 164, 177, 1133
Evans, B. I for: Literature and Science, 523n
Evans, Idrisyn Oliver: letters to: 133, 145, 159, 256, 257-8, 264-5, 326, 373-4, 447, 541, 547-8, 651-2, 662-3, 704-5, 746, 760, 783, 812, 886-7, 957-8, 1197, 1267; Coming of a King, 133; Geology by the Wayside, 886n; Led by the Star, 159; Olympic Runner, 447, 651, 663; Peace and the Space Race, 957n; Story of Our World, 812, 886;
Evans, Sebastian: 404n, 625
Eve: 526n, 956, 1004
Evelyn, John: Fumifugium, 403n
Eversley School (Folkstone): 1701
Every, Edward: ‘Doctrine and Liturgy’, 1590-1; ‘Invocation of Saints’, 1592
Every SSM, Br George: 1585
Everybody’s: 1579
Evil: 8, 200, 348, 356, 433, 520, 628n, 686, 689, 1245, 1274, 1341, 1361, 1384, 1581
Evolution: 111, 138, 435-8, 1257, 1260-1, 1269, 1436-7, 1500, 1584n, 1643n
Evolution of consciousness: 434n
Evolution Protest Movement: 138n
Ewart, Gundreda ‘Gunny’: see Gundreda Forrest Ewart, Sir Ivan: 1538n
Ewart, Kelso: 691, 772
Ewart, Sir Lavens: 1538n
Ewart, Mary, Lady: 690n
Ewart, Mary Elizabeth ‘Lily’ (Arthur Greeves’ sister): 128, 304
Ewart, Sir Robert: 1538n
Ewart, Sir Talbot: 1538n
Ewart, Sir William: 690n
Ewart Family: 1223
Examinations (Cambridge): 963
Examinations (Oxford): 352-3, 373, 432
Exeter College (Oxford): 988n, 1446
Existentialism: 24, 439n, 781, 978n, 980, 1238, 1333
Exodus: 961n, 1091
Extra-sensory perception: 996-7
Extreme Unction (Last Rites): 1169, 1442, 1446, 1448, 1454, 1456, 1461, 1500n, 1664, 1706
’Eye on Research’ (BBC TV): 984
Eyre & Spottiswoode (publishers): 942, 1115
Ezekiel: 302, 1267
Faber & Faber (publishers): 1187, 1343
Faccioli, Angelo: 1700
Faguer, Marguerite: 48n
Fairbanks (Alaska): 1172n
Fairies: 139, 264, 407, 514-15, 868, 879-82, 1080-1, 1370-1
Fairy land: 876-7, 880
Fairy tales: 1, 36, 75, 158, 167, 186, 289, 323, 339, 343, 431, 445-6, 517, 737, 811n, 898n, 1075, 1152, 1386n, 1400
Faith: 35, 66, 74-6, 132, 141, 152, 354, 399, 429, 592, 629, 751, 782, 1012, 1109, 1161, 1336, 1402, 1460, 1643
Faith and order: 1652
Faith healing: 81
Faith versus works: 354-5, 1336-7
Fall of Man: 78, 120n, 164, 317n, 466, 526, 799, 800, 959, 1134, 1137, 1324, 1437
Falling in love: 849
Falsehood: 1605
Fame: 13, 117, 150
Fanatics: 1372
Fantasy: 162, 230, 676, 705n, 879-82, 970, 1011, 1069-71, 1418n, 1433, 1563, 1611, 1613, 1642
Farrer, Augustus John Donald: 427, 1661-2
Farrer, Rev. Austin: biography: 1661-5; letters to: 1174, 1308; A Faith of Our Own, 1663-4; A Short Bible, 754; ‘The Christian Apologist’, 1663; Finite and Infinite, 1663; Freedom of the Will, 1663; The Glass of Vision, 158, 1663; ‘In His Image’, 1665; Love Almighty and Ills Unlimited, 1308; ‘The Queen of Sciences’, 620n; Revelation of St John the Divine, 1663; Said or Sung, 1662; St Matthew and St Mark, 1663; men. 35, 116, 742, 798, 801n, 890, 926n, 972, 1132, 1169, 1372, 1442, 1446, 1485, 1665, 1666
Farrer, Caroline: 1662, 1664, 1665, 1666
Farrer, Evangeline: 1662
Farrer, Katharine: biography: 1665-7; letters to: 196-8, 384, 423-4, 426-7, 589-90, 620-1, 639-40, 753-5, 801-2, 890, 1174, 1175, 1283, 1372; At Odds with Morning, 1666; (trans) Being and Having, 1665; The Cretan Counterfeit, 423-4, 426-7, 1665; Gownsman’s Gallows, 639-40, 1665; The Missing Link, 196-8, 1665; ‘Summer’s Term’, 753-5; men. 116n, 250, 797-8, 926n, 1169, 1442, 1446, 1662, 1663, 1664
Fascism: 1401
Fasting: 358, 401, 521, 629, 1355, 1555
Fatima: 1387n
Faulkner, William: 1657
Fausset, Hugh l’Anson: 1507
Fear: 448, 1204, 1337, 1341, 1431, 1437
Fear No More: A Book of Poems for the Present Time: 1537
Feelings/emotions/sensations: 25, 69, 73, 78, 127, 191, 251, 350-1, 445, 500, 588, 661, 732, 1064, 1075, 1136, 1183, 1231, 1308, 1353, 1540, 1546-7, 1582, 1587, 1605
Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius: 1736
Felsted (Essex): 274n
Felsted Preparatory School: 796n, 1313n
Feminine/femininity: 158, 195, 638-9, 716, 721, 794, 795, 1195
Feminism: 1723
Ferguson, Arthur B.: The Indian Summer of English Chivalry, 1121n
Ferocity: 1011
Ferrara: 945n
Festival of Britain: 91, 112
Ficino, Marsilio: Theologia
Platonica, 873
Fiction: 575-6, 1213, 1214
Field, Walter Ogilvie ‘Wof’: 12, 884, 1517n
Fielding, Henry: 1571
Fifth grade class in Maryland: letter to: 479-80
Fifty-Two: 869, 896n, 960, 1020n, 1671
Fillmore (California): 424n
Films: 684, 776, 1164
Firdausi, Abul Kasim Mansur: Shahnameh, 80n; 80, 794, 919, 1274
Fire of London of 1666, The: 1164n
Firor, Dr Warfield M.: letters to: 16-18, 26, 44-6, 66-8, 104-6, 112, 128, 149-50, 341-2, 631-2, 933-4; ‘Divine Intercession’, 934n; men. 1484n
Fisher, Archbishop Geoffrey: letter to: 989; men. 988-9, 1015, 1220, 1221, 1228, 1594, 1595
Fitzgerald, Robert: (trans) The Odyssey, 1454n
Fitzwilliam College (Cambridge): 1237n
Five Sermons by Laymen: 248n
Flammarion, Nicholas Camille: Uranie, 773
Flattery: 1161, 1234
Flavell, John: A Saint Indeed; A Token for Mourners; Divine Conduct; Method of Grace; Sea Deliverances; Seaman’s Companion; Touchstone of Sincerity; Treatise on the Soul of Man, 116-17, 116n
Fleming, Alexander: 867n
Fleming, Anthony: letter to: 915
Fleming, Ian: Casino Royale; Live and Let Die, 787n
Flewett, Henry Walter: 37n
Flewett, Jill: see Jill Freud Flewett, Winifred: 37n
Flight into Egypt, The: 479
Flood, The: 130
Florence (Italy): 315, 1729
Florentine Platonists: 11
Florey, Howard, Lord: 867n, 882
Florida: 121n, 382, 515, 766, 941, 1073, 1219, 1268, 1399
Florida State University: 757n
Flying Enterprise: 155-6
Foffano, Ottorino: Don Giovanni Calabria, 1013
Folk-tales: 1187
Fontana Books: 454, 1294
Food parcels/gifts (from USA): 73, 74, 78, 87-8, 104, 106, 122-3, 128, 131, 139, 142, 147, 148, 153, 161, 178-9, 183-4, 218-19, 225, 240, 243, 261, 268-9, 287, 291, 294, 385, 394, 415-16, 512-13, 518, 550, 583, 631, 688, 817, 821, 949, 973-4, 1128, 1481
Forbidden Planet, The (film): 783
Ford, Arthur: Nothing So Strange, 997n; men. 997, 998n
Fordham University (New York): 452n
Forgiveness: 109, 123, 939, 1129, 1162, 1432, 1438
Forgiveness of sins: 151-2, 180, 320, 330, 364, 365, 425, 751, 755, 935, 962, 1064, 1204, 1285, 1340, 1350, 1366, 1432, 1540, 1555
Form (in literature): 468
Forman, Maurice Buxton: 425n
Fornication: 91, 180n, 1581
Forrest, Gundreda (Ewart): letter to: 690-1; men. 372, 812, 900, 1539n
Forrest, John Vincent: 372
Forrest, Rachel Primrose: see Primrose Henderson
Forrest, William Adrian: 691, 772
Forster, E. M.: ‘A Letter’, 578n, 594n, 1054; men. 578, 589, 594-5, 597, 1054, 1224
Forsyth, James: Screwtape. A Play, 1316
Fort, Charles: Book of the Damned, 705
Fort Bragg (North Carolina): 535n
Fort Royal Hotel (Rathmullan): letters from: 786-7, 1062
Fortnightly, The: 145
Forty Martyrs of England and Wales: 854n
Foster OP, Fr Kenelm: 656n
Fouad 1st University (Cairo): 1699
Fountain Pens: 486
Four Last Things: 164
Four Talks on Love (audio): 965n
Fowler, Alastair David Shaw: biography, 1667-70; letters to: 534, 568, 601, 610-11, 619, 626, 714, 1106-8, 1200-1, 1206-8, 1210-12, 1223-4, 1256-7, 1260-1, 1269, 1391; A History of English Literature, 1670; ‘C. S. Lewis: Supervisor’, 714n, 1667-8, 1669-70; Conceitful Thought, 1670; Edmund Spenser, 1670; ‘Emblems of Temperance in the Faerie Queene’, 1206; Kinds of Literature, 1670; (ed) New Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse, 1670; ‘Oxford and London Marginalia to “The Faerie Queene”’, 1210; (ed) Paradise Lost, 1669; ‘Protestant Attitudes to Poetry 1560-1590’ (unpublished), 1668, 1669; Renaissance Realism, 1670; ‘Rest of Time’ (unfinished novel), 568, 601, 714, 1668; Silent Poetry, 1669; ‘Six Knights at Castle Joyous’, 1106-7; Spenser and the Numbers of Time, 1669; (ed) Spenser’s Images of Life, 1670; Triumphal Forms, 1669; men. 1443
Fowler, Alison: 534n, 601, 1669
Fowler, David (father of Alastair): 1667
Fowler, David (son of Alastair): 1669
Fowler, Harold North: 1631n
Fowler, Jenny: 534n, 1667, 1669, 1670
Fowler, Maggie: 1667
Fox, George: Journal, 1437n
France: 211, 258, 382n, 608, 810n, 1075, 1130-1, 1259
France, Anatole: 298
Francis of Assisi, St: 137, 214n, 457, 479, 1113, 1555
Franciscans: 767, 1436n
François de Sales, St: Introduction to the Devout Life, 622, 672, 920
Frankel, Benjamin: 315n
Frankfurt University: 979n
Fraser, Deborah: letter to: 836
Fraser, George Sutherland: The Modern Writer and his World, 443n
Frazer, G. S.: 489n
Free Church of Scotland: 1359n
Free will: 81, 106, 120, 237-8, 311, 863, 865, 1014, 1499, 1581-2
Freedom, Man’s: 355, 1169, 1388n, 1581, 1638, 1641
Freemasons: 150
French, Allen: Grettir the Strong, 1274
French, The: 704, 1213
French Revolution, The: 149
French Studies: 1687
Freud, Sir Clement: Freud Ego, 50n; men. 37, 50, 55, 1217-18
Freud, Ernst: 37n
Freud, Jill, Lady: letters to: 13-14, 36-7, 50, 55-6, 164-5, 433-4, 444, 527-8, 591, 693, 1217-18, 1229, 1564-5
Freud, Lucie: 37n
Freud, Nicola: 434, 528, 693
Freud, Sigmund: The Future of an Illusion, 1242; men. 437, 630, 780, 944, 1136, 1209n, 1236, 1333
Friendship (Philia): 20, 119, 134, 237, 305, 306, 428, 450, 538, 717, 834, 884, 941, 965, 1035, 1049, 1053, 1094n, 1151n, 1240, 1354, 1401, 1651
Frieseke, Frederick: 1686
Froissart, Jean: Chronicles, 680
Fromm, Eric: 92
Frost, Robert: Mountain Interval; North of Boston, 462n; men. 462, 469, 855, 1224
Fry, Christopher: The Lady’s Not for Burning, 12
Fuller, Edmund: Books with Men Behind Them, 1410n
Fuller, General John Frederick Charles: On Future Warfare; Tanks in the Great War, 544n; men. 544
Fundamentalists/fundamentalism, Christian: 543, 652, 1100, 1150, 1542
Furies, The: 740, 784
Future, The: 251, 348, 403, 667, 864, 1014, 1137, 1335
Gabriel, Archangel: 1328
Gagarin, Yuri: 1257
Gaia: 1428n, 1617n
Gaiety: 1252
Gainesville (Florida): 1205n
Gainesville (Georgia): 1696
Galahad, Sir: 135m 218n, 344, 686
Galaxies, The: 427, 733
Galaxy: 746
Galileo: 726
Gallagher, Michael: 841, 1650
Galsworthy, John: 1656
Gambellera (Italy): 1700
Gambling: 612
Games: 598, 656
Garden of the Hesperides: 1560-1
Gardener, Miss: letter to: 977
Gardenhurst School (Burnham-on-Sea): 1470n
Gardner, Dame Helen: Art of T. S. Eliot; ‘Clive Staples Lewis’, 474n, 482; John Donne’s Divine Poems, 474n; men. 474, 475, 480, 482-3
Garner, Alan: The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, 1184
Garrett, Mrs Ray: letter to: 1183-4
Garter, Order of the: 191
Gasch, Fritz Otto: 1396n
Gaskell, Andrew: 879n
Gaskell, Edith: 879n
Gaskell, Jane: letter to: 879-82; A Sweet, Sweet Summer; All Neat in Black Stockings; Atlan; Atlan Saga; Attic Summer; Fabulous Heroine; King’s Daughter; Serpent; Shiny Narrow Grin; Some Strange Lands, 879n; Strange Evil, 879-82; Summer Coming; Sun Bubble, 879n
Gasquet OSB, Cardinal Francis Aidan: 565n
Gates, Edith: letter to: 1559
Gateshead (Durham): 1673
Gaul/Gauls: 1073
Gault, John: 669
Gawaine, Sir: 217
Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir: 695, 1524
Gawsworth, John: letter to: 1228-9; Collected Poems; Thrills, Crimes and Mysteries; Thrills: Twenty Specially Selected New Stories, 1228n
Gay News: 443n
Gebbert, Charles Marion ‘Tycoon’ (son of Vera Gebbert): letters to: 1290, 1319; men. 338-9, 346, 376, 381, 382, 395, 409, 410, 452, 509, 517-18, 543, 612n, 613, 623, 642, 671, 672, 687, 688, 748, 797, 816-17, 821-2, 833, 895, 907n. 949, 950, 974, 1029, 1046, 1057, 1123, 1160, 1171, 1289n, 1315
Gebbert, K. H. (husband of Vera Gebbert): 193, 220, 236, 239-40, 243, 259, 267, 310n, 338, 381, 395, 410, 509n
Gebbert, Vera: (formerly Vera Mathews): letters to: 7-8, 15, 27, 36, 40-1, 43, 49-50, 53-4, 58, 61-2, 63-4, 72-3, 74, 103-4, 138-9, 142-3, 148-9, 165-7, 172-3, 194, 212-13, 218-20, 225, 231, 235, 236-7, 238-40, 243-4, 258-9, 267, 271, 310-12, 338-9, 345-6, 376-7, 381-2, 394-5, 409-10, 451-2, 509, 517-18, 533, 543, 556-7, 612-13, 623-4, 641-2, 671-2, 687-8, 797, 816-17, 833, 894-6, 907-8, 949-50, 973-4, 1028-9, 1046-7, 1057-8, 1122-3, 1170-1, 1177, 1198, 1289, 1314-15, 1391-3; men. 1319
Geddes, Mrs: 801
Gehenna: 163
Gender: 305
General Certificate of Education: 1394, 1403, 1479, 1677
General Theological Seminary (New York): 985n
Genesis: 120, 157, 264, 357, 420, 605, 608, 681n, 1043, 1374, 1433n, 1611
Genius: 100, 353, 1032, 1051, 1093, 1111, 1261
Geoffrey Bles Ltd (publishers): 1556, 1670, 1671-2
Geoffrey of Monmouth: Histories of the Kings of Britain, 404n, 680, 1051n, 1074
Geology: 886
George, St: 256
George I, King: 57
George III, King: 578n, 699n
George VI, King: 91n, 954n, 1726
Georgetown University: 452n
Georgia Institute of Technology: 1696
Georgia Poetry Society: 1717
Georgia State University: 757n
German: 1384n, 1709
German-Russian Non-Aggression Pact: 1650
Germany: 44, 67, 88, 178, 259, 865n, 978n, 1075, 1347n, 1649, 1730, 1734
Gerrard’s Cross (Buckinghamshire): 1665
Gethsemane: 250, 279, 281, 347, 378, 590, 806, 1038
Ghosts: 263-4. 302, 401, 407, 430, 514, 549, 1148
Giants: 157n, 312, 821, 1005, 1101
Gibb, Sir Alexander: 1670, 1671
Gibb, Evelyn: 1671
Gibb, Jocelyn Easton, CBE: biography: 1670-2; letters to: 455, 491, 492, 494, 504-5, 508, 511, 523, 537, 546, 558-9, 561, 564, 568-9, 581, 584, 597, 614, 619-20, 622-3, 646, 675-6, 681, 694, 697, 705, 707-8, 710-11, 715, 717, 722-3, 735-7, 740-1, 741-2, 743-4, 745, 747, 763, 764-5, 767, 769-70, 786-7, 787-8, 799, 800, 801, 808, 810, 811, 813, 814, 850, 869-70, 870-1, 872, 888-9, 894, 896, 907, 909-10, 911-12, 915-16, 917, 921-2, 923-4, 926-8, 929-30, 931-3, 934, 935-6, 941-2, 956-7, 960, 963, 972, 976-7, 981-2, 987, 991-2, 993, 996, 1019-20, 1024, 1041, 1048-9, 1062, 1066, 1072, 1085, 1091-2, 1094-7, 1098-9, 1103-4, 1110-11, 1112, 1115-16, 1132, 1135, 1142, 1150-1, 1156, 1157, 1165-6, 1168, 1175, 1176, 1185-6, 1188-9, 1191, 1192-4, 1195-6, 1197-8, 1199, 1202, 1204, 1209, 1214, 1225, 1236, 1247-8, 1253-6, 1257-8, 1260, 1261, 1263, 1271-2, 1275, 1276, 1279, 1280, 1283-4, 1288, 1301, 1315-16, 1318, 1321-2, 1325, 1332, 1376, 1413, 1427, 1434-5, 1466, 1475; (ed, with R. I. Aaron) An Early Draft of Locke’s Essay, 1671; (ed) Lighton C.S. Lewis, 1663n, 1694; men. 35n, 454, 563-4, 643n, 706, 779n, 967n, 1180n, 1345, 1402, 1562n
Gibb, Norah Isobel: 1670
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 578
Gibbons, Grinling: 262
Gideon: 709n
Gilbert, Douglas (with Clyde S. Kilby) C. S. Lewis: Images of His World, 270n, 1672, 1685
Gilbert, W. S. and Arthur Sullivan: The Mikado, 1513; men. 769
Gilfedder, John Francis: letters to: 315, 559, 650, 808-9; Timeless Land Symphony, 315n
Gilmore, Maeve: (with Sebastian Peake) A Child of Bliss; A World Away: A Memoir of Mervyn Peake, 1700; men. 1699
Ginder, Fr Richard: letter to: 1178
Giocondo, Fra Giovanni: Letter, 64
Giovanni Calabria, St: letters to: 48-9, 136-7, 151-2, 181-2, 213-14, 275-8, 305-7, 357-8, 363-6, 539-40; Amare, 49n; Apostolica Vivendi Forma, 49n; Letters: C.S. Lewis-Don Giovanni Calabria, 48n, 275n, 364n; Renewal of All Things in Christ, 363, 364; Una Gioia Insolita: Lettere tra un prete cattolico e un laico anglicano, 48n, 52n, 276n; men. 52n, 53, 536, 542, 651n, 913, 1013, 1113n, 1220, 1221, 1700-1
Girls’ Public Day School Trust: 1679
Girton College (Cambridge): 657, 694, 695-6, 851n, 1059, 1060n, 1100n, 1523n, 1652-3, 1658-9, 1704, 1705
Gladstone, Anne: 1701
Gladstone, John Steuart: 1701
Gladstone, Mary Ellen: 1701
Gladstone, Robert: 1701
Gladstone, William: 1491n, 1701
Glaney, Morna: 1440
Glasgow: 657, 1652m 1658
Gleeson, Fr John Philip: 34
Glenmachan (’Mountbracken’): 690n, 691, 900, 1223, 1538
Glenmachan Towers Hotel (Belfast): 1412
Glens of Antrim (Co. Antrim): 1413
Glorified Body of the Resurrection: 1086, 1384, 1476, 1573-4
Gloucester: 948n
Gloucester, Duke of: 578n
Gluttony: 277, 278
Gnosticism: 928
Goats: 1562
God the Father: 5, 8n, 10, 21n, 23, 25, 29, 31, 34, 49, 59, 60, 68, 69, 75, 81, 84, 93. 104, 105, 106, 109, 110, 114, 119, 120, 121, 123, 127, 129, 134-5, 136, 141-2, 143, 154, 157, 158, 163, 172, 177, 178, 180n, 191, 200, 203, 204, 209, 213, 222, 228, 238, 239, 241, 244, 245-8, 249, 250, 252, 253, 266, 274n, 278, 281, 282, 291n, 296, 301-2, 309, 323, 325, 330, 342, 343, 348, 350-1, 356-7, 359, 364, 365, 368, 375-6, 378, 379-80, 384n, 386, 390, 393, 398, 399, 401, 405, 418, 419, 423, 425-6, 428-9, 431, 433, 446, 447-8, 451, 463, 466, 472, 477, 478, 480, 490, 494, 500-1, 503, 507, 520, 526, 531, 543, 551, 557, 561, 574-6, 584, 592-3, 602-3, 605, 608, 613, 616-17, 624, 630, 667, 669, 678, 679, 682, 699, 701-2, 712-13, 720, 728, 731-2, 750, 752, 767, 776, 781, 782, 785-6, 806, 817, 829, 830-1, 847, 849-51, 856, 859, 872, 885, 889, 892, 897n, 900, 914, 920-3. 925, 930-1, 935, 940-1, 956, 979n, 985, 1011, 1013, 1014, 1022-3, 1031, 1035-6, 1039, 1044-6, 1056-7, 1065, 1067-8, 1090, 1092, 1123-4, 1130-1, 1135, 1139, 1149-50, 1153, 1161, 1169, 1171-4, 1185, 1187-8, 1198, 1204, 1214, 1217, 1225-7, 1240, 1243, 1249, 1253, 1260, 1268, 1271, 1274-5, 1282, 1286, 1288-9, 1303, 1307n, 1309, 1324, 1332n, 1337, 1339, 1340-1, 1344, 1350, 1353-5, 1357, 1359, 1361-2, 1364, 1369, 1374, 1376, 1383-4, 1387, 1402, 1410, 1420-1, 1424n, 1425, 1429, 1432, 1434, 1436-8, 1447, 1456, 1464n, 1467, 1472n, 1500n, 1554, 1583n, 1712, 1723
Godamer, Hans-Georg: 439n
Godley, Alfred Denis: (ed) Q. Horati Flacci CarminumLibrum Quintum, 1101
Gods: 11, 386, 478, 1059, 1091, 1148, 1267, 1300
Godstow Abbey: 560n, 1409n
Godwin, William: 330
Goelz, Edward (husband of Genia Goelz): 360, 419
Goelz, Genia (daughter of Mary Van Deusen): letters to: 126-7, 134, 169, 172, 191-2, 204-5; men. 108, 114, 118, 125, 170, 200, 223, 290, 296, 320, 322, 335, 342, 351, 360, 419, 431, 432, 477-8, 510, 555, 584, 610, 630, 732, 762, 965, 982, 991, 998, 1086, 1330, 1349, 1431
Goering, Hermann Wilhelm: 64
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Dichtung und Wahrheit, 597; men. 1116, 1729
Gold Medal for Poetry: 700n
Goldsmith, Oliver: Traveller, 937; men. 638, 937
Goliath: 192
Golden Arrow Cottage (Annagassan, Co. Louth): letters from: 781, 784-5; men. 797
Golden Fleece, The: 986n, 987n
Golden Rule, The: 1055
Golden Sequence, The (Veni, Sancte Spiritus): 688n
Golding, William: Inheritors, 651-2
Gollancz, Victor: 1332
Gombrich, Ernst Hans: The Story of Art, 1364
Gomme, Arnold Wycombe: 1468n
Gomorrah: 617
Gonne, Maud: A Servant of the Queen, 1130n; men. 1130
Gonville and Caius College (Cambridge): 26n, 34n, 708n, 712n, 1018n, 1306, 1435n
Good, The: 158
Good Friday: 1035
Good Samaritan, The: 319
Good Work: 1037n
Goode, David: 1729
Goodness: 422, 1136-7, 1436-7, 1613
Goodridge, Jonathan Francis: letters so: 1-2, 226-27, 1581-2; men. 573, 717
Gordey, Michel: Visa to Moscow, 545
Gordon, Eric Valentine: (with J.R.R. Tolkien)
Gawain and the Green Knight, 1050n, 1524; (with E. Vinaver) ‘New Light on the Text of the Alliterative Morte Arthure’, 1078; men. 1050n
Gordon, George: 498, 1368
Gordon, Ida L.: Double Sorrow of Troilus, 1050n; men. 1050
Gordon, John M.: letter to: 1126-7
Gordon College (Massachusetts): 981n, 1329n
Gore, Charles: (ed, with others) A New Commentary on Holy Scripture, 1548; Philosophy of the Good Life, 1265; Sermon on the Mount, 188, 1264, 1265n
Goring-by-Sea (West Sussex): 1652
Gospel, The: 364, 365, 490, 815n
Gospels, The: 292, 316n, 584, 652n, 694n, 1075
Goudge, Henry Leighton: 1548
Gough, Edward John: Simple Thoughts on the Holy Eucharist, 119
Gower, John: English Works, 1524, 1578
Grace: 23, 66, 93. 103, 135, 195, 210, 238, 270-1, 282, 314, 330, 342, 348, 354, 431, 463, 498, 592, 610, 685, 920, 1113, 1163, 1225, 1303, 1304, 1340, 1374, 1425, 1432, 1500, 1574, 1673
Graham, Billy: 1415n
Graham, Samuel: 691
Grahame, Kenneth: The Wind in the Willows, 589
Grail, Holy: 217n, 349, 646-7, 686-7, 748-9, 1084, 1189-90, 1218, 1228n, 1405-6
Grail Legend: 1084n, 1189-90, 1405-6
Grammar: 728n, 871
Gramont, House of: 895n
Gramont, Antoine Agénor Armand de: 949
Grand Valley State College (Michigan): 1332n
Grandeur: 1121
Grange-over-Sands (Lancashire): 879n
Grant, Joan: Time Out of Mind, 928n; men. 879n
Gratitude: 321, 1546-7
Graves, Charles Larcom: 1101n
Graves, Robert: (with Joshua Podro) The Nazarene Gospel Restored, 1406; Transformations of Lucius, 649
Gray, Margaret: letter to: 1264-5
Gray, Thomas: ‘Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard’, 1493n; men. 1493
Great Bookham (Surrey): 1488, 1497
Great Hasley (Oxfordshire): 1090n
Great Lunar Hoax: 898
Great Persian War: 447
Great Plague of 1665: 1164n
Great St Mary’s Church (Cambridge): 480, 1435n, 1436
’Great War’ Letters, The: 1596-1629; men. 1500n
Great Western Royal Hotel (London): letter from: 411-12
Greatness: 1011, 1619
Greece: 902, 1101, 1134, 1139, 1141, 1142, 1147, 1148, 1151, 1153, 1179, 1181, 1630, 1694
Greed: 330, 782
Greek: 1082, 1091, 1145n, 1286, 1358, 1496, 1541, 1542, 1553, 1612n, 1658
Greek Orthodox Church: 1154
Greek plays: 721
Greek sculpture: 708n, 736
Greek (s): 55, 119, 1641
Green, Gilbert Lancelyn (father of Roger Lancelyn Green): 90n
Green, John: 717n
Green, June Lancelyn: letter to: 221; men. 110, 220, 239, 297, 301, 346, 790, 876, 883, 904, 925, 948, 968, 1142, 1246, 1371, 1449, 1570, 1694
Green, Richard Lancelyn: 346-7, 916-17, 925
Green, Richard Leighton: A Selection of English Carols; Early English Carols, 1346n; men. 1346
Green, Roger Lancelyn: letters to: 12, 19, 28, 94, 110, 140, 173, 175, 186, 208, 220, 229-30, 239, 264, 296-7, 301, 332, 336, 344, 346-7, 363, 430-1, 499-500, 504, 711, 753, 756, 767, 790, 830, 851, 853, 870, 876, 883, 898-900, 904. 916-17, 925, 936, 947-8, 967-8, 986-7, 993, 1016-17, 1018-19, 1047, 1089, 1101, 1140, 1142, 1168, 1179-80, 1182, 1184, 1215, 1236, 1246, 1282-3, 1326-7, 1370-1, 1407, 1408-9, 1426, 1444-6, 1449, 1570; A Book of Nonsense, 790; A. E. W. Mason, 239; ‘A Neglected Novelist: F. Anstey’, 870; ‘The Buzzard’ (unpublished), 431, 504; C. S. Lewis (Bodley Head Monograph), 1140; (with Walter Hooper) C. S. Lewis: A Biography, 1n, 233n, 535n, 1142n, 1326n, 1442, 1694n; From the World’s End, 208, 297; The Ichneautai of Sophocles, 264; Into Other Worlds, 898n; King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, 344, 345, 898n, 1274n; Land Beyond the North, 790, 986-7; Land of the Lord High Tiger, 851, 904, 992, 993; The Luck of the Lynns, 173, 186, 332; The Luck of Troy, 1182, 1246; Mystery at Mycenae, 851, 870, 876n, 898; Old Greek Fairy Tales, 967-8; Robin Hood, 790; The Secret of Rusticoker, 332; ‘Shakespeare and the Fairies’, 1370-1; The Story of Lewis Carroll, 221, 332; Tellers of Tales, 363; The Wonderful Stranger, 186; ‘The Wood that Time Forgot’ (unpublished), 28, 1326-7; men. 1, 39, 221, 1182, 1186, 1203n, 1244n, 1400-1, 1694
Green, Roger P. H.: (ed) Seven Versions of Carolingian Pastoral, 1373n
Green, Scirard Lancelyn: 883n, 899, 947-8
Green, Mr: letters to: 1340-1, 1344, 1350-1, 1352-4
Greene, Graham: Brighton Rock, 478n; The Power and the Glory, 96n, 180-1; men. 208, 239, 387n, 488n
Greenwich (Connecticut): 1464n
Greenwood, Joseph A.: 997n
Greeves, Arthur: letters to: 28-9, 37-8, 90, 98-9, 109-10, 128, 171, 205-6, 210, 226, 234, 236, 252, 298-9, 303-4, 309, 313, 344-5, 370, 372, 446-7, 450-1, 453, 466-7, 502, 503, 536-7, 615, 643, 648, 668-9, 678, 710, 749-50, 749-50, 751-2, 763, 772, 812, 842, 877-8, 882, 900, 925-6, 931, 948-9, 972-3, 986, 1033, 1036-7, 1038, 1048, 1139, 1181-2, 1229, 1263-4, 1266-7, 1269-70, 1277, 1277-8, 1297, 1352, 1381, 1394, 1412-13, 1414, 1418, 1440, 1455-6, 1535, 1537-9, 1548-50, 1554-6, 1573-4; letters from: 1262, 1266, 1268, 1271, 1295-6; men. 26n, 72n, 87n, 114, 497n, 499, 644, 643n, 780, 1051n, 1062, 1067n, 1070n, 1128n, 1182, 1209n, 1223, 1276, 1515n, 1517n, 1631n, 1676
Greeves, John: 1262n
Greeves, John Ronald Howard: 109n
Greeves, Lisbeth: 109, 1549
Greeves, Mary Margretta Gribbon (mother of Arthur Greeves): 90n, 1535, 1539
Gregory, T. S.: letters to: 1155, 1405
Gregory of Nyssa, St: 1736
Gregory the Great, Pope: 478n
Gresham, David Lindsay: biography, 1672-4; letter to: 825; left with father, 228; father’s ‘optimum solution’, 275; arrives in London, 376; visits Lewis, 388-90, 394, 395, 410; plans for another visit, 450; moves to Oxford, 641; mother refused permission to remain in England, 644; living at Kilns, 818; in Malvern, 825; ‘comically appropriate stepson’, 837-8; resented father’s treatment of mother, 843-4; writes to father, 845; ‘lots of brains’, 867; home from school, 875; ‘intelligent, but moody’, 906; his mother is ill, 1167; mother dies, 1168-9; her funeral, 1171-2; ‘what will really influence them…is what I am’, 1242-3; Judaism, 1323; at North West London Talmudical College, 1334; death of father, 1370; settled at North West London Talmudical College, 1394; visits L in hospital, 1443; expenses, 1457; in New York, 1465; allowance from L’s publisher, 1477; writes to L ‘maturely’, 1479; still in New York, 1482; at Courtstairs, 1649; men. 442n, 543, 819, 820-1, 826, 834, 855, 858, 864, 870, 932-3, 1048, 1186, 1200, 1236n, 1246n, 1314, 1431, 1676, 1691, 1692, 1693
Gresham, Dominic: 1677, 1678
Gresham, Douglas Howard: biography, 1674-78; Jack’s Life: The Life Story of C. S. Lewis, 1678; Lenten Lands, 1167, 1394, 1408n, 1674, 1675, 1676-7, 1693, 1694; mother visits England, 228; father’s ‘optimum solution’, 275; arrives in London, 376; first visit to Lewis, 388-90, 394, 395, 410; another visit to Lewis, 450; moves to 10 Old High Street, Headington, 641; Home Office refuses mother permission to stay in country, 644; living in Kilns, 818; visits Malvern, 825; ‘absolute charmer’, 837; memories of his father, 843-4; does not want to live with father, 845; pet mice, 864; ‘right amount of mischief’, 867; home from school, 875; to Dane Court, 883; on Scirard Lancelyn Green, 899; ‘just plain boy’, 906; Joy takes Doug and Scirard out, 947-8; mother sends for, 1167; his mother dies, 1168-9; her funeral, 1171-2; ‘absolute brick’, 1174; wants more Narnian books, 1181; ‘bright spot’ in L’s life, 1182; ‘greatest comfort’, 1188; ‘what will really influence them…is what I am’, 1242-3; skates on frozen pond, 1310; at Magdalen College School, 1334; death of father, 1370; to accompany L to Ireland, 1381; to go to a crammer, 1394-5; preference for dairy farming, 1403; at Applegarth School, 1408; plans for Irish trip, 1412-13, 1414; L thought to be dying, 1442; visits L in hospital, 1443; changes bedroom, 1446; helps clear L’s Cambridge rooms, 1451; ‘passing through an unsettled state’, 1479-80; trying to pass ‘O Level’, 1482; at Courtstairs, 1649; men. 442n, 543, 819, 820-1, 826, 834, 855, 858, 870, 932-3, 1048, 1186, 1200, 1236n, 1246n, 1314, 1421n, 1431, 1672, 1691, 1692, 1693
Gresham, Isaac: 1674
Gresham, Ishmael Iyer: 1674
Gresham, James: 1677, 1678
Gresham, Joy: see Joy Davidman Lewis
Gresham, Lucinda: 1677, 1678
Gresham, Melody: 1677, 1678
Gresham, Meredith ‘Merrie’: 1677-8
Gresham, Renée: 228, 275, 388, 502, 1675, 1692, 1693
Gresham, Timothy: 1677, 1678
Gresham, William Lindsay: letters to: 820-1, 843-5, 1170; Nightmare Alley, 1672, 1674, 1692; ‘From Communist to Christian’, 1675; men. 228, 261n, 275, 388, 501, 589, 841, 861, 1275, 1370, 1672, 1674, 1675, 1677, 1691-2, 1693
Gribbon, R. B.: letters to: 72, 386
Grief: 105, 1013, 1102, 1146n, 1175, 1182, 1185, 1187, 1198, 1201, 1300, 1410n, 1661
Grier, Lynda: 1103
Grierson, Sir Herbert: 838
Griffiths OSB, Dom Bede: letters to: 23-5, 39, 62-3, 111-12, 195, 408-9, 422, 461-2, 522-3, 703-4, 884-5, 1042-3, 1300, 1303, 1362; ‘Catholicism To-day’, 23; Christian Ashram (= Christ in India), 703n, 1042; The Golden String, 462, 567; ‘The Incarnation and the East’, 408; men. 573, 781n, 980n, 1238n, 1518-19, 1708-9
Griggs, Alice: 607n
Griggs, Rhoda Rose: 607
Grimble, Arthur: A Pattern of Islands, 428
Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl: Kinder und Housmärchen, 1371; Marchen, 439-40
Grimm, Wilhelm Carl: Marchen, 439-40
Grimsley, Ronald: 24n
Guaranty Mortgage & Trust
Company (Memphis): 1082n
Guardian, The: 1193, 1556
Guardini, Romano: 1433
Guareschi, Giovanni: Don Camillo and the Prodigal Son; The Little World of Don Camillo, 776n
Guatemala: 602n
Guatemala Union Church: 602n
Guernsey: 1709
Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship: 804
Guildford Cathedral: 1726
Guildford Repertory Theatre: 1564
Guillaume, Alfred: 1548
Guilt: 1027, 1133-4, 1366, 1712
Guinevere, Queen: 217 Guinness Book of Records: 1702
Gulf of Corinth: 1142
Gunfield (Oxford): 1552n
Guthrie (Kentucky): 467
Gweebarra Bay (Co. Donegal): 772n
Gysi, Max: 1639n
Hackney (London): 1338n
Hades: 163, 893n
Hadhramaut (Arab Sultanates): 652n
Haggard, Henry Rider: Ayesha, 89; Mahatma and the Hare, 344; She, 89, 149, 703; She and Allan, 89; Virgin of the Sun, 220; Wisdom’s Daughter, 89; men. 777, 1179
Hail Mary, The: 209
Haileybury College: 272n
Haldane, John Burton Sanderson: Possible Worlds, 1535; men. 71
Hall, Kemper: 209
Hall, Victor Hayward: letter to: 1177
Hallgrimsson, Jónas: 1335n
Hallucinations: 348
Halmbacher, Mrs: letters to: 66, 90-1, 106
Halpern, Barbara: letter to: 718
Halvorson, Julie: letter to: 732
Halvorson, Mrs R. E.: letter to: 731-2
Ham (son of Noah): 681
Hamden (Connecticut): 1205n
Hame with (Malvern): 780
Hamilton, Annie Sargent: 837, 1030, 1496
Hamilton, Augustus Warren: 772n, 1030n, 1496n
Hamilton, Eric: 953
Hamilton, George L.: ‘Theodulus: A Medieval Textbook’, 1373
Hamilton, George Rostrevor: letters to: 2-3, 117; The Tell-Tale Article, 208, 329
Hamilton, Rev. Hugh: 1491n
Hamilton, John Borlase: 772
Hamilton, Margaret Sackville: letter to: 227-8; men. 222n
Hamilton, Mary Warren (Lewis’s grandmother): 389
Hamilton, Rev. Thomas Robert: 1450n, 1491n
Hamilton & McMaster, Marine Boilermakers (Belfast): 772n
Hamm, Victor Michael: 868n
Handel, George Frederic: Berenice, 1492
Hanif, Muhammad: 1338n
Hanley Castle Grammar School (Worcestershire): 1699
Happiness: 93, 330, 371, 391, 580, 613, 862, 867, 934, 1039, 1102, 1133, 1169, 1225, 1302, 1354, 1361, 1464-5
Harari, Manya: 1137n
Harcourt, Brace and Company (New York): 1062, 1082n, 1095, 1097, 1098, 1247, 1466
Hardenburg, Friedrich Leopold von (’Novalis’): Hymns to the Night, 1520
Hardie, Anthony: 1679
Hardie, Christian: biography, 1678-9: letters to: 96-8, 102-3, 180-1, 633; ‘Three Letters from C. S. Lewis’, 96n, 1679; men. 35n, 179, 801, 1680-1
Hardie, Colin: biography, 1680-81; letter to: 113-14; ‘A Colleague’s Note on C. S. Lewis’, 1680; (ed) Centenary Essays on Dante, 1680; ‘The “Georgics”’, 1680; ‘The Symbol of the Gryphon in Purgatorio’, 1681; (ed) Vita Vergilianae Antiquae, 1680; men. 35, 96n, 181, 676, 790n, 801, 853, 1032, 1041n, 1679
Hardie, Isabella: 1680
Hardie, Margaret: 1679
Hardie, Nicholas: 103, 322, 1679
Hardie, William Francis Ross: 1680
Hardie, William Ross: 1680
Harding, Douglas Edison: letter to: 99-101; Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth, 99, 144n, 366, 1200; Little Book of Life and Death; On Having No Head; Religions of the World; Trial of the Man Who Said He Was God, 99n; men. 301n, 868n
Hardman, Donald Innes: 1488
Hare and Tortoise: 866
Harem, imaginary: 758-9
Harker, Hugh A.: 1140
Harlan, Miss: letter to: 1447
Harper’s Magazine: 1580
Harris, Joel Chandler: Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit, 970
Harrison, George Bagshawe: Major British Writers Vol. I, 192, 201, 215n, 255-6, 467, 625, 1052n
Harrison, Godfrey: Alexander Gibb, 1670n
Harrow School (London): 1655, 1709
Harrowing of Hell, The: 1148
Hart, Dabney Adams: letter to: 757-8; Through the Open Door, 757n
Hartman, Fr Louis: Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the Bible, 1718; men. 1006, 1072, 1089, 1141, 1718
Harvard Divinity School: 978n
Harvard University: 34n, 645n, 813n, 1335n, 1536n, 1566n
Harwood, Alfred Cecil: letters to: 29-30, 31-2, 47, 618-19, 737-8, 818, 883-4, 989-90, 1010, 1017-18, 1022, 1151-2, 1204, 1259-60, 1317-18, 1452, 1551; Recovery of Man in Childhood, 989-90; men. 11, 12n, 198, 268n, 389, 712n, 1079n, 1132, 1223, 1382n, 1395, 1504, 1514, 1517n, 1596-7, 1644
Harwood, Hon. Daphne: letter to: 11-12; men. 30, 31, 47, 818n, 1079n, 1599
Harwood, John Olivier: 12, 47, 818
Harwood, Laurence Hardy: letters to: 268, 352-4, 389, 905, 1373, 1395, 1403, 1408; men. 12, 818, 1260, 1676
Harwood, Marguerite Lundgren: 738, 818, 990, 1152, 1318
Harwood, Sylvia: 12, 354, 389, 1318
Hassall, Joan: 101n
Hastings, Adrian: A History of English Christianity, 1416-17
Hatred: 520, 1090, 1539
Hattiesburg (Mississippi): 500n
Havard, Grace: 404
Havard, Peter: 790n
Havard, Dr Robert Emlyn ‘Humphrey’: 23, 133-4, 369, 404, 574, 587, 623-4, 685, 742, 750, 790n, 965, 966, 1041n, 1162, 1481
Hayward, John: 154n
Hayward, Max: 1137n
Hazlitt, William: 1571
Head, Rev. Ronald Edwin: 397n, 463, 935, 1170, 1485
Headington Quarry (Oxford): 553
Healing, divine: 69, 81, 349
Healy, Raymond J.: (ed) New Tales of Space and Time, 289n
Heathen: 1245
Heard, F. H.: 288
Heard, Henry Fitzgerald: Ascent of Humanity; Five Ages of Man, 34n; men. 34
Heaven: 59, 75, 241, 242, 237, 277, 288, 298, 366n, 371, 386n, 405, 411, 479n, 480, 496, 523, 525, 529, 542, 576, 611, 624, 628n, 631n, 679, 686n, 718, 778, 789n, 856, 939, 956, 1031, 1056, 1116, 1121n, 1124, 1148, 1190, 1267, 1384, 1423, 1506, 1549, 1574n, 1661, 1664
Hebert, A. G.: 538n
Hebrew: 246, 744, 867, 934n, 961, 1015n, 1358, 1673, 1674
Hebrew Bible, The: 1674
Hebrew University of Jerusalem: 979n, 1465n, 1673, 1674
Hebron Yeshiva (Jerusalem): 1674
Hector: 176, 180, 432
Hedonism: 685, 1675
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: 168, 945n, 1388, 1442, 1584
Hegner, Jacob: 681, 1180
Helen of Troy: 107, 571, 1130
Helen’s Bay (Co. Down): 98-9
Hell: 163, 172, 358, 478n, 479n, 504, 524, 525n, 529, 621n, 629n, 634, 641, 749, 897, 1031, 1088, 1104, 1124, 1148, 1184
Heller, Erich: letter to: 1384-6; The Disinherited Mind, 1385-6; The Importance of Nietzsche; The Ironic German: A Study of Thomas Mann; 1384n; men. 1398
Hellman OFM, Wayne: 137n
Helsinki: 674n
Helsinki University: 421n
Henderson, Oscar William James: 691n
Henderson, Primrose (Forrest): 691
Hendersonville (North Carolina): 1273n
Hengist: 499, 1118
Henley, William Ernest: Invictus, 1691
Henn, Thomas Rice: 1066, 1067, 1301, 1482, 1726-7
Henry IV of France, King: 877
Henry VIII, King: 637n, 1426
Henry, Carl: letters to: 651, 992-3
Henry, Frank: 643n, 781n, 981, 998
Henry, Vera: 37, 238, 240, 243, 259, 269, 643n, 781n, 842, 981n
Henryson, Robert: Moral Fabillis of Esope, 468
Hepworth, Barbara: 1705
Hera: 1428n
Heracles: 696n
Heraclitus: 24, 1632
Herbermann, Charles G.: 241n
Herbert, George: The Temple, 105, 129, 397, 423, 620; men. 105-6, 154, 694n, 978, 1265, 1311n, 1555
Heredity: 348
Heresy: 178, 222, 1189, 1317
Herman, Mrs R. E.: letters to: 1160, 1197
Hermaphroditism: 157-8, 1211
Hermes: 1261n
Hermes Trismegistus: Hermetica, 1261
Hermias: 697n
Herne Bay (Kent): 1070n
Herod: 422
Herodotus: Histories, 322, 803
Heroic couplets: 677
Heroic sonnet: 734n
Heron, Fr Germain: 1211n
Herschel, Sir John; 899n
Hertford College (Oxford): 470n
Hertfordshire: 1665
Hesketh, Aubrey: 1681
Hesketh, Phoebe: biography, 1681; letters to: 233-4, 458-60, 1001-2, 1162; A Box of Silver Birch, 1681; The Buttercup Children, 1001-2; My Aunt Edith, 1681; No Time for Cowards, 233-4, 235, 244; Out of the Dark, 458-60; Poems; Rivington; Village of the Mountain Ash, 1681; men. 235, 443n, 621
Hespera: 1291
Hesperides: 577
Hesperus: 1295, 1560
Hesse, Hermann: Glasperlenspiel, 212
Hewitt, Richard Thornton: 890
Heythrop College (Oxfordshire): 1697
Heyworth, Patrick Laurence: ‘The Suggestion from Old English’, 1574n; men. 1574-5
Hezekiah: 1117
Hichens, Fitzgerald Charles Cecil Baron: 1490
Hicks, R. D.: 696n
Hieatt, A. Kent: Short Time’s Endless Monument, 1207, 1210, 1256n
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: see Mabel Loomis Todd
High brow/low brow: 71-2, 283, 721, 863
High History of the Holy Grail: 625
Higher critics/higher criticism: 1222, 1458-9, 1562
Higher thought: 409, 1500
Highet, Gilbert: People, Places, and Books, 823n; men. 823
Highgate Junior School (London): 1251n
Highgate School (London): 1596
Hill, George Birkbeck: 638n
Hillary, Sir Edmund: 334n
Hillsboro (Western Avenue, Headington): letters from: 1497-1505, 1508-9, 1516-17; men. 1504
Hilton, Walter: The Scale of Perfection, 63, 1559
Hindle, Alan: letters to: 887-8, 1127-8; Literary Visitors to Yorkshire, 887n
Hinduism/Hindus: 71, 703, 776, 786, 1141, 1300, 1362, 1425, 1701
Hinsley, Francis Harry (with Alan Stripp): Codebreakers, 827n
Hippolyta: 1161
Hippolytus: 424
Hirtzel, Frederick Arthur: 308
Hirunuma, Toshio: 1272
His: Magazine of Christian Living: 838, 891n, 1453n, 1476n
Hiss, Alger: 253n
History: 352n, 961, 1016, 1396, 1500, 1584n
Historicity of the Bible: 319
Historiography: 1344
Hitler, Adolf: 44, 64, 71, 219, 529, 1308, 1360, 1434
Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan, 668; men. 1469n
Hodgkin’s disease: 485n
Hogan, Charles Beecher: A Bibliography of Edwin Arlington Robinson, 1566n; men. 1566
Hogarth Press: 1704
Hogg, James: Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, 97
Holiness: 617, 1337, 1555
Holland: 258, 385
Holloway Prison: 187n, 278, 283, 291, 308-9, 368
Holman, Gordon: Carlsen of the Flying Enterprise, 155n
Holmes, Don: letter to: 1022-3
Holmes, Elizabeth: letters to: 1531-4; Margaret, 1531-4
Holy Communion: 68, 72, 379, 397, 398, 501, 629, 935, 1285, 1341, 1344, 1416, 1540, 1586-7, 1588-9
Holy Family, The: 1154n
Holy Grail: 519
Holy Name, The: 132
Holy Saturday: 1035
Holy Shroud: 591, 594
Holy Spirit, The/Holy Ghost: 25, 45n, 76, 191, 204, 209, 210, 277, 278, 323, 335n, 378n, 490, 515, 566, 567, 574, 653, 683, 778, 960-1, 1270, 1340n, 1447, 1540, 1555
Holy Trinity, The: 323, 1113, 1316
Holy Trinity Church (Headington Quarry): 89, 286, 397, 463, 553n, 1090n, 1429, 1441, 1485
Holy Week: 180, 591, 593
Home Guard, The: 1538
Homeliness: 446, 971, 1542, 1543
Homer: Iliad, 102n, 180, 736, 968, 1467, 1468, 1475, 1478, 1498; Odyssey, 102, 497, 663, 665, 784-5, 881, 919, 959n, 996, 1401, 1454n, 1474; men. 310, 649, 959, 969n, 1079, 1082, 1286, 1458
Homosexuality: 471-2, 921, 985n, 1154, 1705
Hone, Ralph E.: letter to: 45
Honegger, Arthur: King David, 1727
Hong Kong: 43, 556n
Hood, Thomas: 1509
Hook, Mrs: letter to: 1004-5
Hooke, S. H.: 1556, 1557
Hooker, Mrs Nella Victoria (’Mrs C. S. Lewis’): 179, 187-90, 257, 279, 283, 308-9, 368, 482, 1648-9
Hooker, Richard: Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, 1227, 1437; men. 176, 929, 978, 1375
Hooper, Arch Boyd: 535n
Hooper, Madge Kemp: 535n
Hooper, Walter: letters to: 535, 804, 902-3, 1355, 1393-4, 1454, 1457-8, 1461-2, 1469-70; letters from: 1443-8; (with Roger Lancelyn Green) C. S. Lewis: A Biography, 1n, 535n, 1142n, 1326n, 1442, 1694n; C. S. Lewis: A Companion & Guide (CG), 23n, 454n, 535n, 550n, 771n, 841n, 848n, 983n, 995n, 1033n, 1036n, 1041n, 1059n, 1066n, 1227n, 1398n, 1650n, 1727; ‘Oxford’s Bonny Fighter’, 2n, 24n, 1648; Through Joy and Beyond, 554n, 790n, 1199n; men. 82n, 92n, 99n, 107n, 126n, 227n, 265n, 281n, 467n, 564, 702n, 879n, 887n, 985n, 1146n, 1157n, 1338n, 1343n, 1377n, 1388n, 1429, 1441-8, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1577n, 1595n, 1666, 1673, 1674, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1713, 1732
Hooton, Martin: letters to: 796, 829, 834, 852, 856, 890-1, 892, 947, 1026, 1313, 1343
Hope: 592, 1242, 1255n, 1366
Hope College (Michigan): 1329n
Hopkins, Anthony: 1712
Hopkins, Gerard Manley: 1536, 1698
Hopkins, Jeannette: letters to: 1451, 1462, 1465, 1477; men. 1296, 1466
Hopkins, Kenneth: letter to: 1579; Corruption of a Poet; The Powys Brothers, 1579n
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus): Ars Poetica, 212-13, 363, 364-5, 946, 1115, 1501; Carmina, 53, 899-900; Epistles, 680, 1467; Odes, 107, 589n, 911, 1036, 1101; Satires, 2; men. 224, 497, 910n, 1491, 1583n
Hori, Masato: 325, 396
Horn Book Magazine: 1463
Hornchurch (Essex): 1028n
Horne, Alan: Dictionary of 20th Century British Book Illustrators, 736n
Horton-cum-Studley (Oxfordshire): 1172, 1677
Hough, Clara: 802n
Hough, Graham: 801n, 802
Hough, Ingeborg: 801
Hough, Joseph: 802n
Hour of death, The: 679
House and Garden: 1649
House of Commons: 768n, 954n, 1481n
House of Lords: 161n, 768n
House of St Gregory and St Macrina: 1736-7
Housel, Karen: letters to: 1441, 1444
Housman, A. E.: 1200
Howard, Lovelace Oden: 981n
Howard, Sir Philip: 954n
Howard, Thomas: letter to: 980-1
Howes, Denise: letter to: 1367
Hoyle, Fred: Decade of Decision, 523n; men. 192
Hubbard, Ron: Dianetics, 1675; men. 261n
Hubberholme Church (Yorkshire): 1704
Hudson Review, The: 1100n, 1214n
Hugh of Victor, St: Didascalion, 863
Hughes, Arthur: 942n
Hughes, W. D. F.: ‘The Church’s Liturgy’, 1590
Humanism/Humanists: 498, 578, 595n, 1054n, 1542, 1584
Humanities: 684n
Humanity: 1239, 1255
Hume, David: An Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals; An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, 1612n; Treatise on Human Nature, 1069n; men. 945n, 1069, 1611-12
Humility: 76, 84, 150, 152, 599, 1040, 1220, 1221, 1225, 1243
Humour: 645, 709, 814-15, 1011, 1043, 1487, 1542, 1552
Hungarian uprising, The: 804n, 806n
Hungary/Hungarians: 806, 810n, 1660
Hunter, G. K.: 1478n
Hunter, Rabbi Isaac: 1673
Hunter, William B.: 516
Hunter College (New York): 833n, 1690
Huntington Library Quarterly, The: 943n
Hussein, Muhammad Kamel: City of Wrong, 1322n
Hutchesons’ Girls’ School (Glasgow): 1652, 1658
Hutchins, Merrill: 602n
Hutchinson, R. C.: 1656
Hutchinson Publishers: 1671
Hutchison. Sir William: 908
Huttar, Charles A.: letter to: 1329-30; (ed) Imagination and the Spirit, 1329n, 1685; (ed with Peter J. Schakel) The Rhetoric of Vision, 1329n; (ed with Peter J. Schakel) Word and Story in C. S. Lewis, 1329n
Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World; Brave New World Revisited; Crome Yellow, 34n; men. 34, 212, 595
Huxley, Sir Julian: 1104n, 1105
Hydrogen bomb: 382n, 993, 1480
Hymns: 434, 731, 909
Hyperboreans: 577
Hypochondria: 431
Hypocritical: 1249
Iago: 1644
Iamblichus: 928
Ibn Arabi: 525n
Ibsen, Henrik: 1653
Iceland: 1526
Id, The: 120n
Idaho: 1424n
Idealism: 1500, 1584n, 1597, 1636
Ideas: 1213
Idleness: 510
If: Worlds of Science Fiction: 411-12
Ignatius of Loyola SJ, St: 647, 687
Ikons: 1419
Ilford (London): 1704
Ilkley College (Yorkshire): 887n
Illusions: 330, 1446, 1448
Images: 1606, 1607, 1613, 1619, 1636
Imaginary Worlds: 383, 879-82
Imagination: 31, 99, 137, 146, 195, 289, 307, 347, 396, 397, 575-6, 583, 603, 672, 683-4, 758-9, 778, 783, 830, 879, 881, 943n, 1052, 1086, 1108, 1187, 1189, 1265, 1327, 1346n, 1357, 1384, 1471, 1514, 1523, 1574, 1598, 1605-16, 1619-20, 1622-4, 1635, 1706
Imeson, Kenneth: 1708
Imitation of Christ: see Thomas à Kempis Immaculate Conception, The: 126, 1270
Immanence: 1597
Immortality: 773, 1164, 1177, 1198n
Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI): 1649
Imperial College (London): 1338n
Impulses: 1136, 1581
Incarnation, The: 163, 164, 292, 319n, 347-8, 408, 409, 466, 628, 631, 702, 751, 961, 1005, 1113, 1148, 1316-17, 1550
Incest: 1264
Incubuses: 994
Independence: 359, 761, 767-8, 849-50, 1390 Independent, The: 1660-1
Independent Television News (ITN): 674n
India: 149, 165-6, 170, 172n, 218n, 408, 948n, 1042, 1674, 1736n
Indian Civil Service (ICS): 165
Indiana University (Indiana): 1332n, 1669
Indianapolis (Indiana): 644n
Indo-China: 148
Industrialism: 498, 600
Inerrancy of Scripture: 652-3, 960-1, 1044-6, 1437
Infanticide: 91
Infernal: 1204, 1226
Infinity: 460
Infiuences: 737, 1238
Inklings, The: 4, 39, 473n, 499n, 771n, 904n, 1040, 1329n, 1400-1, 1429, 1481, 1666, 1680, 1685, 1689, 1708
Inklings-Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik: 1680n
Inner Temple, The: 1733-4
Inspiration: 167, 319, 1213, 1598, 1607, 1609, 1611
Inspiration in the Bible: 960-1, 1044-6
Instinct: 628, 1415
Institute for Pregnancy Loss
and Child Abuse Research and Recovery: 1677
Insults: 808
Integrity: 890
Intelligence: 623, 1551
Intelligences: 11, 1563
Interdenominational questions: 580, 983, 1133
Internal Revenue, Board of: 972n
International Association of University Professors of English: 1689
International Christian University (Tokyo): 978n, 1655
International Federation of University Women: 1544n
International General Assembly of Spiritualists: 997n
International Summer School (Oxford): 1446
Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship: 1476
Introspection: 500
Inver (Co. Mayo): 446, 772
Invercargill (New Zealand): 402n
Ioldabaoth (or Yaldabaoth): 1640
Ireland: 29, 32-3, 36-7, 50, 51, 95, 122, 138, 173, 184-5, 205, 219, 259, 264, 270, 346, 352, 354, 357, 358, 360, 496, 505, 506, 514, 608, 647, 653, 778, 793, 949, 963, 973, 974, 998, 1062, 1066, 1069, 1088, 1174, 1198, 1290, 1298, 1309, 1439, 1441, 1443, 1444, 1455, 1482n, 1514, 1564, 1674
Irish Digest, The: 681 Irish Theological Quarterly, The: 558n
Iron Curtain, The: 156
Irony: 1011, 1230
Irrational: 1338-9, 1352
Irrationality caused by anaesthetics: 1136-7
Irving, Washington: ‘Rip Van Winkle’, 376
Irwin, Michael: letters to: 174, 230
Irwin, Rev. Patrick: letter to: 230; men. 174
Isaiah: 311, 709, 730, 997n, 1459
Islam: 71, 217n, 525, 1324
Isle of Wight: 1544n
Isolated texts from Bible: 1353
Israel: 775, 810n, 1241n
Israelites: 1091
Italy: 88, 404n, 1347n, 1686
Ithaca: 1401
ITV: 1111n
Jacks, Stopford Brooke Ludlow: 1488
Jackson (Mississippi): 1248n
Jacob: 1611
Jacobs, W. W.: ‘The Monkey’s Paw’, 1491n; men. 1491
Jagerstrom, Hjalmar: 907
Jaganath: 598
James I, King: 876
James, Henry: Letters, 226, 234, 236, 239, 242; men. 363, 623, 1544n
James, M.: 169, 286
James, Montague Rhodes: 584n
James, St: Epistle of James, 449, 667, 1045, 1148, 1379, 1555; men. 938, 1304
James, Sydney Rhodes: 1490, 1491, 1495n
Jane Austen Memorial Trust: 1567
Jane Austen Society, The: 1565-8
Japan/Japanese: 78, 121n, 218n, 288, 325, 558n, 1150, 1157, 1234, 1272, 1697, 1721
Japanese Bowdler: 1151
Japheth (son of Noah): 681
Jason: 987n
J. B. Pinker (literary agents): 1656
Jealousy: 504n, 622, 1090, 1419, 1642
Jeans, Sir James: 861
Jeffers, Robinson: Tamar, 461n; men. 461, 462, 464, 469
Jenkin, Alfred Kenneth Hamilton: 1223
Jenkins, Anne: letter to: 1244-5
Jenkins, Carol: letters to: 160, 534
Jenkins, Elizabeth: (ed) Collected Reports of the Jane Austen Society, 1566n; men. 1566
Jenkins, Steve: 1244n
Jeremiah, Book of: 565, 1204, 1437
Jerome, St: 653, 873
Jerrold, Douglas Francis: 942n
Jerusalem: 45, 479, 1555
Jessup, Mrs D.: letters to: 38, 131-2, 135-6, 141-2, 250-2, 269, 371-2, 380-1, 404-5, 425-6, 447-8, 562, 574-5, 829, 835, 857-9
Jesus Christ: 10, 20n, 23, 24n, 37, 49, 53, 62, 68, 71, 74, 79, 82, 105, 126-7, 129, 132, 134, 135, 143, 149, 163, 176, 181-2, 188, 189n, 199, 200, 213, 214, 222, 244, 245-8, 250, 266, 277, 278, 281, 291n, 302, 305, 306, 313, 316n, 317n, 319, 334, 335n, 347-8, 354-5, 358, 393, 397, 405, 408n, 409-10, 424n, 425, 428n, 429, 448, 459, 465n, 480, 490, 501, 502, 506n, 507, 510, 520, 521, 525n, 535, 555, 565-6, 580, 584, 588, 593, 600, 602-3, 608, 629, 631, 653, 655-6, 672, 685, 686, 687n, 743, 749, 784, 806, 814-15, 830-1, 834, 846, 887, 889, 901, 916, 936, 956, 961-3, 996n, 1004-5, 1011, 1042-3, 1097, 1109, 1113-4, 1145-6, 1148-50, 1158, 1161, 1204, 1211, 1213, 1227, 1223n, 1239, 1244-5, 1270, 1276, 1304, 1307n, 1316-17, 1336-7, 1340-1, 1344, 1369, 1377-8, 1383, 1420-1, 1425, 1431, 1432, 1437n, 1447, 1460, 1474, 1476n, 1540, 1549-50, 1554-6, 1587, 1596, 1651, 1724
Jesus College (Cambridge): 1301n, 1728
Jesus College (Oxford): 70, 1028n, 1090n, 1721-2
Jewel, John: Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae; Homilies, 1592
Jews: 75, 127, 148, 150, 249, 425, 596, 784, 1042-3, 1173, 1308, 1323, 1360, 1377n, 1435n, 1675
Job, Book of: 652-3, 1161
Joel, Book of: 348
Johannesburg (South Africa): 1647
John, King: 1390n
John, St: 1
John, 356, 380, 428, 477, 685, 962, 1091, 1173, 1341, 1350, 1447; Gospel of, 68, 105, 163, 172, 182, 214, 246, 266, 318n, 380, 445, 471, 719, 778, 815, 824, 901, 1014, 1045, 1117, 1149, 1158, 1250, 1369, 1421, 1425, 1437, 1459, 1555, 1574; men. 576, 1304
John XXIII, Pope: 988n, 1220, 1221, 1429
John Brown University (Arkansas): 1682
John Lane, The Bodley Head: letter to: 780; men. 564, 597, 850, 876, 1180, 1203n, 1363n, 1556
John O’London’s Weekly: 1537n
John of the Cross, St: Ascent of Mount Carmel, 348n; men. 1296
John the Baptist, St: 37, 247, 316n, 425, 782, 1369, 1409n
John the Scot (Joannes Scotus Erigena): 612n, 728n
Johnson, Laurence Bertrand: 1223
Johnson, Mrs: letters to: 245-8, 268-9, 347-9, 428-9, 550-1, 575-6, 580-1, 607-9, 719-20, 778, 814, 855-6, 866-7
Johnson, Dr Samuel: Johnson on Shakespeare, 1068, 1531; Lives of the English Poets, 622; ‘On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet’, 1103; Rambler, 580; men. 699, 803, 891, 929, 937, 954n, 1009, 1212, 1378, 1433n, 1541, 1555, 1571, 1653, 1659
Johnson City (Tennessee): 1681
Joinville, Jean de: 680
Jonah, Book of: 318n, 319, 652-3
Jones, Miss: letter to: 1583 ‘Jones’, Mrs: letter to: 510-11
Jones, D. Mervyn: 1660-1
Jones, Frank L.: 9, 73, 778, 904
Jones, Mrs Frank L.: letters to: 9-10, 21-22, 73, 349-50, 777-8, 903-4, 1456, 1480-2; men. 219-20
Jones, John Walter: 601n
Jones, Raymond: 315n
Jonson, Ben: Every Man in
his Humour, 975; men. 1099, 1571, 1653
Joseph, St: 664, 1270, 1330
Joshua, Book of: 1436n
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 994 Journal of the Warburg Institute: 1200, 1687
Journalism/journalists: 114, 119, 156, 601, 786, 1164, 1642
Jovanovich, William: 1003
Jove: 404, 420, 1005, 1211n
Jowett, Benjamin: 409n
Jowitt, William Allen: 1733
Joy: 1109
Joy (or Sehnsucht, as inconsolable longing): 199-200, 318n, 523, 583-4, 629n, 672, 701, 874-5, 995-6, 1217, 1507