July 2007


Sun day summer day Sun-

day news & views more civilians

killed than soldiers Afghans around

their shoulders handsome dogs in these

our own United States so named on this

summer day our dogs bark but maybe some

day the sun the day the Lord hath made


Made in the day-old USA,

by the Laws of Nature and Nature’s


        and then this morning the yolk

of the sun: full, I said, as if I spoke

of the moon,

                         as if my country, our

country, wrote all, wrote equal—

Life, Liberty and the pursuit


pursuit of happiness guaranteed

by much of the paper, ads for more

designer purses perfume shoes

for some of the people, those

who can, for us this summer

ocean bed view love our

summer’s not for all


all are created equal endowed by Creator

while they were finishing midday prayers

bombs bursting in fireworks bombs

charred bodies had no faces

bright stars the rockets red

could not protect

our Lives our sacred Honor


Honor the sun that sheds the light

that falls upon us, honor the clouds

that gather and make the rain

that falls upon us, honor the earth

that holds and keeps us, honor

That Which made us, gave us

honor, the sun, the hurting earth.


Earth: mantled mother big

blue marble pale blue dot not

blue until we got out there we

thought talked green forgot

the water now we let green

go cut it burn it turn it into

stuff, junk, shall her bones live?


Live from our own

dawn air, featuring song

sparrow, cardinal, mourning

dove, alive and well

in our bed my love, his slow

sleeping breathing, low continuo

entered into this summer score


Score one for sea, one for sky, blue

meets blue, line, tie,

                                   one for sand,

now exposed, turning tide,

leaving sand,

                        birds for all, least

terns hover, dart, piping

plovers scurry,

                         can we all agree

with these on earth sea sky?


Sky items: Yesterday I disturbed

the nesting terns, they charged

like planes,

                    in May the osprey flew

away from the camera raised

to count eggs,

                            today NATO planes

killed 105 in a village, today

clouds, then rain, then—


Then he said love and by

that summer we were settled

months before the Wall fell and we

said peace, years before the Towers

fell and we said war Iraq Iraq Iraq

Afghanistan Darfur how to save

what’s been lost oh little world


World’s with us, we

are world, 6.6 billion, 194 countries not

counting, 19 major religions not counting—

conflicts across borders shifting indefinite

porous unmanaged within among

stateless races religions cultures—

Earth’s with or without us, was never center.


Centered, surrounded by pines, one

could forget the uncentered world

except for the parallel cables and wires

scratching the landscape, the cloudless sky,

stretching all the way to a vest strapped

to a six-year-old boy who is told that flowers

will spray out if he touches, here, this button.


Button of bird, ribbon

of song sparrow notes

and trill, notes and trill, over

and over,

                 early sun jeweling

the pines, gilding the sea beyond

the pines,

                  news to come of

news of over and over


Over time, the President says, sustained

period, time is not right, progress

is being made—

                              No creation without

destruction, said Anaximander, everything

moves, nothing remains—

                                       But must that mean

no Revolution without Terror, no peace

without creating more reasons for war?


wars and rumours of wars

flag and (un)furling of flag

body and breaking of body

bone and gnawing of bone

earth and (re)turn to earth

birds and songs of birds

sun and rising of sun


Sun at the center, even when, through a wound

in deep blue clouds, ooze of pink becoming

the clouds, sea of pink above our own

tinged sea, from a slash of fire, it seems,

as onto a stage, as in the tabernacle He made

for it, to rise, fire itself, red then gold, laying

a shimmering path on our sea, our star the sun.


Sun was moving around again:

Copernicus spurned, Bruno burned

The world is stablished it cannot be moved

But Galileo looked through a telescope, found

the Milky Way was stars, Jupiter had moons,

earth had to move. Mathematics,

he said, is the language which God . . .


God-named, they named

our days, those wandering

stars, and then we were one

too, moving between Love

and War, making love war (bit

off her lip), war love (came

to kill), making our days.


Daily Meditations . . . Begun July 19, 1666.

By Philip Pain: Who lately suffering

Shipwrack, was drowned: the first

published American verse: This World

a Sea of trouble is . . . . The billows beat,

the waves are angry, he wrote the first

day of Quotidian Preparations for Death.


Deaths of civilians hit by convoys,

shot at checkpoints: the open hand

they thought meant Come! meant Stop!

. . . his open hand, my closed-around-

him hand, our more-than-hands . . .

600,000 civilians, British doctors say,

almost a third by coalition, ours


Our summer house, key under the mat

On the porch, his children’s girl

and boy, their little trucks and cars

On the ledge, robins nesting again

On the tiny stones that are sand,

generations of waves in a minute,

castles and forts washed daily away


Away from the roof where we sit

streamers of rose silver gold, west

and east, sunset pinks the whole sky

The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is His name

But: He maketh wars to cease, to the end of the earth

The earth the Lord has made, this into-light

The breaking of the surf, the mourning dove


Dove each morning, sun, my love

beside me in our summer bed

beside me in our afternoon

Can we love well our own

without owning the world?

My love, well, each night

o moon    oh oh


o o, no no, no a, no the

being nothing’s some-

thing else: nothing’s

peace, blessèd

(one lone loon)

if of mind perhaps

between perhaps among


Among the fledged terns testing

their wings, over the sand,


breaking waves with shining

heads of seals up down up and

cliff with bas-relief of little

hills carved by the sea,

                                         we walk

a little while, our little while.


While we were sleeping, earth

was moving, earth as planet, earth

as element, earth as dirt

in my hands, my hands as dirt.

Body heart soul prepared to go

with pitch pine, chickadee, but how

to prepare for the death of all, the earth?


earth as it is

in heaven: sky

on sky, better country,

stars as they are:

more than we knew: space-

time, all one, at once, uni-

multiverse, Amen.


Amen before the heretics burned, before

the white was hanged but not the black.

We can’t just bomb them, she said

into her cellphone, standing beside

the trendy shop, we have to annihilate them.

The mathematics of war: not x

not equals, naught for naught.


Not only the dead Monarchs

on the beach, lashed

by the waves,

                         or the gray

clouds passing over, clouding

the page of white clouds,


also, for a moment, an O of sun,

nothing, oh! silvering sea


Seeing things is changing things

I wrote, meaning Better, but could

be worse, not to mention blur—

Blink, shift, and the white tiles

become black, the black white

We work in the dark, we do . . .

our poor eyes, our little lights


Light’s given, earth receives, beside

me in our summer, through her cover,

thinned, holed. Earth’s disturbed.

But eppur si muove: whether,

recanting, he said it or not,

our earth still moves, is moving

still, around, and around our sun.