Interlude Two



From: Project Looking Glass Analysis Team

To: Looking Glass Distribution List

Classification: Looking Glass Cleared Individuals Only


Following the Harvard Blast, it has rapidly become clear that the blast awakened hundreds – perhaps thousands – of telepaths across the world. Several telepaths within forces deployed in South Korea or Afghanistan were awakened, which suggests that telepaths may have become a global phenomenon. There is relatively little information on telepaths within unfriendly states, but we must accept that our enemies will attempt to use telepaths against us as soon as possible.

Researchers within the Looking Glass Project/Telepath Corps have been attempting to define and collate telepathic potential and power. Professor Zeller has, in addition, been attempting to define his own scale. The researchers have classified telepathic power on a rating from one to ten; ESP1 signifies relatively little power, perhaps only an ability to sense emotions, while ESP10 signifies the top of the scale.

It is difficult, however, to pin down what a telepath is actually capable of doing. A relatively weak telepath may be largely indistinguishable from the general population, while a strong telepath with sufficient mental discipline might be able to operate within the general population without being driven insane by their thoughts. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly obvious that very low-level telepathic abilities have been present in humanity for years, with people being capable of reading emotions and developing an intuitive sense without being aware that they were tapping into telepathic power.


We therefore recommend the following:

• There is no point in tracking and arresting a person who possesses a rating of ESP2 or below. They are literally unable to invade thoughts, let alone influence them. Indeed, they may never register because they may never realise that they are telepaths.

• That all telepaths of ESP7 to ESP10 be urged to not only register with the government, but to work with the government, rather than with Professor Zeller or another civilian research program.

• That the project to create ‘Telepath Town’ in Alaska be expanded, in the hope that we can give most of the telepaths a reasonably normal life, separate from non-telepaths.


Regarding telepathic criminals, we have the following to report…