By the same author (in English translation)



The Robber (2008)

RUR (1923, 1996; new trans. 1999)

The Insect Play (with Josef Čapek, 1923, 1996; new trans. 1999)

The Macropulos Secret (1927), new trans. The Makropulos Case (1999)

Adam the Creator (with Josef Čapek, 1929)

Power and Glory (1938), new trans. The White Plague (1999)

The Mother (1939)



The Absolute at Large (1927, 2005)

Krakatit (1925)

Three Novels: Hordubal, Meteor, An Ordinary Life (1948, 1990)

War with the Newts (1937, 1998; new trans. 1990)

The First Rescue Party (1939)

The Cheat (unfinished, 1941)



Cross Roads (2002)

Tales from Two Pockets (1932; new trans. 1994)

Apocryphal Tales: With a Selection of Fables and Would-Be Tales (1997)

Fairy Tales, with One Extra as a Makeweight by Josef Čapek (1933)

Dashenka, or The life of a Puppy (1933)



Letters from Italy (1929)

Letters from England (1925; new trans. 2001, 2004)

Intimate Things (1935)

The Gardener’s Year (1931; new trans. 2004)

Letters from Spain (1931)

In Praise of Newspapers, and Other Essays on the Margin of Literature (1951)

Letters from Holland (1933)

Travels in the North (1939)

Talks with T.G.Masaryk (1938; new trans. 1995)

How They Do It (1945)

I Had a Dog and a Cat (1940)



Toward the Radical Center: A Karel Čapek Reader (1990)