
Chapter Three


April let him have the lead during the warm-up round. She enjoyed the view as much as he did, though she never allowed herself to become distracted from the prize, winning. His buns were sweet to look at, but the rippling effect of his back muscles as he swung his arms when in full motion was magnificent. Something she wouldn’t get to enjoy this morning if she wanted to win.

Even at this time of the day, the humidity was enough to ensure the sweat clung to her skin. April wasn’t particularly fond of that feeling, though she wasn’t interested in asking her superiors for a transfer either. She did love the burning sensation in her muscles after a good workout and the shower afterwards compensated for any discomfort that came with the weather.

“Keeping up back there?” Force called over his shoulder. April ignored him but made sure she was looking somewhere other than him in case he could see her admiring his physique. Force finished the lap and lengthened his stride. He turned to face her, running backwards. “What’s the matter, don’t have enough oomph to speak? Conserving your energy won’t make any difference to the outcome, you know.”

April smiled, barely puffing for air. “Well then, I suppose I had better say something so you can’t use that as an excuse when I beat you to the finish line.”

“Oh, you’re going down, Lane.”

“Ooh, using my surname, Liam. I’m shaking in my boots.”

Force croaked with laughter. “You’re not wearing any.” He turned around and picked up his pace. “You’re going down when we hit that start line, Sunshine.”

“Bring it!” she returned.

Force slowed his gait to ensure they crossed the line simultaneously. With a final smirk in her direction, he lengthened his stride and broke slightly ahead. April wasn’t the least bit concerned. They had done this on many occasions, to the point where she could practically count down to the point when he would turn around to see how far behind she was. Until that point was reached, she concentrated on her breathing and gauging the distance to the cottage that would soon be theirs.

April wasn’t sure how she felt about the place. Her mood kept flipping whenever she thought about it. One moment she was happy thinking about chilling in the country, the next she was terrified she would become bored after a couple of days. She had only managed to keep it together during her recent stay as she was busy creating a two storey masterpiece for Scout to live in full-time, and Briella to stay at during her holidays.

Now that the rooms had been constructed, there was nothing to occupy her time and keep her mind busy. The assembly of the home would only take a couple of hours once the settlement was finalised. She wasn’t the gardening type and had already decided she would leave the landscaping to Liam.

When she glanced at him, she realised her thoughts had slowed her quite considerably. When he turned around to determine her position, he had to manoeuvre himself further than expected. This led him to land on the ground in a tangled heap. Laughter burst from April as she approached him. She launched herself into the air, her legs scissoring as she hurdled his body. She would have made it had he not lifted his hand and taken hold of her ankle.

April came down hard, forcing the air from Force’s diaphragm as her knee was driven into his torso. She heard a grunt before her head hit the hardened earth of the meadow. Her vision blurred from the tears welling in her eyes and her arm rested at an awkward, abnormal angle.

“Liam,” she groaned, holding back the sobs that threatened to take control.

Force lay on his side with bent legs, gripping his hands to his chest as he struggled to take a breath. Until he could fill his lungs with oxygen, he would be of no use to his friend. He stretched his arm until his hand rested on her thigh. It was the best he could do under the circumstances. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his chest began to expand.

After a few minutes, it became clear to him that some of his ribs were broken. His breathing was ragged, and the act was excruciatingly painful. Regardless of this fact, Force crawled to his knees and bent over April’s body. He placed his hands over her arm, closing his eyes against her moans of pain as he mended her broken elbow, and healed the torn ligaments in her wrist. He shuffled further up her body and placed his hand on her forehead. Healing energy soon had the lengthy lacerations and bruises fading away. Pulsing his energy deeper, he ensured she wouldn’t suffer any ill effects from a concussion.

He collapsed on top of her, slipping into unconsciousness from the pain. April wriggled until she was no longer pinned by his body. Her eyes quickly scanned his body to determine his injuries. The first thing she noticed was the lack of movement in his chest area. She tenderly touched his shoulder blades, allowing their energies to mix. Within seconds, she discovered his broken ribs and collapsed lung and began rectifying the problem. Once the damage was fixed and he was breathing again, she rested on her haunches, before rubbing her forearm across her face to remove the sweat that had accumulated.

Force rolled onto his back and smiled at her. “I would have fully healed in a couple of hours.”

“I would have too, but you chose to heal me.”

“You were about to wail with despair,” he rose to a sitting position, his eyebrows cocked. “I couldn’t have that now, could I?”

“I was not about to cry like a baby,” she growled, springing to her feet and placing her hands on her hips.

“Were too,” he scrambled to his feet, mimicking her.

The scowl on her face would have frightened anyone else. He found it amusing. “You know, you really are quite lovely when you are angry,” he stated, seeing her in a new light. “Your eyes are beautiful, mesmerising.” He stepped closer, lifting a hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. He gazed into her eyes, leaning forward. April felt herself getting caught up in the moment. She watched his advance and wondered what it would be like to be kissed by him. He was almost there when she heard herself say, “Don’t!”

Force froze. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t kiss me,” she whispered.

He pulled back and ran his hand through his hair. The length of the prickles on top of his head felt a bit long. ‘Need a haircut,’ he thought, but said, “Want to finish the race or head back to the pub?”

April wasn’t sure what to do. They had gone from a light hearted, friendly competition to an intensely emotional situation that she didn’t know how to deal with. There were so few Gatherers on Earth, only a handful located in Australia. She couldn’t afford to take the risk of losing one of the few friends she had. Or could she?

Three thousand years was a long time to be alone. Rochelle had been dating Toren for nearly five hundred years before he was taken from her. Most human relationships were lucky to reach fifty years. That was why the Golden Anniversary was such a big deal in their lifetime. Gatherers were practically immortal, which would create an eternity of awkwardness if the relationship went pear-shaped. She had always been attracted to Liam but had managed to keep their relationship platonic. Apparently, this was something that she needed to spend more time thinking about.

“We should head back,” she decided. “Breakfast is on me.”

“You would have won if I hadn’t knocked you off your feet. Name the day, and I’ll clear my schedule.”

“Technically, you plucked me from the air, Liam. Anything could have happened between here and the finish line. Why don’t we have a rematch?”

“Fine,” he stated, turning them around and heading back to their rooms. He grabbed her hand and held it lightly in his own. Her body stiffened as she glanced down. “We’ve done this many times before, April. I’m sorry I wanted to kiss you. Nothing has to change between us. We can be the same as we were before. I won’t overstep the boundary again. You have my word.”

She wondered why that comment left a hole in the pit of her stomach.