Feitiçaria e magia

Abusch, I. Tzvi. Mesopotamian witchcraft: toward a history and understanding of Babylonian witchcraft beliefs and literature. Leiden, 2002.

Bailey, Michael David. Historical dictionary of witchcraft. Lanham, 2003.

Bond, George Clement & Ciekawy, Diane M. (Eds.). Witchcraft dialogues: anthropological and philosophical exchanges. Athens, 2001.

Bongmba, Elias Kifon. African witchcraft and otherness: a philosophical and theological critique of intersubjective relations. Albany, 2001.

Drury, Nevill. Magic and witchcraft: from Shamanism to the Technopagans. Londres e Nova York, 2003.

Dwyer, Graham. The divine and the demonic: supernatural affliction and its treatment in North India. Nova York, 2002; Londres, 2003.

Eliade, Mircea. Occultism, witchcraft, and cultural fashions: essays in comparative religions. Londres e Chicago, 1976.

Evans-Pritchard, Edward E. Witchcraft, oracles, and magic among the Azande. 2. ed. Oxford, 1950; ed. rev., 1976. [Bruxaria, oráculo e magia entre os azande. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 2004.]

Golden, Richard M. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of witchcraft: the Western tradition. Oxford, 2003; Santa Barbara, 2006. 4 v.

Hsu, Francis L. K. Exorcising the trouble makers: magic, science and culture. Londres e Westport, 1983.

Kapferer, Bruce (Ed.). Beyond rationalism: rethinking magic, witchcraft, and sorcery. Nova York, 2003.

Khanam, R. (Ed.). Demonology: socio-religious belief of witchcraft. Delhi, 2003.

Kluckhohn, Clyde. Navaho witchcraft. Cambridge, 1944; Boston, 1967.

Lea, Henry Charles. Materials toward a history of witchcraft. Nova York, 1957 e 1986. 3 v.

Lehmann, Arthur C. & Myers, James E. (Eds.). Magic, witchcraft, and religion: an anthropological study of the supernatural. Londres, 1985; Mountain View, 2001.

Levack, Brian P. The witchcraft sourcebook. Londres, 2004.

Malinowski, Bronislaw. Magic, science, and religion, and other essays. Glencoe e Boston, 1948. [Magia, ciência e religião. Lisboa: Ed. 70, 1988.]

Marwick, Max G. (Ed.). Witchcraft and sorcery: selected readings. Harmondsworth e Baltimore, 1970.

Maxwell-Stuart, P. G. Witchcraft: a history. Stroud, 2001.

Middleton, John (Ed.). Magic, witchcraft, and curing. Garden City, 1967.

Mishra, Archana. Casting the evil eye: witch trials in tribal India. Nova Dehli, 2003.

Moore, Henrietta L. & Sanders, Todd (Eds.). Magical interpretations, material realities: modernity, witchcraft, and the occult in postcolonial Africa. Londres e Nova York, 2001.

Parrinder, Geoffrey. Witchcraft: European and African. 3. ed. Londres, 1970.

Robbins, Rossell H. The encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology. Nova York, 1959 e 1981.

Romberg, Raquel. Witchcraft and welfare: spiritual capital and the business of magic in modern Puerto Rico. Austin, 2003.

Rush, John A. Witchcraft and sorcery: an anthropological perspective of the occult. Springfield, 1974.

Siegel, Lee. Net of magic: wonders and deceptions in India. Chicago, 1991.

Stewart, Pamela J. Witchcraft, sorcery, rumors, and gossip. Cambridge e Nova York, 2004.

Storms, Godfrid. Anglo-Saxon magic. The Hague, 1948.

Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja. Magic, science, religion, and the scope of rationality. Cambridge e Nova York, 1990.

Thorndike, Lynn. A history of magic and experimental science. Nova York, 1923-58. 8 v.

Webster, Hutton. Magic: a sociological study. Stanford, 1948; Nova York, 1973.

“Witchcraft”, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2002, v. 22, p. 92-8.

Worobec, Christine. Possessed: women, witches, and demons in Imperial Russia. DeKalb, 2001.

Bruxaria antiga, medieval e renascentista

Bailey, Michael David. Battling demons: witchcraft, heresy, and Reform in the Late Middle Ages. University Park, 2003.

Burnett, Charles. Magic and divination in the Middle Ages: texts and techniques in the Islamic and Christian worlds. Aldershot, 1996.

Clark, Stuart (Ed.). Languages of witchcraft: narrative, ideology and meaning in early modern culture. Basingstoke e Nova York, 2001.

Davies, Owen. Cunning-folk: popular magic in English history. Londres, 2003.

Flint, Valerie I. J. The rise of magic in early medieval Europe. Oxford e Princeton, 1991.

Golden, Richard M. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of witchcraft: the Western tradition. Oxford, 2003; Santa Barbara, 2006.

Jolly, Karen Louise. Popular religion in late Saxon England: elf charms in context. Londres e Chapel Hill, 1996.

______. Witchcraft and magic in Europe: the Middle Ages. Londres, 2001; Filadélfia, 2002.

Kieckhefer, Richard. Magic in the Middle Ages. Cambridge e Nova York, 1989.

Luck, Georg (Trans. e Ed.). Arcana mundi: magic and the occult in the Greek and Roman worlds: a collection of ancient texts. Londres e Baltimore, 1985.

Meyer, Marvin & SMITH, Richard. (Eds.). Ancient Christian magic: Coptic texts of ritual power. São Francisco, 1994.

Murray, Margaret. The witch cult in Western Europe: a study in anthropology. Oxford, 1921 e 1962. [O culto das bruxas na Europa Ocidental. São Paulo: Madras, 2003.] (Nota: um livro de teor fantástico, mas influente.)

Walker, D. P. Spiritual and demonic magic: from Ficino to Campanella. 2. ed. Londres, 1958.

Yates, Frances. Giordano Bruno and the hermetic tradition. Londres e Chicago, 1964. [Giordano Bruno e a tradição hermética. 2. ed. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1995.]

Zika, Charles. Exorcising our demons: magic, witchcraft, and visual culture in early modern Europe. Leiden e Boston, 2003.

Caça às bruxas

Ankarloo, Bengt & Clark, Stuart (Eds.). The period of the witch trials. Londres e Filadélfia, 2002.

Apps, Lara & Gow, Andrew. Male witches in early modern Europe. Manchester e Nova York, 2003.

Behringer, Wolfgang. Witches and witch-hunts: a global history. Cambridge e Malden, 2004.

Briggs, Katharine M. Pale Hecate’s team: an examination of the beliefs on witchcraft and magic among Shakespeare’s contemporaries and his immediate successors. Londres, 1962.

Briggs, Robin. Witches and neighbours: the social and cultural context of European witchcraft. 2. ed. Oxford, 2002.

Broedel, Hans Peter. The Malleus Maleficarum and the construction of witchcraft: theology and popular belief. Manchester e Nova York, 2003.

Burns, William E. Witch hunts in Europe and America: an encyclopedia. Londres e Westport, 2003.

Clark, Stuart. Thinking with demons: the idea of witchcraft in early modern Europe. Oxford e Nova York, 1997. [Pensando com demônios: a ideia de bruxaria no princípio da Europa moderna. São Paulo: Edusp, 2006.]

Cohn, Norman. Europe’s inner demons: an enquiry inspired by the great witch-hunt. St. Albans, 1976; Nova York, 1977.

Davies, Owen & blécourt, Willem de (Eds.). Beyond the witch trials: witchcraft and magic in Enlightenment Europe. Manchester e Nova York, 2004.

Fischer, Klaus. White, black, and grey: a history of the stormy 1960s. Nova York, 2006.

Goodare, Julian (Ed.). The Scottish witch-hunt in context. Manchester e Nova York, 2002.

Kelly, Henry Ansgar. The devil, demonology, and witchcraft: the development of Christian beliefs in evil spirits. 2. ed. Garden City, 1974.

Kieckhefer, Richard. European witch trials: their foundations in popular and learned culture, 1300-1500. Londres e Berkeley, 1976.

Kors, Alan C. & Peters, Edward (Eds.). Witchcraft in Europe, 400-1700: a documentary history. 2. ed. Filadélfia, 2001.

Larner, Christina. Enemies of God: the witch-hunt in Scotland. Londres e Baltimore, 1981.

Levack, Brian P. New perspectives on witchcraft, magic, and demonology. Nova York, 2001.

______. The witch-hunt in early modern Europe. 2. ed. Londres e Nova York, 1995.

Macfarlane, Alan D. J. Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England: a regional and comparative study. Londres e Nova York, 1970.

Martin, Ruth. Witchcraft and the inquisition in Venice, 1550-1650. Oxford e Nova York, 1989.

Maxwell-Stuart, P. G. Witchcraft: a history. Stroud, 2001.

______. Witchcraft in Europe and the New World, 1400-1800. Basingstoke e Nova York, 2001.

______. Witch hunters: professional prickers, unwitchers and witch-finders of the Renaissance. Stroud, 2003.

Midelfort, H. C. Erik. Witch-hunting in Southwestern Germany, 1562-1684: the social and intellectual foundations. Stanford, 1972.

Monter, E. William (Ed.). European witchcraft. Nova York, 1969.

______. Witchcraft in France and Switzerland: the borderlands during the Reformation. Londres e Ithaca, 1976.

Peters, Edward. Inquisition. Londres e Nova York, 1988.

______. The magician, the witch, and the law. Hassocks e Filadélfia, 1978.

Roper, Lyndal. Witch craze: terror and fantasy in baroque Germany. Londres e New Haven, 2004.

Rose, Elliot. A razor for a goat: a discussion of certain problems in the history of witchcraft and diabolism. Toronto, 1962.

Rowlands, Alison. Witchcraft narratives in Germany: Rothenburg, 1561-1652. Manchester e Nova York, 2003.

Scarre, Geoffrey. Witchcraft and magic in sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe. Basingstoke, 2001.

Sebald, Hans. Witchcraft: the heritage of a heresy. Oxford e Nova York, 1978.

Sharpe, James. Witchcraft in early modern England. Harlow e Nova York, 2001.

Stark, Rodney. For the glory of God: how monotheism led to reformations, science, witch-hunts, and the end of slavery. Princeton, 2003.

Thomas, Keith. Religion and the decline of magic: studies in popular beliefs in sixteenth and seventeenth century England. Londres e Nova York, 1971.

Trevor-Roper, Hugh. The European witch-craze of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and other essays. Londres, 1956; Nova York, 1969.

Waite, Gary K. Heresy, magic, and witchcraft in early modern Europe. Basingstoke e Nova York, 2003.

Walker, Timothy Dale. Doctors, folk medicine and the inquisition: the repression of magical healing in Portugal during the Enlightenment. Leiden e Boston, 2005.

Bruxaria nos Estados Unidos

Boyer, Paul & nissenbaum, Stephen. Salem possessed: the social origins of witchcraft. Londres e Cambridge, 1974.

Breslaw, Elaine G. Tituba: reluctant witch of Salem: devilish Indians and puritan fantasies. Londres e Nova York, 1996.

Cervantes, Fernando. The devil in the New World: the impact of diabolism in New Spain. Londres e New Haven, 1994.

Demos, John Putnam. Entertaining Satan: witchcraft and the culture of early New England. Oxford e Nova York, 2004.

Gibson, Marion (Ed.). Witchcraft and society in England and America, 1550-1750. Londres e Ithaca, 2003.

Godbeer, Richard. Escaping Salem: the other witch hunt of 1692. Oxford e Nova York, 2005.

Hansen, Chadwick. Witchcraft at Salem. Nova York 1969; Londres, 1970.

Kittredge, George. Witchcraft in old and new England. Cambridge, 1929.

Norton, Mary Beth. In the devil’s snare: the Salem witchcraft crisis of 1692. Nova York, 2002.

Roach, Marilynne K. The Salem witch trials: a day-by-day chronicle of a community under siege. Nova York, 2002.

Robinson, Enders A. The devil discovered: Salem witchcraft 1692. Prospect Heights, 2001.

Starkey, Marion L. The devil in Massachusetts: a modern inquiry into the Salem witch trials. Nova York, 1949 e 1989.

Bruxaria moderna

Adler, Margot. Drawing down the moon: witches, druids, goddess-worshippers, and other pagans in America today. 2. ed. Boston, 1986.

Alexander, Brooks. Witchcraft goes mainstream. Eugene, 2004.

Berger, Helen A. A community of witches: contemporary neo-paganism and witchcraft in the United States. Columbia, 1999.

______. Voices from the pagan census: a national survey of witches and neo-pagans in the United States. Columbia, 2003.

Blécourt, Willem de & Davies, Owen (Eds.). Witchcraft continued: popular magic in modern Europe. Manchester e Nova York, 2004.

Bonewits, Isaac. Witchcraft: a concise guide. Earth Religions Press, 2001.

Eller, Cynthia. Living in the lap of the goddess: the feminist spirituality movement in America. Boston, 1993.

Farrar, Stewart. What witches do: the modern coven revealed. Londres e St. Paul, 1971.

Gardner, Gerald B. Witchcraft today. Londres, 1954. [A bruxaria hoje. São Paulo: Madras, 2003.]

Graves, Robert. The white goddess: a historical grammar of poetic myth. Londres e Nova York, 1948. [A deusa branca: uma gramática histórica do mito poético. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2004.] (Nota: um livro de teor fantástico, mas influente.)

Hawkins, Craig S. Witchcraft: exploring the world of Wicca. Grand Rapids, 1996.

Herrick, James A. The making of the new spirituality: the eclipse of the Western religious tradition. Downers Grove, 2003.

Heselton, Philip. Wiccan roots: Gerald Gardner and the modern witchcraft revival. Milverton, Somerset, 2000.

Hutton, Ronald. The triumph of the moon: a history of modern pagan witchcraft. Oxford, 2000.

Johns, June. King of the witches: the world of Alex Sanders. Londres e Nova York, 1969.

Kelly, Aidan A. A history of modern witchcraft, 1939-1964. St. Paul, 1991.

Leland, Charles G. Aradia, or the gospel of the witches. Londres e Nova York, 1899. [Aradia, o evangelho das bruxas. São Paulo: Madras, 2004.] (Nota: um livro de teor fantástico, mas influente.)

Lewis, James R. Witchcraft today: an encyclopedia of wiccan and neopagan traditions. Oxford e Santa Barbara, 1999.

Luhrmann, T. M. Persuasions of the witch’s craft: ritual magic in contemporary England. Oxford e Cambridge, 1989.

Magliocco, Sabina. Witching culture: folklore and neo-paganism in America. Filadélfia, 2004.

Martello, Leo Louis. Witchcraft: the old religion. Secaucus, 1973.

Nightmare, M. Macha. Witchcraft and the web: weaving pagan traditions online. Toronto, 2001.

Pike, Sarah M. Earthly bodies, magical selves: contemporary pagans and the search for community. Londres e Berkeley, 2001.

Rabinovitch, Shelley & Lewis, James (Eds.). The encyclopedia of modern witchcraft and neo-paganism. Nova York, 2002.

Symonds, John. The great beast: the life of Aleister Crowley. Londres 1951; Nova York, 1952.

______. The magic of Aleister Crowley. Londres, 1958.

Vale, V. & Sulak, John. Modern pagans: an investigation of contemporary pagan practices. São Francisco, 2001.

Valiente, Doreen. The rebirth of witchcraft. Londres e Custer, 1989.

______. Witchcraft for tomorrow. Londres e Nova York, 1978.