ban•dit (band′-Ət), v. and n. censured or forbidden, by decree. “We can’t dance no more, ’cause after the preacher saw Footloose, he bandit.”

ban•ner (ban′-Ər), v. and n. to prohibit a female person from a specific location. “Cody’s grandma cusses so much, they’re gonna banner from the Little League park.”



bar•gain (bär′-gen), n. and adv. pertaining to a return to a tavern. “I’m still thirsty, so whaddya say we go hit that bargain.”

bar•i•um (ber′-ē-Əm), v. and n. to deposit a male person or animal underground and cover him with earth. “My dog died yesterday, so we’re gonna barium today.”

bar•rel (ber′-Əl), n. and v. a large, thick-furred, omnivorous mammal of the family Ursidae and its predicted actions. “A wolverine’ll mess you up, but a barrel kill you.”

bar•ri•er (ber′-ē-Ər), v. and n. to conceal or cover a female, usually under earth or debris. “She died while on vacation, so I think they decided to barrier on the beach.”

bas•tards (bas′-terds), n. the fecal excretions of any animal of the Centrarchidae, Serranidae, or Percichthyidae families. “I’ll bet you’ll catch a bunch where all them black specks is floatin’, ’cause them black specks is bastards.”

bat•tery (ba′-ter-ē), n. and pron. a baseball player who regularly attempts an offensive maneuver wherein he uses a club to strike a ball thrown in his direction. “Stan ain’t half the battery used to be.”

bay•ou (bī′-ü), v. and n. to purchase for another. “I just walked right up to her and said, ‘Hey darlin’, lemme bayou a drink.’”

beer (bir′), v. to express one’s desire to remain at a specific location, usually during intoxication. “I’ll beer till ten, then I gotta get home.”

bee•tle (bē′-tel), v. and conj. to exist for an unspecified amount of time. “How long do you think it’s gonna beetle they figure out we’re gone?”

be•hav•ior (bi-hāv′-yer), v. and adj. a phrase connecting the manner in which a person conducts him-or herself to someone or something possessed by or related to that person. “If you don’t behavior daddy’s gonna spank you!”



Bei•rut (bā′-rüt), adj. and n. a path that crosses or follows the contours of a broad inlet of water that curves into a landmass. “I guess old Doug decided to take the Beirut.”

be•lieve (bē-lēv′), n. and v. a demand for the Bom-bus ruderatus to vacate the immediate vicinity. “Oh no! I’m allergic! Believe me alone!”

be•moan (bē-mōn′), v. and adj. to declare possession by oneself. “I don’t like takin’ orders. That’s why I gotta bemoan boss.”

be•nign (bē-nīn′), v. and adj. to reach a level of one increment more than eight. “The scar from your tumor removal is going to benign inches long.”

bet•ter•ment (be′-ter-ment), v. aux. and v. demanding a certain or particular intention. “I’m not sure I heard you right. You betterment that you were gonna marry my little girl.”

big•a•my (big ′-Ə-mē), adj. and n. a boastful proclamation of one’s actions as generous. “It was pretty bigamy to pick up the dinner check for all of my ex-wives.”

big•ots (big′-Əts), adj. used to describe a large object in motion or action. “Man, Al’s belly is so bigots draggin’ on the floor.”

bi•son (bī′-sen), interj. and n. used to express farewell to a male offspring. “The day I went off to welding school, Mama stood on the porch with tears in her eyes and said, ‘Bison.’”

bit•ter (bit′-Ər), v. and n. involving the closing of jaws, as done on a female. “She kept teasin’ that dog till he finally bitter.”

bob•ble (bäb′-Əl), n. and v. the confident prediction for future action, to be effected by a person named Robert. “Don’t worry, Marge. Bobble get us out of here.”



bob•sled (bäbs′-led), n. and v. the act of guidance by a person named Robert. “I ain’t no expert, but I think bobsled us down the wrong path.”

boil (bi′-Əl), interj. and v. a term preceding a prediction. “Boil they be surprised when they find out I ain’t dead.”

bom•bar•dier (bamb′-Ə-dir), v. and n. to attack an Odocoileus virginianus with an explosive device. “When I’m huntin’ I usually use my rifle, but sometimes I just take out dynamite and bombardier.”

bor•der (br′d-Ər), v. and n. to have made a female feel uninterested and fatigued, as through tedious action or talk. “She said she left him because he border to death.”

bor•row (bär′-ō), n. and v. a phrase concerning the future state of a tavern. “Hurry up or the borrow be closed!”

bot•a•ny (bät′-Ən-ē), v. and conj. used to describe the reaction of a male person to a purchase, usually by his spouse. “When she got back from the mall, she showed him what she botany killed himself.”

bot•tle (bät′-Əl), n. and v. the corporeal form of a being and its future state. “If you keep eatin’ and drinkin’ like that, your bottle go bad.”

boy•sen•berry (biz-Ən-ber′-ē), n., conj., and v. a phrase connecting a group of males to the act of interring a being or thing underground. “Get the boysenberry this guy before the cops show up.”

brid•al (brīd′-Əl), n. and v. a betrothed female and her future state. “If the preacher don’t move it along, the bridal have her baby right there on the altar.”

bro•ker (brōk′-Ər), v. and adj. to have violently injured any thing or things belonging to a female. “My mom fell off a ladder and broker arm.”



bud•get (bej′-Ət), v. and n. to transfer an object from one location to another. “Papaw was workin’ on my car and it fell on his foot. I tried to pull it off, but I couldn’t budget!”

bu•lim•ia (beh-lē′-mē-Ə) v. and n. a demand that one accept the speaker’s truthfulness. “Bulimia don’t want to eat that again.”

bul•le•tin (b′-let-in), n. and prep. a metal projectile intended for use in a firearm and its position with relation to the interior of an object. “If you want to save us, you’re gonna have to put a bulletin that gun.”

bur•den (berd′-in), n. and prep. indicating the specific location of a flying creature. “A burden the hand is worth two in the bush.”

butch•er (bu′-cher), v. and adj. to place or lay an object or objects belonging to another. “If you don’t want a fist in your face, you better butcher cards on the table.”

but•ter (bet′-Ər), conj. and adj. with the exception of an action by or quality of a female. “She may be nice on the eyes, butter cookin’ll kill ya.”

but•ter•fly (bet-Ər-flī′), conj. and n. an exception concerning the opening in pants worn by a female. “I didn’t mean to embarrass her, butterfly was open!”

but•ton fly (bet′-in-flī), n. and v. to elevate one’s posterior above the ground. “The mother bird just told her baby to get off its button fly.”