dairy (der′-ē), v. and n. the audacity or bravery of a male. “With that cow Ted’s married to, how dairy say something about my wife.”
Da•ko•ta (de-kō′-te), n. and v. a prediction concerning an outer garment worn on the torso. “It’s ten below, man. Dakota keep you warm.”
Da•mas•cus (dem′-ask-Əs), n. and v. involving a question posed by more than one person to more than one person. “Damascus where we was the night Toby’s Bar burned down, but we didn’t say nothin’.”
da•ta (dāt′-Ə), v. and adj. to undertake an event of social interaction, usually with the purpose of romance. “I’d never data rich girl.”
de•bate (de-bāt′), n. anything used to entice prey. “I don’t wanna argue no more ’bout which worm we’re gonna use for debate.”
deci•bel (des′-Ə-bel), n. and v. a declaration that an observed thing is an uncastrated male bovine. “You ain’t getting’ any milk from it ’cuz decibel.”
de•cide (di-sīd′), n. the position to the right or left of the front or back of an object or being. “We’ve concluded that he resembles a pear if you look at him from decide.”
de•feat (di-fēt′), n. the lower extremities, upon which a creature ambulates. “That’s gonna be one big dog, judgin’ by the size of defeat.”
de•fend•er (di-fen′-der), n. a metal guard positioned over the wheel of a motor vehicle. “The grille’s okay, but defender is torn up real bad.”
de•fense (di-fents′), n. a barrier bisecting a piece of land. “I told him to drive through da gate and the damn dummy drove through defense.”
de•fined (di-fīnd′), n. an unexpected discovery. “That old dictionary you got at the yard sale is defined of the century.”
def•i•nite (def′-Ən-it), adj. and n. of or pertaining to a person who is hearing impaired. “My grandma’s real definite affects the odds on her life expectancy.”
de•lights (di-līts′), n. electrical devices used for illumination. “Hey, stupid, turn out delights.”
de•liv•er (di-li′-ver), n. a large, glandular organ in the body that assists in the metabolic process. “Considering how much our mailman drinks, I don’t know how deliver on him holds up.”
de•mand•ed (dih-man′-did), n. and v. a male person’s past actions. “It ain’t right they fired him, ’cuz demanded everything they told him to.”
de•men•tia (dim-Ənt′-she), n. and v. interrogative concerning one’s reaction to, or connection with, more than one person. “You lookin’ at dementia?”
de•mo•graph•ic (dem-Ə-gra′-fik), n. and adj. referring to visually explicit material. “Demographic photos in that dirty magazine.”
dem•on•strate (dem′-Ən-strāt), n. and adj. in a linear fashion. “Your glasses are all crooked, girl … put demonstrate.”
den•i•grate (den′-i-grāt), adv. and adj. a reference to the ensuing occurrence of something large and/or wondrous. “First my stomach hurt, and denigrate wind came outta my rear end, and now I feel a whole lot better.”
den•tal (dent′-Əl), n. and v. to do with the result of a crease or a depression in all types of metal plating. “Well, the good news is that little dental come out real easy.”
de•scent (di-sent′), n. an olfactory emission. “The dogs lost descent right about here.”
de•sign (di-zīn′), n. a poster or board that identifies, advertises, warns, or indicates the purpose of a thing. “And design said long-haired freaky people need not apply.”
de•spair (dis-per′), adj. and n. a particular set of two of something. “Despair is the best hand I had all night.”
de•tail (di-tāl′), n. an appendage extending from the buttocks, usually covered with hair. “Best way to catch a skunk is just to grab him by detail.”
de•ten•tion (di-ten′-chen), n. special notice taken of a person or thing. “Detention he gives that woman just makes you sick.”
de•void (di-vid′), n. an absence of matter. “Devoid that woman left in my heart is as big as a truck.”
di•al (dī′-Əl), v. and n. a phrase connecting the possible termination of life to the speaker. “If your fish dial be devastated.”
di•et (dī′-Ət), v. and n. to change the hue of something. “You know what you oughta do with your hair, Barb, is diet red.”
di•gest (dī′-jest), v. and adv. to expire, especially recently. “I don’t know why Daddy had to digest three days after Mama.”
di•late (deī′-lāt), v. and adv. to experience the termination of life well into a specified temporal period. “I hope I dilate in life.”
di•lem•ma (de-le′-me), prep. and n. a phrase connecting an action up to a certain point in time with a person named Emma. “Wait dilemma gets home and finds out you broke her favorite TV.”
di•men•sion (de-men′-shen), n. an instance of casually calling attention to something. “Just dimension of pork and beans makes me gassy.”
di•nette (dīn-Ət′), v. and prep. to eat supper out, with reference to a specific location. “I don’t want to dinette this restaurant ever again.”
di•no•saur (dī′-nƏ-sr) n., v., and pron. a person named Dinah having visually perceived something belonging or related to her. “After she invested in the T. rex museum, dinosaur life savings go down the drain.”
di•rec•tion (de-rek′-shen), n. the engorgement of the male sex organ. “Doc, could you give my Hank here a sample of those little blue pills? Direction ain’t what it used to be.”
dis•abil•i•ty (dis-Ə-bi′-le-tē), adj. and n. a certain aptitude or proficiency. “I was born with disability to charm women of the opposite sex.”
dis•arm (dis-ärm′), adj. and n. a specified unit, support, or appendage; in particular, the human fore-limb. “I’m goin’ to the doctor, ’cuz disarm is killing me.”
di•sas•ter (di-sas′-ter), adv. and v. a phrase used to persuade someone to inquire something of a female person, by characterizing the inquiry as simple and easy. “She’s bound to break my heart, but I disaster out anyway.”
dis•co (dis′-kō), n. and v. referring to the intended or proper location of a specific thing; usually used with an inquiry. Query in operating room: “I put everything else back … but now where’s disco?”
dis•count (dis-kant′), adv. and v. to instruct another to merely list numbers consecutively. “You discount to a hundred, and we’ll hide.”
dis•cov•er (dis-ke′-ver), adj. and n. a particular object on or over something or used to protect it. “I couldn’t find baby Boo for the life of me, till I lifted discover.”
dis•cussed (dis-kest′), adv. and v. to have recently used profanity. “I’m probably gonna get kicked out of school ’cuz my mama discussed out the principal again.”
dis•ease (diz-ēz′), v. and adj. interrogative concerning more than one thing. “I been sick for nine years, Doc. Disease pills work or not?”
dis•fig•ured (dis-fi′-gyerd), adv. and v. to have ascertained. “I disfigured you would go with me instead of him.”
dis•guise (dis-gīz′), adj. and n. a specified male person and his current actions or state. “I don’t think disguise wearing a mask.”
dis•gust•ed (di-skest′-id), v. and n. to have verbally considered or examined a specific subject. “Billy, your mother and I have disgusted, and we both think you’re on steroids.”
dish•wash•er (dish′-wä-sher), adv. and v. a phrase indicating the speaker’s desire for a specific female person to merely perform routine ablutions. “I know the cook doesn’t clean her pots, but I wish she’d dishwasher hands.”
dis•lo•cat•ed (dis-lō′-kā-ted), pron. and v. a thing situated in a specific physical place. “We need to find the doctor’s office dislocated on the second floor.”
dis•may (dis-mā′), n. and v. something raised as a possibility. “Dismay come as a surprise, ma’am, but you’re not pregnant.”
dis•mem•ber (dis-mem′-ber), adv. and v. to recall; often used as a plea or an imperative. “We could butcher that hog if I could dismember where I put my cleaver.”
dis•play (dis-plā′), adv. and v. to simply participate in a recreational activity. “Quit whining and display the game!”
dis•robe (dis-rōb′), adj. and n. a particular full-length long-sleeved garment, usually worn over pajamas. “How come you always make me take disrobe off in the dark, sweetie?”
dis•solve (dis-sälv′), adv. and v. to achieve a quick resolution to or completion of a problem. “You got enough clues, dissolve the dang puzzle!”
dis•taste (dis-tāst′), n. and v. regarding the distinctive flavor of a specific thing. “Is it just me, or does distaste funny?”
dis•tress (dis-tres′), n. a skirted garment, especially of a full-figured person. “Does distress make my butt look fat?”
dis•trict (dis′-trikt), adv. and adj. severe in terms of discipline. “I never woulda joined up if I’d known the army was gonna be district.”
dit•ty (dit′-ē), v. and n. interrogative concerning the past actions of a male person. “Let me guess: your husband never learned how to swim, ditty?”
di•verse (de-vers′), n. a lyrical, nonrepeating stanza within a song. “I’ve got the chorus, but diverse is still givin’ me trouble.”
doc•tor (däkt′-Ər), v. and adj. to have applied to a female employee a punitive measure in which a percentage of her wages are garnisheed. “After my wife wrecked that forklift, they doctor pay for the next six months.”
doc•tor•ate (däk′-ter-Ət), v. and n. to change or modify something. “We can make your medical résumé look better if we doctorate up a little bit.”
doc•u•ment (däk′-ye-ment), n. and v. an intended medical professional. “First you said Dr. Reynolds did it, and now you’re saying that ain’t the document.”
dog•ma (dg′-me), v. and adj. to personally insult something belonging to one. “I had to hit him, sir—I ain’t just gonna sit there and let a man dogma truck.”
dog•wood (d=g′-w=d), n. and v. the past or conditional actions of a canine. “I’m in this tree ’cuz otherwise that dogwood bite me.”
dol•lar (däl′-Ər), n. and conj. an alternative between a toy figure in human form and something else. “Is that cashier a living dollar what?”
do•main (dō-mān′), v. to lack importance. “Don’t let it bug you, man. It domain a thing.”
doo•dle (düd′-Əl), n. and v. a male person and his predicted actions. “Don’t even look at him, ’cuz that doodle kill you.”
dou•bloon (de-bloon′), n. any single object having a hue in the color spectrum between green and violet. “You can wear the brown hat or the green hat, but don’t touch doubloon.”
doz•en (dez′-Ən), v. and adv. the negative or opposite of an expected action or reaction. “If that dozen make you laugh, then you don’t know what’s funny.”
drag•on (dra′-gen), v. being brought into, usually by force. “Don’t be dragon me into your argument.”
drain (drān′), n. precipitation. “Drain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.”
drib•ble (drib′-Əl), n. and v. a cut of meat including a curved bone protruding from the spine and its predicted state. “If you smother it in barbecue sauce, dribble taste much better.”
du•ty (dü′-tē), v. and n. to act in the same manner as a specified male. “If the guy got ya, just duty did: light a bag of crap on fire and put it on his porch.”
dwarf (dwrf′), n. a structure built alongside or on a body of water for the purpose of parking watercraft. “We can fish down at dwarf.”
dy•na•mite (dī′-nƏ-mīt), v. and n. concerning expiration and one’s subsequent action or reaction. “I know blowing up this safe is dangerous. I might dynamite not.”