ice cream (īs′-krēm), n. and v. to cry out verbally in a loud, shrieking tone. “Every time Junior wins a race, ice cream so loud the neighbors call the police.”

Ida•ho (īd′-Ə-hō), n. and v. to have declared the possession of a tool used for breaking apart earth. “Idaho, but Barry borrowed it, and I ain’t seen it since.”

im•mi•grate (im′-Ə-grāt), n. and adj. part of a phrase declaring a debt to a male. “I owe immigrate deal of my success.”

im•pa•tience (im-pā′-shents), n. any group of impaired people confined to a place for healing. “Impatience in the mental hospital scare me to death.”

im•pede (im-pēd′), n. and v. a male having urinated. “Dangit, impede all over the fish I caught.”

im•plants (im-plants′), adj. and n. more than one living multicellular organism that through photosynthesis absorbs water and carbon dioxide and emits oxygen. “Implants are all saggy; they look like they could use some water.”

in•cense (in′-sents), conj. and n. penny currency, in addition to other moneys. “Just tell me what it’s gonna cost me in dollars incense.”

in•cite (in-sīt′), prep. and n. indicating position within a visual or achievable range. “Always keep your goals incite.”



ln•dia (in′-dē-Ə), prep. a function word indicating conditionality. Flight attendant over the loudspeaker: “India ’vent of an emergency, your seat can be used as a toilet.”

in•fa•my (in′-fe-mē), adv. and n. another person’s intent to exact physical punishment. “Ever since I went on that crime spree, the cops have had it infamy.”

in•her•it (in-her′-Ət), n. concerning the interior location of the speaker. “I don’t know about outside, but inherit stinks.”

in•no•cence (in′-o-sints), prep., n., and adv. a phrase describing a quality of or substance within a woman after a certain circumstance. “She married that jerk, and I ain’t seen a lick of happiness innocence.”

in•nu•en•do (in-ye-wen′-dō), prep. and n. indicating the passage of anything through a wall opening made of glass that can be opened or closed. “Hey, dude, I just saw a bird fly innuendo.”

in•qui•ries (in-kwīr′-ēz), prep. and n. referring to the actions of a specific male member of a vocal group. “That boy’s a monster at home, but inquiries a saint.”

in•sid•i•ous (in-sid′-ē-Əs), adv., n., and v. an action by or quality of a male, as an alternative to another action or quality. “We thought he was loyal, but insidious stabbin’ us in the back.”

in•stinct (in′-stinkt), prep. and n. concerning the level of olfactory offensiveness. “I’ll give it an 8 in sound, and a 10 instinct.”

in•tense (in-tents′), prep. and n. inside portable canvas shelters. “Next time we go campin’, I suggest we sleep intense.”

in•ter•cept (in-ter-sept′), v. and conj. concerning conditions placed on the permissibility of ingress. “That there’s the operatin’ room. You can’t intercept if you’re a doctor.”



in•ter•est•ing (in′-te-res-ting), prep. and n. having a preference for relaxation. “Bob said he was a good pilot, but now I see he’s more interesting.”

in•ter•face (in-ter-fās′), prep. and n. to a position of contact with the front part of a female’s head. “That guy hit a fastball and it flew right interface!”

in•ter•view (in-ter-vyü′), prep. and n. entering a position that allows visual perception. “Just shoot as soon as it comes interview!”

In•u•it (in′-yü-Ət), conj. and n. a pronouncement that another is to be the targeted object, usually within the context of a game. “We’re playing tag, Inuit.”

in•un•dat•ed (in′-Ən-dāt-Əd), prep. and v. to have entered and commenced courtship. “That snake snuck inundated my girl when I was out of town.”

in•ward (in′-werd), prep. and n. concerning the record of a person’s verbalizations. “A scout is trustworthy inward and deed.”

io•ta (ī-t′-Ə), n. and v. first-person form of admitting debt. “Sure I shot him, Officer, but in my defense, iota lotta money to that guy.”

iPod (ī′-päd), n. and v. a personal reference to having groped or roughly handled another person or an object. “iPod her for about twenty minutes before I realized she was my mother-in-law.”

Iraq; Iran (i-rak′; i-ran′), n.; v. the ampleness of one’s bosom; to compete for. “If I had Iraq like hers, I’d Iran for Miss Tennessee, too.”

iron (ī′-Ərn), n. and v. a personal proclamation about the currency one receives in exchange for the services one renders. “Workin’ down in the mine, iron twenty-three bucks an hour.”


is•land (ī′-lend), n. and v. to declare one’s projected arrival. “The plane takes off at two and island at seven.”

is•land•er (ī′-lend-Ər), n. and v. to temporarily give to a female. “If islander any more money, I’ll be broke.”

iso•late (ī-se-lāt′), n. and v. an explanation for extreme tardiness, usually in the form of an excuse. “Sorry isolate, but I hit a deer on the way over here!”

is•sue (ish-ü′), n. and v. concerning an ultimatum to another. “Somebody’s gotta go through that door first. Either issue or me, brother.”