jack•et (ja′-ket), v. and n. to raise a specified object on a sturdy portable device, using leverage. “You can’t change the tires until you jacket up.”



Ja•kar•ta (je-kär′-te), n. and prep. pertaining to a person’s automobile. “Oh yeah, that mechanic at Tom’s garage’ll get Jakarta run real good.”

Ja•mai•can (je-māk′-Ən), n. and v. an inquiry concerning another’s creation. “Hey there, Jimmy, what Jamaican for the science fair?”

jest•er (jest′-Ər), adv. and n. exclusive indication of a person who is connected to the one being spoken to. “I’m not letting all y’all in, jester friend in the glasses.”

jour•nal (jer′-nol), n. and v. a proclamation excluding the person being addressed from a group. “Don’t make fun of me, Al … journal Einstein yourself!”

jour•ney (jer′-nē), n. a specified person’s mid-leg joint. “You hurt journey in that fight?”


ju•di•cious (jü-dish′-Əs), n. and v. interrogative regarding whether the person being addressed spoke critically of the speaker and his or her associates. “Sorry I called you a gossip, but didn’t judicious a while back?”

juic•er (jü′-ser), pron. and n. the start of an ironic pronouncement addressed to a male person of authority or distinction. “I knew Jack Kennedy, and juicer are no Jack Kennedy.”

juic•i•er (joo′-sē-Ər), n. and v. an inquiry concerning whether another has perceived, visually, a female; often involves the disrobed state of the subject. “Juicier nekkid?”

Ju•ly (j=-lī′), n. and v. interrogative regarding another’s veracity. “Why July about it?”

junc•tion (jenk′-shen), n. and v. a phrase assessing the state of debris in a negative way. “That junction be left at the dump, stupid!”

junc•ture (jenk′-chr), n. and adv. a declaration of certainty pertaining to rubbish. “You’re throwin’ it all out, but this juncture looks good to me.”

junk•ies (jenk′-z), n. and v. a phrase connecting useless or discarded articles to the actions of a male person. “Don’t buy any of that junkies sellin’, ’cuz he’ll only use the money to buy drugs.”

Ju•pi•ter (jü′-pe-ter), n. and v. imperative regarding another’s action, with an implied threat or warning. “Jupiter stop jumpin’ on the bed.”

jus•tice (jes′-tes), adv. comparatively equal. “That lawyer’s case is justice good as the other guy’s.”