lac•quer thin•ner (lak′-Ər thin′-Ər), v. and adv. to prefer less corporeal mass on a female. “I still think Kirstie Alley’s cute, but I lacquer thinner.”

la•dle (lā′-dil), v. and conj. at rest or repose up to a mentioned time or event. “Just let it ladle everybody cools off a bit.”

lam•i•nate (lam′-Ən-āt), n. and v. a young sheep, in relation to something it is not. “I ordered the laminate cooked the way I wanted it.”

lar•i•at (ler′-ē-Ət), n. and prep. interrogative regarding the location of a person named Laurence. “Where’s lariat?”

la•ser (lāz′-Ər), v. and adj. a female’s setting down of something. “As soon as she laser big butt down for a nap, we’re leaving.”

lawn (ln′), n. a reference to the rules of a society; often used in connection with a popular television show. “You catch that episode of Lawn Order last night?”

left field (left-fēld′), n. and v. an object located on the opposite of the right side, and the tactile sensation it elicited. “I don’t know, man, her left field way bigger than her right.”

less•er (les′-Ər), conj. and adj. except if, as pertaining to a female. “Lesser mom changes her mind, I don’t think we’re going out tonight.”

let•ter car•ri•er (let′-Ər-ka′-rē-Ər), v. and n. to suggest that a woman transport her personal belongings herself. “If she wants to bring all that junk, letter carrier own luggage.”



let•ter•head (let′-Ər-hed), v. and n. a suggested action concerning a certain female’s cranial region. “No worries, man, she’s in here drunk every night—just letterhead hit the bar.”

let•tuce (let′-Əs), v. and n. to suggest allowance of a specified action by a group. “Oh Lord, I swear I will never play chicken again if You just please lettuce survive this!”

Le•vi (lēv′-ī), v. and n. a phrase connecting the act of departure to the speaker. “If I Levi ain’t coming back.”

li•ar (lī′-Ər), v. and adj. to set or put down something of a female’s. “I don’t care if she’s cheating on me, she can liar head on my pillow anytime.”

li•cense (lī-sints′), n. and adv. a reference to the most recent instance of fibbing. “She ran over me with the pickup three days ago, and I ain’t told a license.”

li•chen (lī′-ken), n. and v. the result of an untruth. “I don’t care how long you been married, one big lichen wreck it all.”

Li•ma (lē′-me), v. and adj. to demand that another abandon something or someone possessed or claimed by one. “Lima girl alone!”

liv•er (liv′-Ər), v. and conj. regarding options other than earthly existence. “I’m so depressed I don’t care if I liver die.”

lu•nar (lün′-Ər), n. and conj. a person afflicted with mental instability and a possible alternative. “Is Betty a lunar what?”

lu•rid (lr′-Əd), n. and v. a conjecture about an object intended to decoy or tempt. “I’d be shocked if that lurid catch fish.”