na•ked (nā′-ked), n. and v. a declaration of the capability of others. “I’ll do what I want, an’ naked do what they want.”
nap•kin (nap′-ken), n. and v. a negotiation presuming a doze; commonly used by children. “If I take a napkin I go?”
nar•row (na′-rō), conj. and n. in addition to a shafted projectile with a pointed or sharpened end. “Sure wish I hadn’t bought Kenny that bow narrow.”
na•sal (nāz′-el), n. and v. a phrase used to express an opinion or observation about a group as a whole. “See them guys? Nasal a bunch of jerks.”
nav•i•gate (nav′-e-gāt), v. and n. to lack possession of a closable, usually hinged barrier. “I drove through the fence ’cause the dang fool did navigate.”
nee•dle (nēd′-el), v. to desire urgently. “After I finish this, I’m gonna needle little vacation.”
ne•gate (ni-gāt′), n. a swinging barricade. “Open negate and let me in!”
net•works (net′-werkz), n. and v. the functioning of a woven trap. “We’ll catch a lot of fish if this networks.”
neu•ter (nü′-ter), adv. and prep. unfamiliar with. “I’m neuter town, so I get lost a lot.”
Ne•va•da (ne-va′-de), adv. and v. to not ever have possessed. “Believe it or not, I Nevada girl to call my own.”
New Hamp•shire (nü-ham′-sher), n. and adv. a confident declaration concerning the edible parts of a fresh pig. “That old leftover ham made everybody sick, but this New Hampshire does taste good.”
nin•com•poop (nin′-kem-püp), adv. and v. to subsequently move toward and defecate. “He barks all day, nincompoop on my lawn at night!”
No•ah (nō′-e), v. to have acquaintance or comprehension of. “Anyone Noah guy with a boat we could use?”
no•ble (nō′-bul), adj. and n. completely without prevarication. “That tree jumped right out in front of me, Judge, noble.”
no•bler (nō′-bler), adj. and n. without any obscuring smear or indistinctness. “Ain’t had nobler in my vision since I got laser surgery.”
noc•turne (näkt′-ern), v. and n. to have impregnated at least two females. “I think I mighta nocturne her sister up!”
no•el (nō-el′), adj. and n. the absence of a pit that supplies water. “Hell no, I didn’t see noel until I fell into it.”
noo•dle (nü′-del), adj. and conj. in pristine condition, and the termination of that status. “My truck was brand-noodle I drove it into that tree.”
nosy (nō′-zē), v. and n. to cognitively understand something regarding a male. “I don’t mean to be a buttinsky here, but am I the only guy who nosy cain’t swim?”
no•ti•fied (nōt′-ef-īd), v. and conj. to claim understanding, conditionally; often used as an excuse to cover ignorance. “I woulda notified been told.”
nui•sance (nü′-sints), adj. and adv. pertaining to the duration of an object’s existence. “Old Tom’s gun ain’t been nuisance 1962.”
nurse•maid (ners′-mād), n. and v. caused by a caregiver to the ill. “She’s so hot, that nursemaid my blood pressure go up.”