Sad•ist (sayd′-ist), adj. the highest degree of sorrow or unhappiness. “It makes me sad when somebody hurts me, but it makes me sadist when I hurt somebody else.”

Sa•ha•ra (se-her′-e), v. and n. a phrase concerning the state or condition of filaments growing from one’s epidermis. “The shave was fine, but it’ Sahara got a problem with.”

saint (sānt′), n. and v. to deny or argue against the state of something. “You just keep on driving along, dude, but I’m tellin’ you, saint the right way!”

salm•on (sam′-en), n. and conj. connecting a person named Samuel to other persons or things. “Salmon his fishin’ buddies have got to leave right now!”

Sa•mo•an (se-mō′-en), conj. and v. involving a conclusion about the cutting or thrashing of plants with a bladed machine. “I like workin’ outside, Samoan my lawn ain’t no big deal.”

sanc•tum (sank′-tem), v. and n. to have caused the submergence of more than one watercraft. “He took two boats out fishin’. Sanctum both.”

sand•wich (sand′-wich), n. and pron. granular soil, usually composed of eroded siliceous rock and com monly found near water, considered in relation to a person or thing. “My bathing suit was full of sandwich made my butt itch.”


Sa•rah (ser′-e), v. and adv. interrogative concerning the location or existence of a thing. “Hey, baby, Sarah another beer in the fridge?”

sat•is•fied (sad′-es-fīd), adj. and n. concerning one’s feelings of sorrow. “When Ralph split with Sadie, I was as satisfied divorced her myself.”

sat•u•rate (sat′-cher-rāt), v. and n. interrogative about whether or not payment for services rendered is standard. “Saturate, or are you gonna charge me double once you get the job?”

Sat•ur•day (sat′-er-dā), adj. and n. expressing sorrow about a particular twenty-four-hour period in a female’s life. “Her fiancé didn’t show up. It’s really Saturday got ruined like that.”

sa•vory (sāv′-er-ē), v. and conj. concerning alternatives for a male person and his setting aside of currency for later use. “He better learn to savory will be broke when he’s old.”


scep•ter (sep′-ter), prep. and adj. other than something of a female’s. “She came out of the house wearing nothing scepter bra and panties.”

schol•ar (skälh′-er), v. and n. a phrase in which the speaker suggests, to one or more others, telephonic communication with a female. “Scholar after we’ve had a few more drinks.”

school (skül′), v. and adj. indicating one’s sanguinity with a certain situation. “Sure, man, if you wanna dance with my date, school.”

scoot•er (sküt′-er), v. and adj. to slide oneself in any direction while remaining seated, as done by a female. “Tell your sister to scooter fat butt over so somebody else can sit down.”

scrab•ble (skrab′-el), n. and v. a specific crustacean of the order Decapoda and possibilities for it. “Scrabble taste real good … all we have to do is kill it.”



scur•vy (sker′-vē), v. and adj. being the opposite of straight. “Check out Pam Anderson! Man, that body scurvy.”

sea•food (sē′-füd), v. and n. to perceive, through the ocular organs, nutritious substances. “My problem is whenever I seafood, I eat food.”

sea•weed (sē′-wēd), v. and n. to encourage comprehension of the circumstances experienced by the speaker and others. “We didn’t mean to break into your place, but … seaweed been outside in the cold for a long time, and we was freezing.”

se•date (sid-āt′), v. and n. to have stated a time four hours before noon or midnight. “You told me to come at nine o’clock, but Terry sedate.”

sed•i•ment (sed′-e-ment), v. having stated something about one’s intentions or opinions. “I know what I said, and I know what I meant, but that is not what I sediment.”

se•di•tion (si-di′-shen), adj. and n. a specific calculation of the sum of two or more numbers. “I don’t mean to complain, ma’am, but sedition is real hard!”

se•di•tious (sed-di′-shes), v. and n. to have verbalized the common name for flat-bottomed or concave containers used to serve food. “He asked if I wanted to make dinner or do the dishes, and I seditious.”

sei•zure (sē′-zher), v. and adj. to match another’s bet when gaming or gambling. “I believe you’re bluffin’, so I seizure nickel and raise you ten grand.”

se•nior (sēn-yr′), v. and adj. to have visually perceived something belonging to another. “Half the town senior wife with the gardener.”

se•ño•ra (sān-yr′-e), v. and n. regarding current pronouncements about the person being addressed. “Everybody used to say you was an idiot, but now they señora dang fool.”



sen•ti•men•tal (sent-e-men′-tel), v. and adj. to have caused telepathic delivery. “I could pick which card you’re thinkin’ of, if you sentimental picture to me.”

sep•a•rate (sep′-er-āt), prep. and v. with the exclusion of a female’s consumption. “Me and her was supposed to share our Happy Meals, separate all the fries.”

se•rum (sir′-em), v. and n. to char the exterior of more than one thing. “If you want the steaks to stay juicy, you gotta serum.”

sew•er (sü′-er), v. and n. to take legal action against a female, usually with the purpose of financial redress. “If she don’t give me my money, I’m gonna sewer for everything she’s got!”

shad•ed (shād′-ed), n. and v. used to state that something greatly displeased or was despised by a female. “My wife tried sushi and shaded it.”


sheep•herd•er (shē′-per-der), n. and v. having placed and released an object, as done by a female. “I can’t find ’em now, but I know sheepherder shoes right over here.”

shel•lac (shel-lak′), n. and v. a female’s future affection for. “Tell you what, shellac you a lot better if you take a bath.”

sher•iff (sher′-ef), v. and conj. to offer a portion of, under certain conditions. “All right, you don’t have to sheriff you don’t wanna.”

Sher•wood (sher′-wd), adv. and v. an intensive phrase suggesting the certainty of an imagined action. “It Sherwood help if I could get a job with the Forest Service.”

shud•der (shed′-er), v. indicating regret for a thing or action not done. “I shudder ducked when that guy yelled, ‘Duck!’”


shunt (shent′), v. and adv. indicating that a thing or action was the incorrect one. “My husband’s home—I told you you shunt have come over!”

side•burns (sīd′-bernz), n. and v. a surface that is afire. “Leave it on the grill until that sideburns.”

sin•cere (sins′-ir), v. and adv. to blaspheme in a particular place. “If he sincere in church, he’s in deep trouble.”

Sin•ga•pore (sing′-e-pr), v. and n. to express oneself in song with exuberance. “When I Singapore my heart into it.”

si•nus (sīn′-es), v. and n. to make a mark of identity needed as proof of approval, for a group. “Money for medical experiments? Heck yeah, sinus up!”


Sioux Falls (sü′-fOdot;lz), n. and v. a person named Susan going from a high position to a lower one because of gravitational pull. “Sue drinks, Sioux Falls.”

si•ren (sī′-ren), conj. and v. giving a reason for propelling oneself forward speedily, with a bounding stride. “That crazy dude came at me with a hammer, siren as fast as I could … but I guess not fast enough.”

sit•u•ate (si′-chew-āt), conj. and v. a phrase used to explain the consequences of someone else having consumed orally what belonged to the explainer. “You don’t get another piece of pie situate mine.”

skil•let (skil′-et), n. acumen for a particular activity. “I think it’s safe to say, son, that you don’t have the skillet takes to fry eggs.”

sluice (slüs′), v. and adj. to declare that a person or thing has escaped. “My pet python sluice!”


snot (snät′), n. and v. negating the state of being of a thing. “Officer, I’m really sorry. I could have sworn that was the guy who cut me off in traffic, but maybe snot.”

snow•man (snō′-man), v. and adv. to answer in the negative, emphatically. “If you’re askin’ did I do it, the answer snowman.”

so•cial (sō′-shel), conj. and v. an explanation regarding actions taken to achieve a desired result from a specific female. “I just gave that doggie some food social stop yappin’ at me.”

so•da (sō′-de), adv. and v. an action or way of being including others. “I like beer and soda my friends.”

Sod•om and Go•mor•rah (sä′-dem-end-ge-mr′-e), v., n., conj., v., and n. a phrase describing the ocular perception of more than one thing, plus the resulting action of acquiring additional amounts of those things. “I didn’t have enough doughnuts for my orgy, so when I went to the bakery I Sodom and Gomorrah the honey-glazed.”

so•lar (sōl′-Ər), v. and adj. to effect a change of ownership, in exchange for currency, of a thing possessed by a female. “I hear old lady Johnson finally solar house.”

sold (sōld′), adv. and adj. emphasizing the length of existence. “If I were a little drunker and she weren’t sold, I’d most definitely take a crack at her.”

sol•dier (sōl′-jr), v. and adj. to have exchanged a person or object belonging to another for money. “I hope you don’t mind, dude, but I soldier mother on eBay.”

sol•emn (säl′-em), n. and pron. a phrase declaring the limit or tally of a number of things or people. “I expected a bigger turnout at Ken’s funeral, but solemn.”

so•lo (sō′-lō), adv. and adj. dishonest or morally repugnant, to a certain extent. “How could you stoop solo as to date my mother?”



soph•ist•ry (säf′-es-trē), adj. and n. an arborescent plant having the smoothest and most pleasing quality to the touch. “This is the sophistry I ever felt.”

spa (spä′), v. and n. interrogative regarding one’s direct male progenitor. “I know Ma’s around, but spa here?”

Spain (spān′), adj. and n. a specific sharp physical or emotional discomfort. “I’m going to the doctor. Spain in my leg won’t go away.”

spear (spir′), n. and v. stating the presence of an alcoholic beverage made by using yeast to ferment malt and hops. “We ain’t got no wine here, honey. Spear or nothin’.”

spec•ta•tors (spek′-tā-terz), v. and n. to presuppose an encounter with potatoes. “What will they serve with the roast? I spectators and beans.”

speed (spēd′), n. and v. the past tense of a male performing the function of urination. “He’s so drunk, he don’t even know speed his pants.”

spir•it (spir′-et), v. and n. to stab a creature or an inanimate object with a sharpened staff. “I ran out of shells, so I hadda spirit.”

starch (stärch′), v. and adj. to order a person or persons to turn on their motor or motors. “Gentlemen, starch engines.”

star•struck (stär′-strek), adj., n., and v. a male person’s circular rubber wheel covering coming into violent contact with something. “He got the blowout when starstruck that speed bump.”

stew•ard (ste′-werd), v. and n. a phrase pertaining to specific information or news. “Hey, what’ steward on the street?”



sti•let•to (ste′-let-ō), adv. and v. to continue to allow an action of something or someone elderly. “Sure she’s sixty-two, but I stiletto lady Thompson climb in my bed once in a while.”

sto•ries (st=r′-ēz), n., pron., and v. a phrase connecting a retail establishment to a male. “Every time he comes into this stories drunk.”

stride (strīd′), n. and v. having made attempts in the past. “He says he can quit smokin’ anytime, but stride and failed a hundred times.”

strive (strīv′), n. and v. a phrase suggesting that one and others operate a motor vehicle; usually used during inebriation. “Well, we done finished off the keg, so strive to Alaska!”

study (sted′-ē), n. and pron. a virile or sexually active specimen or type in relation to another male. “He’s not half the study thinks he is.”


stu•pid (stüp′-ed), n. and v. to get into a lower position because of the state of a thing. “I told him, ‘Kyle, you better stupid is really low.’”

sui•cide (sü′-e-sīd), n. and v. to agree with the opinion of or position taken by a person named Susan. “I’ve heard his side of the story, but it’s suicide with.”

sum•ma•rize (se′-mer-īz), n. and v. to intend or guarantee the fulfillment of an action to be pursued during the months following the June solstice and before the autumnal equinox. “I almost drowned last August, so this summarize gonna learn to swim.”

sum•mer (sem′-er), n. and v. the existence or condition of a subset or part of a group. “Don’t take it personal, Mrs. Herman. Summer cute and summer just plain ugly.”


sum•mit (sem′-et), v. and n. to review a number of thoughts or themes and synthesize them into a single, unifying concept. “Well, to summit all up, Stan’s an idiot.”

sump•tu•ous (sem′-shes), n. and adv. a subset of a group, simply. “Most folks think he’s cool, but sumptuous think he’s a jerk.”

sun•set (sen′-set), n. and v. a male offspring having made a statement. “I never saw it, but my sunset it was the biggest fish he’d ever laid his eyes on.”

su•per (süp′-er), n. and conj. used to indicate a choice between a liquid food made with cooked meats and/or vegetables and another thing. “Super salad?”

Su•per Bowl (süp′-per-bōl), n., prep., and n. a simmered food in liquid stock in relation to each shallow, concave container in which it is served. “It’s only supposed to be one servin’ of Super Bowl.”

sur•re•al (ser-rē′-el), n. and adv. used to formally express enthusiasm to a superior. “Yessir, Sergeant, I’m doin’ good, surreal good.”

sur•round (se-rand′), v. and adv. used to declare that something is or has been in the general vicinity. “We done picked up the scent, so I know it surround here someplace.”

su•shi (sü′-shē), n. and pron. concerning the actions or response of a female in regard to one named Susan. “We were gonna get married, but after I told her about sushi changed her mind.”

su•ture (sü′-cher), v. and n. to invite another to do as he or she pleases. “He said he didn’t want no anesthetic, and I said suture self.”

sweat•er (swet′-er), v. and adj. to be intimidated by something of a female’s. “Don’t sweater rude comments. Just go ahead and ask her out.”



syc•a•more (sik′-e-mr), v. and adv. to direct an attack with something grander than the original. “To scare those bad guys you’re gonna need to sycamore frightening dog on ’em.”

syn•di•cate (sin′-de-kit), v., prep., and n. indicating the location of a thing as enclosed within a container. “He asked me where my shaving things are, and I told him they’ syndicate.”

syn•drome (sin′-drōm), v. and n. to dispatch a female to her place of residence. “If we’re at a bar and the wife gets drunk, I just syndrome.”

syn•the•size (sin′-the-sīz), n. and v. a condition pertaining to a thing’s mass or quantity. “It ain’t the size of the dog in the fight, synthesize of the fight in the dog.”