ud•der (e′-der), adj. referring to any person or thing that is not the one specified. “My kid won’t drink any milk udder than chocolate.”

un•canny (en-kan′-ē), prep. and v. interrogative connecting the abilities of a male to a position over or on top of a particular location. “It’s really weird, but he can’t get uncanny?”

uni•sex (yü′-ne-seks), n. and adj. a phrase used to connect another with any device or item employed for sensual pleasure. “Just me, unisex toy is my idea of a party.”

uni•son (yü′-ne-sen), n. and conj. the person being addressed, plus their male offspring. “Everyone said you was shootin’ blanks, man—I never expected to see unison.”

unit (yü′-nit), n. and v. a phrase connecting the one being addressed to the act of creating a garment or other piece of fabric by using yarn and needles. “Gramma, will unit me a sweater?”

unit•ed (y-nī′-ted), n. and v. a British subject being asked about his status regarding a nonhereditary title for excellent public service and merit. “Hey, united yet?”


up•raise (ep-rāz′), prep. and adj. a vulgar insult to a person named Raymond referring to placing a thing where the sun doesn’t shine. “Up yours, Pete … and while I’m at it, upraise, too!”

uri•nal (yer′-en-el), n. and v. a declaration concerning the current status or location of the person being spoken to. “If you think urinal lot of trouble now, just wait till Daddy gets home.”

urine (yer′-en), n. and v. a statement declaring the predicament of another. “I hate to say it, but if you need to go potty, bud, urine big trouble.”

urol•o•gist (yr-äl′-e-jist), n. and v. a phrase claiming that a group is merely some lesser thing; usually used for the purpose of insult. “Urologist a bunch of sissies!”

uti•lize (yü′-tel-īz), n. and conj. a connecting phrase concerning the speaker, a temporal condition, and the person being spoken to. “I was scared to talk to utilize all grown up.”